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5 healthcare consumerism shifts crucial for marketing

Major Healthcare Consumerism Shifts You Need to Embrace Now for Marketing

Healthcare consumerism isn’t just “coming.” It’s already here.  What’s more, healthcare consumerism means big changes for healthcare organizations and officially ushers in a new era of the patient experience.   Are you modernizing your business to meet your patients' changing needs and expectations? If not, you’re already falling behind. In today’s blog post, I share some […]
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How to build a fruitful partnership with your healthcare marketing agency

How to Build a Fruitful Partnership with Your Healthcare Marketing Agency

Building a cohesive marketing strategy that supports your long-term business goals takes collaboration, time, and expertise—not to mention continuous oversight and optimization.  Hiring a marketing agency is an excellent option, especially when you need specialized expertise or simply don’t have the necessary resources available.  The challenge? Not every agency-client relationship is fruitful. And some can […]
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Best of 2021

Best of 2021: 14 Insights from Healthcare Marketing Experts

As 2021 comes to a close, we have a gift for you -- a roundup of the best advice on our blog from this past year. It’s been a pleasure working with and interviewing so many experienced marketing professionals. Whether colleagues or team members, these experts are the people who bring this blog to life […]
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5 Most important trends shaping healthcare marketing in 2022

5 Most Important Healthcare Marketing Trends in 2022

A large part of how we plan our marketing strategies involves taking into account predicted trends for the upcoming year.  Looking back at my predictions for 2020, I'm intrigued by the speed at which some of these projections materialized.  As we look forward to a new year in marketing, I know the competition will be […]
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How to measure and optimize healthcare content performance

How to Measure and Optimize Healthcare Content Performance

As a leader of a healthcare organization, you’re focused on achieving your business goals.  So how does content fit in? Ideally, it should support your primary goals.  Today’s best content marketing is aligned with business goals and drives profitable action. What’s more, marketing teams can demonstrate how content contributes to business goals.  If the business […]
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Branding checklist for multilocation practices

Branding Checklist for Multilocation Providers: 7 Things to Consider Before You Start

While branding can be difficult for virtually any type of organization, it’s often especially challenging for multilocation healthcare providers. We know this from experience. You see, most of our clients are multilocation healthcare businesses. We have worked with health systems, hospitals, practices, retail locations, urgent cares, ASCs, addiction treatment centers, and long-term care facilities. When […]
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how to build a living brand

3 Tips to Building a Living Brand that Endures Online

How does a healthcare brand stay relevant in the digital age? How do you expand your reach and increase engagement on social media? And, how do you remain relevant to new generations of customers -- all while staying true to your brand identity? Spoiler: You don’t do it by compromising who you are.  The only […]
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how to select the right content types

How to Choose the Right Healthcare Content Types for Your Marketing Message

A strong content marketing strategy includes a plan for picking the right assets for the job. While you might have worked hard to develop a brand message, the medium you tell that story through is just as important. But how do you know if you should create a blog post or a web page? Do […]
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Build your brand with live and virtual healthcare events

Build Your Brand With Live and Virtual Healthcare Events

Live events can be a core part of the marketing strategy for healthcare systems, hospitals and multilocation practices. But, as we all know, the last few years have challenged how we market and serve our clients -- especially when it comes to live events.  I was recently invited to co-lead a webinar about events with […]
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healthcare content marketing strategy

How to Build a Healthcare Content Marketing Strategy: A 10-Step Guide

When done correctly, healthcare content can build trust and turn people into lifelong supporters of your brand. At the same time, creating superior health or wellness content can be challenging. It should always be engaging, informative, technically accurate, and compliant. The difficulty only increases when you want to produce amazing content regularly and within budget.  […]
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Headshot of Johnny Smith, Vice President of Marketing Services at Encompass Health

5 Steps to Creating a Breakthrough Healthcare Brand with Low Consumer Awareness

Read the summary of our latest podcast, featuring Johnny A. Smith Jr. of Encompass Health and Stewart Gandolf of Healthcare Success.
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7 most common ppc mistakes in healthcare

How to Avoid the 7 Most Common Paid Search Mistakes in Healthcare

Our paid search experts share the seven most common PPC mistakes in healthcare and how to avoid them. Read now.
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Desktop computer with the word Wellness on the screen.

6 Key Healthcare Trends Emerging from the Pandemic

Discover six key healthcare trends emerging from the pandemic, according to a podcast interview with Darwin Research Group.
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Doctor working at a computer.

Digital Marketing to Physicians: How to Capture the Attention of Today’s Time-Constrained HCPs

In this guide, learn best practices for digital marketing to physicians, including tips on capturing the attention of today’s busy HCPs.
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Female CEO posing for a photo with the office building and river behind her.

A CEO's Guide to Hospital Marketing Strategies: 7 Wins You Should Expect from Your Investment

In part one of the CEO’s Guide to Hospital Marketing Strategies, learn seven wins to expect from your investment, including a positive ROI.
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A couple sitting on the sofa with a laptop featuring a telehealth appointment.

How to Market Your Telehealth Services

Get expert tips on how to market your telehealth services online and beat your competition.
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We can do this campaign.

How Doctors and Hospitals Can Help Defeat COVID-19 Vaccine Resistance and Misinformation

Doctors and hospitals can educate patients on the safety and importance of COVID-19 vaccines. Learn how to craft your message.
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A shopping cart

How to Create a Strong Hospital Brand that Attracts the Modern Consumer

Discover five ways to build a strong hospital brand for the modern healthcare consumer and reach your target audience.
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Digital health readout

How to Prepare for Google’s Upcoming User Experience Update

Learn about the May 2021 Google Page experience update to prepare your site with Core Web Vitals metrics.
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Google E-A-T and Healthcare Content: How to Deliver the Quality Google Demands

Learn Google’s high standards for content, including how to demonstrate Google E-A-T for healthcare content.
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Computer will illustrated rocked ship taking of with the words SEO underneath

These 7 Technical SEO Problems Can Cripple Your Website’s Visibility on Google

Discover 7 of the most common technical SEO issues found in healthcare websites in order of importance.
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A woman sitting at her desk being handed a variety of tasks.

The Latest Physician Liaison Strategies for Building Doctor Referrals

Get expert advice on today’s latest physician liaison strategies to build doctor referrals.
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Multiple old school red phones hanging from the ceiling.

How to Structure Your Healthcare Call Center for Success

Healthcare call center best practices to improve patient experience. Discover how to develop effective contact center strategies for your healthcare organization.
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An illustration of men and women standing around a giant vaccine bottle and needle

How to Create an Effective COVID-19 Vaccine Communication Strategy for Your Patients

Learn how to craft an effective communication strategy for COVID-19 vaccines for patients in healthcare practices and medical organizations.
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Photos of young women at a sporting event

Sports Marketing and Sponsorships for Healthcare Brands

Learn about sports sponsorship opportunities. Healthcare Success shares four sports marketing strategies for healthcare brands to increase brand awareness and grow their practice.
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Dr. Hassan Tetteh

[Podcast] The Art of Human Care

I recently had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Hassan Tetteh, a US navy captain, associate professor of surgery of the uniformed services at the University of Health Sciences and adjunct faculty of Howard University College of Medicine. He was also a Robert Wood Johnson Health Policy Fellow from 2012 to 2013 and a visiting […]
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Darlene Dobry

Is COVID the Rx for the Pharmaceutical Industry's Reputation?

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to bring the world's economies, healthcare systems, and communities to their knees, the Pharma industry appears to be the shining hope to help us return to a new normal. Could the industry's response to this global public health crisis be the Rx for its tarnished reputation? The Pharma industry has […]
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Photo of James Merlino, MD

[Podcast] How Cleveland Clinic Helps Employers Create a Safer Workplace During COVID-19

Despite having entered the U.S. more than eight months ago, COVID-19 remains a health topic enshrouded in confusion, conflicting information, hyperbole, and even conspiracy theories. Everyone, informed or not, seems to have an opinion about the Coronavirus pandemic. Fortunately, healthcare systems, hospitals, and medical services providers are uniquely qualified to fill the educational void and assert […]
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Photo of Jay Geer

[Podcast] Hospital Crisis Management and Healthcare PR in the Age of COVID-19

I (Stewart) love what I do in large part because of the smart people I continually get to meet and befriend. Jay Geer is another case in point. Perhaps ten years ago, his (then) assistant James Chisum reached out to me and said, “You have to meet Jay Geer. He is THE hospital PR guy, […]
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Why healthcare should care about OTT advertising

Why Healthcare Should Care about OTT Advertising

Connected TV, also called over-the-top media streaming, describes a new frontier for ad targeting and marketing campaigns. These terms are relatively new for businesses of all sizes, and healthcare organizations in particular have been slow to act on its opportunities. That’s why it’s a better time than ever for healthcare marketers to consider OTT marketing […]
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How to find and select the ideal healthcare marketing agency

[Podcast] How to Find and Select the Ideal Healthcare Marketing Agency: 8 Smart Steps

What’s the best way to choose a healthcare marketing agency? While I (Stewart) have plenty of ideas about the process of picking the best healthcare marketing agency for your hospital, medical practice, or healthcare network, I thought it would be valuable to ask my friend and venerable colleague, Ed Bennett, to share his opinions during our […]
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Healthcare Success Blog image

[Podcast] How to Adjust Your Creative Strategies In Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic?

COVID-19 has been a life-changing event for us all. It's the kind of event that has lasting effects on people that we can't even truly see just yet. We've thrust an entire population into a cycle of grief that is ubiquitous but unique to every person. How will the healthcare consumer, patient, and caregivers' needs, […]
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Animated graphic of people with face masks on

How Are Healthcare Consumers Responding to COVID/the Coronavirus Pandemic?

A “new normal” is emerging in healthcare for both providers and patients. Healthcare industry leaders and medical marketing professionals constantly struggle to keep pace with changes. We all have the challenge of adjusting to pandemic demands and shifting consumer attitudes. Some questions are emerging: What do healthcare patients want and expect in a post-pandemic world? […]
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Square image - Covid-19

Addiction Treatment Center Marketing Webinar: How to Adjust Now and After COVID

 We have never seen an addiction treatment marketing landscape as the one that continues to evolve due to COVID-19. While some substance abuse and behavioral health centers are withdrawing from marketing, others are increasing their budgets to take advantage of the void in the recovery marketplace. While some centers are struggling to keep up […]
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How to Rebuild Your Medical Practice Now and After COVID-19 | Square Image

Webinar: How to Rebuild Your Medical Practice Now and After COVID-19

The following webinar was sponsored by the American Osteopathic Association and took place Thursday, May 7. Almost every osteopathic practice has experienced financial loss due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and many are reeling. Fortunately, there are many marketing and communications strategies you and your team can implement to help protect your practice now and prepare […]
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Free Webinar | Digital Marketing to Reach Doctors Now and After COVID-19

Digital Marketing to Reach Doctors Now and After COVID-19

Stewart GandolfCEO, Healthcare Success While some doctors are overwhelmingly busy due to the COVID-19 pandemic, others currently have far more time available than usual. Meanwhile, many healthcare organizations still need to communicate with their customers and referring doctors, even though face-to-face meetings are presently impossible. When you attend this webinar, you’ll discover: How to communicate […]
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Logo for the American Vein and lymphatic society

Vein Practice Marketing Strategies to Implement Now

Marketing Strategies to Implement Now For Your Vein Practice A Webinar Sponsored by the American Vein and Lymphatic Society COVID-19 has caused massive economic disruption to virtually every kind of business, including vein practices. Which marketing strategies should you begin now, and which should you implement in the coming months as the crisis slowly subsides? […]
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Doctor performing telemedicine and telehealth with laptop, tablet and cell phone

Telemedicine & Telehealth Emerge as Medical Marketing Opportunities During COVID

March 17, 2020, may well be remembered as the day the telemedicine revolution finally took off. Telemedicine and Telehealth's adoption, fast-tracked by Coronavirus/COVID, will create profound changes in how healthcare services are provided — while also spawning new healthcare marketing opportunities. Earlier last month, in the interest of public safety, the federal government largely removed two […]
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Graphic of COVID-19 webinar

COVID Healthcare Marketing Questions: Pause, Pivot, or Push Forward

COVID Healthcare Marketing Webinar COVID-19 has changed the healthcare industry quicker in the last two weeks than in the last 50 years. With medical practices temporarily shutting down and elective procedures put on hold, what should healthcare networks and healthcare specialists do with their marketing campaigns' strategies? To answer this important question for healthcare marketers, […]
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Doctor sitting at desk with cell phone in hand

Coronavirus: 5 Ways You Can Use Social Media and Digital Marketing to Help the Public During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Today I am going to share some important ways that doctors, hospitals and healthcare marketers can use social media to inform the public during the COVID-19 crisis. Priority One: Use social media to convince people to comply with social distancing, and consequently help us all, “flatten the curve!” The US Surgeon General, Dr. Jerome Adams, […]
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Stewart Gandolf, CEO, Healthcare Success photo

COVID-19: Healthcare Marketing Adjustments To Make in Response to Coronavirus

Our team at Healthcare Success is currently advising clients about how they should adjust their marketing efforts in response to the COVID-19 national emergency, and I thought I would share some of our thinking with readers like you as well. These are fast-changing and confusing times. Remember, SXSW was canceled on March 6.  By March 9, […]
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Notebook with the words content marketing written across the paper

Success Tips for Truly Great Healthcare Content Marketing

We are not trying to be self-congratulatory when we say: “we know a thing or two” about healthcare content marketing. We have a little history. From nearly the first day of business at Healthcare Success (in 2006), we have been producing educational healthcare content materials for our readers. And that was long before someone coined […]
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Can Pandora, Spotify, and iHeart target Healthcare Patients with laser precision? | Square Image

Can Pandora, Spotify and iHeart target Healthcare Patients with laser precision?

If you haven’t considered digital audio for healthcare marketing, it’s time to put it on your list. The big players include Pandora, Spotify, and iHeart. They deliver both music and talk, streaming and on demand across a wide range of interactive channels. As mobile devices have proliferated, so, too has digital audio. It reaches at […]
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Doctors sitting around a table discussing their work

Why Your Healthcare Business is Your Best Healthcare Marketing Investment

Should You Invest In Healthcare Marketing Expertise? Our work brings us in daily contact with healthcare professionals around the nation. To a person, these operating executives, healthcare administrators, managers, and doctors are justifiably proud of their professional achievements. But, there are times when their marketing simply isn’t working…when the stakes are high…or when competition seems […]
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Person holding an iPhone and looking at a bunch of social media apps

The Problem with Self-Serving Social Media in Healthcare

Is your Healthcare Social Media too self-serving? Social media is a hot topic for healthcare marketers, though navigating the various channels isn’t always easy. Most people have experience sharing on social media, so it may seem that posting for your healthcare organization would be simple enough. However, this leads a lot of companies to have […]
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A series of mathematical equations representing the Google algorithm

A Major Change for Healthcare SEO in 2020 | Healthcare Marketing

Over the years, we’ve alerted our Healthcare clients and industry colleagues to a few major updates that could affect their healthcare SEO (search engine optimization) rankings. Google makes updates to its search algorithms all the time—but only a few stand out as having the potential for a major impact on your presence in the search […]
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Woman video calling a doctor on her tablet and cell phone with medical testing data.

What You Need to Know About Phygital: More than a Buzzword

Introducing PHYGITAL: It’s More than a Marketing Buzzword OK…we admit that it’s a freshly-minted word, but PHYGITAL recognizes an increasingly useful trend in marketing. PHYGITAL refers to a crossover of the physical (PHY-) and the digital (-GITAL) aspects of the brand experience.The majority of today’s consumers shop online and in “brick-and-mortar” locations, and those two […]
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computer used for healthcare marketing 2019

How to Build a Healthcare Brand for Millennials (and why you must)

The Core Concept of Branding Is Positive Differentiation A brand is the total experience that a customer has with your product, service or company. Many medical practices, hospitals and other healthcare resources have, until recently, misunderstood —- or simply dismissed—the MILLENNIAL GENERATION. Definitions will vary, but the Pew Research Center provides the most authoritative characterization […]
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1040 tax form surrounded by a calculator, pen and glasses

Prepaying Your Marketing Expenses Just Might Reduce Your Next Tax Bill

Every December, we like to remind our clients and readers of a simple way to save taxes in the current tax year, while investing in their business’s growth for the subsequent year. If your business pays taxes on a cash basis, it is likely you could reduce your tax bill(s) by prepaying marketing (and other) […]
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The Eye For Pharma logo

[Podcast] Patient-Centric Care: Does the Doctor Know Best?

If you’ve been listening or reading along with us, then you know we’ve covered a number of discussions in preparation for a panel discussion about patient-centric care at the 2019 Eye for Pharma conference. Lynn Nye, CEO of Medical Minds, moderated and co-sponsored the panel with me. Held in Philadelphia on April 17, 2019, the […]
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