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Technology makes the Internet pervasive in American society, and social media is practically a national pastime. Easy to use smartphones and tablets empower the individual—people of every age group—anywhere, anytime. “Mobile” is the watchword of Internet marketing and the primary platform for SM users. Physicians and other healthcare providers have been quick to adopt techno-tools […]

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social media keys on keyboard

Much like applied medical science, the art of social media mastery begins with asking the right questions. Right up front, the question isn’t “IF you should be using social media” in your health care marketing mix. The better question is: “WHICH of the dozens of social media platforms are the best tools for my plan?” […]

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hands flipping coin

In our previous post about the strangest form of Analysis Paralysis, we wrote about doctors and others who seem to enjoy being a healthcare marketing spectator…but they never venture off the sidelines and actually get into the game. From time to time we encounter a similar sort of marketing malady where a physician or administrator […]

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patient Goofy Ruthie image

Among the trending buzzwords in healthcare marketing are labels related to the “consumer decision journey,” patient journey,” or even “purchasing funnel.” The orderly process steps in selecting a healthcare provider begins online with research, awareness and other steps that lead to a provider selection and a new patient appointment. But don’t kid yourself; patients don’t […]

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The non-verbal side of communications is so easily overlooked that…well, it’s often seen but ignored. It doesn’t communicate or it miscommunicates. In the simple routine of a doctor-patient encounter, the physician’s ability to diagnose and treat a medical condition is a major communications exchange. And body language—the gestures, postures, expressions that communicate physical, mental or emotional […]

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Recently I was looking for a new school for one of my daughters. In that process, I phoned one of the prospective organizations—a modern school with a good reputation and a progressive-sounding name. The individual who answered the phone was immediately helpful; even on the phone her obviously winning personality and positive demeanor came through […]

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text on sign that reads "LIES"

Your office door bursts open and a shiny-suit sales person launches his well-worn spiel about the latest-and-greatest advertising opportunity that’s certain to make you and overnight success. Maybe it’s not quite that dramatic, but every medical office has encountered someone selling something…from pens with your name on them to a (supposedly) full service ad agency. And […]

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woman in front of whiteboard

Medical practices—especially specialty practices that need to be assertive in their marketing efforts—generally have three resource options for marketing talent. Depending on the complexity and goals of the marketing effort, the size of the practice and budget, and other considerations, a medical practice will need to draw upon all three options: Healthcare Advertising Agency – […]

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All too often, the love-hate attitude about online physician rating sites comes down to a strong desire by doctors to simply ignore them. Related: 9 Essential Steps to Improve Doctor Ratings Online After all, doctors are too busy to attend to the largely imperfect and unreliable noise and chatter of patient comments. Even the “positive” […]

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I met a doctor recently who appeared to be an advocate of physician marketing. From outward appearances, he seemed to be the kind of marketing-smart champion of ethically and effectively attracting new business to his practice. He said he appreciates, and avidly reads, our Healthcare Success Marketing Insight Newsletter, as well as our blog and […]

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bunny in magician hat

Editor Note: Our guest post today is by Dr. Neil Baum, MD, and is adapted and condensed from his article titled, Doctors and Magicians: What We Can Learn from Wizards, and used with permission.   One of my hobbies is magic and I have found that there are principles in performing magic that apply to […]

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chalkboard desk

The term of art—Level of Care—is familiar throughout healthcare. The words have variations in meaning depending on the context and application—the health insurance world vs. the medical provider world, for example. But generally the words relate to “the intensity of medical care being provided by the physician or health care facility.” [McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern […]

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couple watching TV

From time to time, the subject of television advertising comes up in our work with healthcare providers. What follows, typically, is a little three-act cycle of “rejection,” to “reluctant testing,” to “enthusiastic surprise.” Right up front, I need to say that broadcast television advertising isn’t right for every client situation. There are production and media […]

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TED logo

[First of Two Parts] Pediatric Rheumatologist Dr. Paul Rosen—a regular contributor to our blog—offers insight for doctors about creating a meaningful message in the world-famous TED format…or any public presentation. The challenge for any physician is to discover their personal passion in healthcare, and to stand and deliver a compelling 18-minute talk. “Speech is power. […]

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clock pointing to text reading "time to grow"

[Article Series: An excerpt from a forthcoming book by Mark Tager, MD, and Stewart Gandolf, MBA, for private practice physicians and healthcare administrators about reaching, recruiting and retaining private pay and elective care patients.] The rising tide of consumerism in healthcare is challenging for both the patient and the physician. The patient is now the […]

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"Sorry!" green button

You can probably relate to the idea that any surgical procedure is reasonable cause for a patient to be concerned. But it’s even more upsetting anytime a “revision surgery” might be needed. We encountered something like that in a marketing meeting with a medical practice that had recently completed an exceptionally pretty new website. (For […]

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don't shoot the messenger sign

Economists and other experts will champion the positive implications of competition in business. Be it hard products or intangible services, competition in the marketplace tends to benefit both the consumer and the enterprise with purchase options, innovation, price/cost influences and other considerations. As we all know, competition in healthcare was one of the driving factors […]

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No Ads sign

Fear. Risk. Rationalization. It’s likely that we have not heard all the reasons that doctors DO NOT advertise. Perhaps only a million or so. For one thing, the list of "not doing marketing" is nearly endless. Secondly, the doctors and healthcare professionals who we talk to most often have left that old-school thinking behind and have squared-off […]

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man wrestling bear

During the past five to 10 years, competition among healthcare providers has gone from fairly benign or annoyingly disruptive to a painful upheaval. From hospitals and health systems to solo practitioners, the competitive landscape has changed—correction, continues to change—rapidly. And one of the most significant factors that many doctors find especially scary is the staggering […]

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angry man yelling

A successful office manager who we admire and respect once told us that there are three main components to her job. The first is to assure the delivery of a top-notch patient experience. The clinical care and treatment, of course, was mainly in the hands of the doctor. But just about everything else—staffing, administration, and […]

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text reading "Content"

Marketing in any industry is a tricky endeavor. When it comes to your own practice or an independent clinic where gaining and maintaining a customer’s trust is paramount, the task is especially challenging. And when we’re talking about the marketing of content, that challenging task becomes even more difficult, due not only to the ongoing need […]

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chess figures boxing

On an intellectual level, many doctors acknowledge the revolutionary rise of competition in healthcare. But some individuals and medical groups underestimate the shocking reality of what active and aggressive competition means in business today. Some provider organizations find themselves rapidly losing business and needing to market as never before. A large specialty practice, for example, […]

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hospital brand steps drawing

Ask a dozen people for a definition of “brand” or “branding,” and the odds are that they will talk about a logo. Maybe it's a trick question because the word “brand” can be a noun or a verb, or in the narrow context of marketing, it can have yet another meaning. Compared to the retail and […]

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Mother and daughter posing happily on blue fuzzy background

Pediatric Rheumatologist and thought leader Dr. Paul Rosen—a regular contributor to our blog—talks doctor-to-doctor about why pediatricians and other providers should care about, and connect with, the “mommy bloggers.” Who are the mommy bloggers? Every pediatrician across the country—as well as family physicians and other specialists—should be asking themselves this question…and consider the benefits of […]

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text reading "communications skills"

Of course, everyone in healthcare has a command of “communications skills.” Doctors, nurses, medical staff, administrators and office employees…everyone “communicates” with patients and co-workers. The trouble is…sometimes ya ain’t so good at it. Good or bad, interpersonal communications can be verbal or non-verbal, express subtle or obvious ideas, and/or be filled with medical jargon. Although […]

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finger tattoos spelling out "hire" and "fire"

When youthful enchantment with “rat tats,” tribal geometry and dolphin tattoos fades, it fuels a marketing gateway for hospitals, dermatologists and other removal providers. Somewhere around one in five Americans have tattoos, but as the population grows older (and perhaps wiser), “tattoo regret” begins to set in for many people. Typically, about 10 to 15 […]

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acquire, serve, retain circle text

Sometimes, the retail world provides a useful Internal Marketing lesson for doctors or medical practices. Consider, for example, the considerable “customer retention” effort that we’ve all seen in magazine subscription marketing. At one time or another, you and I have been the target audience, and we know how it goes. First, an initial subscription to a national magazine is […]

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email marketing key

Perhaps the most revealing thing about email marketing is evidenced by the smartphone that you have in your hand right now. Smartphones now account for 80 percent of the mobile phone market, and IDC Research says that 80 percent of those folks--likely both you and I--checked email before their first cup of morning coffee—or anything else […]

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horse pulling cart

The idiom, “Don’t put the cart before the horse,” might have originated a couple thousand years ago. And roughly 500 years ago, the expression was a common figure of speech during the Renaissance. But as recently as last week, the age-old problem of putting things in the wrong order is, quite unfortunately, still alive and well...and […]

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man with head in sand

OK, I realize that professional football’s Super Bowl is behind us, and baseball's spring training remains a distant vision of warmer weather. But here’s a useful bit of insight about competition that applies to winning in healthcare marketing. Faithful followers of the Great American Pastime will recognize the term “Defensive Indifference.” It’s a slightly obscure tactic […]

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marketing data page on iPad device

About the only thing that’s certain in healthcare delivery is that constant change will continue. And that, unfortunately, makes everyone’s marketing assumptions suspect. Keeping pace with a shifting landscape makes it more challenging to  market a medical practice. Here are a few important-but-independent observations, factoids and tips that crossed our radar. Consider how each item—maybe all of […]

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red envelope icon

Most hospitals and medical practices recognize that email plays an important role in nearly every marketing plan. For some, it’s a “heavy lifter” tactic that is used in support of many goals. In other situations, email supports larger strategies. We know from experience that—done correctly—email is a powerful marketing and advertising tool. Unfortunately, some plans […]

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football on field

As a business owner who completed his undergraduate work at OSU—the Ohio State CFP Championship win was an inspiration to me. College football can be exciting, but Ohio State’s underdog victory over the Oregon Ducks (42-20) illustrated some important principles about success for doctors and business owners. Even if you’re a fan of Oregon, Wisconsin, […]

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once upon a time sign

Not long ago a colleague of mine met separately with two different doctors about the continuing sciatica pain they were experiencing. The first doctor quickly produced a ready-made patient instruction sheet, commenting (every-so-briefly) about the benefits of weight loss, diet and exercise. (It was a minimalist “do-this-and-call-me” message that had no sticking power, and the message all […]

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doctor talking to patient

Mastery of effective communications skills in a busy medical practice is not limited to doctor-patient interaction. After all, only a fraction of the patient’s time in a typical office visit is with the provider. And the majority of their time is with…everyone else. Verbal communications skills are particularly vital to every face-to-face encounter. Virtually everyone in […]

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thought leadership symbol

Almost by definition, doctors are leaders. And successful doctors are also thought leaders. We are fortunate in our work with hospitals and medical practices to know many leaders, thought leaders and influential thought leaders among the ranks of professionals. More than a few in this group are good clients. And, I’m pleased to say, many […]

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man silhouette with long nose

 We see this all the time and it drives us nuts. Hospital executives and doctors—people who are experts in their own profession—don’t have a good test for qualifying outside marketing help. And without a guide, would-be “marketers,” with limited real-world experience and knowledge, are hired for the wrong reasons. This is the first in a series […]

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Clear trends in physician reviews and consumer purchase decision patterns have emerged for healthcare marketing professionals. A physician’s online presence may soon become a necessity to attract and retain patients, according to practice management research group Software Advice's 2014 survey of over 4,600 US healthcare consumers. But, compared to the previous year’s survey, the trend […]

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"Warning: affordable healthcare" sign

The fast-approaching New Year is shaping up to be even more challenging for many doctors and patients as well. In a market already strapped by a growing doctor shortage, a new report by the Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) forecasts nearly 25 percent of doctors may turn their back on Affordable Care Act (ACA) plans […]

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text on computer reading 'What are they saying about you?"

Healthcare’s new breed of informed consumer—today’s prospective patient—is making important decisions about choosing a provider long before your office phone rings for an appointment. Physicians and marketing professionals understand that the early competitive battleground for attracting new patients has gone digital, where online reputation is more important to consumers than your 12-page Curriculum Vitae. Internet […]

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coyote marketing symbol

Throughout the year I have the opportunity to speak with groups of doctors about marketing. I thoroughly enjoy the intellectual exchange with smart people, particularly when the topic is advancing the business side of their practice. Putting aside the poster presentations and beyond sharing clinical info that dominates professional meetings, doctors—usually successful practitioners—are eager to […]

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hands reaching out laptop with first aid kit

Today, nearly anyone with online access can see a doctor or healthcare professional immediately. No appointment, no travel, no waiting, no hassle. A computer, smartphone or tablet increasingly connects patients and providers via live, two-way video consultation—24/7/365. What’s more, the typical insurance co-pay is relatively low, and for some people, employers cover the cost. This […]

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Healthcare marketing professionals know what the retail-world textbook says about customers. Substitute “patient” for “customer” or “consumer” to realize how healthcare’s new swing from provider-centric to patient-centric is much more significant than a smile and warm welcome. Your relationship with healthcare’s new empowered consumer is vital element in revenue and profitability. Acquiring a new customer […]

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doctor holding chat box

Occasionally, I get a little push-back from doctors who challenge my advice saying: “I don’t need an ‘elevator speech.’ Everyone knows who I am, I’m not pitching investors, and I’m not ‘networking.’ Besides, it sounds phony and I’d never use it.” That's not from everyone, of course. Many professionals know about the "quick message" technique, […]

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"get flu shot" written on post it

Perhaps the idea of promoting “flu shots” isn’t particularly “glamorous” in healthcare marketing. Some doctor’s offices, healthcare providers (and marketing professionals) consider vaccinations and immunizations as ordinary and routine as remembering to turning off the lights at night. Nobody gives it much thought. Preventative care and patient wellbeing are at the top of the list, […]

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Nordstrom store

For the sake of a convenient label, let’s call it the Nordstrom Syndrome. Doctors of various professional disciplines come to me, with some regularity, exhibiting symptoms of this (marketing) condition, and they want my business advice. It’s the first of two valuable marketing lessons that doctors can learn from retail stalwart Nordstrom. Lesson One… Physicians […]

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stop sign reading "Risk"

Physicians, as a rule, tend to be risk adverse. The science base of healthcare, combined with training, continuing education, and experience in practice, can make medical risk manageable. Doctors—who are also owners, entrepreneurs, and the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)—tend to be especially risk adverse on the business side of healthcare. Success in marketing and advertising, […]

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text reading "benefits" under microscope

A little good-natured kidding comes up around the office about how much traveling I do. Of course, that’s only when I’m actually in the office and not on the road visiting clients throughout the nation. (Well…every state except for one.) With the non-stop changes that are happening in healthcare, I love being shoulder-to-shoulder with clients, […]

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animated photo book collage page

Baby pictures have a nearly universal “human touch” appeal. On the social media scale of cuteness, engagement and share-ability, babies, kids and grandkids are right up there in popularity with images of “grumpy cat,” playful puppy dogs, and ice bucket videos. But evidently “cute” has its limits when baby pictures are publically posted—as they commonly […]

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paper reading "care = empathy"

Doctors and patients have adopted new roles for themselves in the healthcare delivery system in the wake of healthcare reform. The “new normal” for patients includes a stronger and more proactive participation in personal health matters. More than ever, the role of the patient is that of an informed consumer. And as patient-centered care has become the […]

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