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colorful figures standing on red target

Almost everyone with experience in physician marketing recognizes that word-of-mouth (WOM) advertising is (a) highly desirable, but (b) not an easy thing to inspire. After all, it’s far easier and more reliable to purchase time or space in the media and create a medical practice advertisement.

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3 arrows going through, over, and under brick wall

Owners and leaders of the most accomplished and admired healthcare practices rarely achieve their success accidentally. This is just as true in the broader scope...including healthcare organizations, hospitals and related businesses such as pharmaceutical and medical device companies.

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surprised woman looking in gift bag

What’s the worst holiday gift idea that you've ever seen given to a doctor’s office? What’s the best? We’d like to hear from you on this one. Right about now, medical practice administrators, physician liaison people, practice ambassadors,  physicians and hospital marketing executives are ramping up for the annual ritual of holiday gift giving. And there’s no […]

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Business people standing with question mark on boards

Here's one of several critical medical advertising mistakes that doctors and hospitals make every day. For any number of reasons, they—meaning you—may be blind to the competition. Consider this to be a reality check. Do you see yourself anywhere in the following picture? For one thing, doctors rarely like to think of their professional colleagues […]

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Mayo Clinic logo

The Mayo Clinic Social Media gathering earlier this month made the kind of “thought leader” splash that you might expect. Mayo Clinic is a first class organization, and not surprisingly, much of the inspiring chatter and posts about social media was easily found on…well, various social media channels. The Twitter stream flowing from the Mayo […]

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road caution sign

As we continue to read about the growing trend in large scale hospital layoffs, it’s tough to think of the big picture as merely a period of “reduced economic activity.” Virtually every hospital marketing communications, advertising and public relations team in the nation knows about tighter budgets, scarce resources and fewer people. And they are […]

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You're more likely to hear about "The Hawthorne Effect" on a TV game show than in a hospital marketing staff meeting. The name of this management concept is a bit obscure, but you may already be working for you. So what the heck is "The Hawthorne Effect," and how can it help hospital and healthcare […]

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smashed cigarette

Our readers tell us that they love to look over the shoulder of others. It’s a high priority to get a peek at what colleagues (and competitors) are doing in medical marketing. Today’s “video roundup” is a widely diverse sampling of US and international healthcare marketing messages. Influencing Patient Behavior: Video can be a medium […]

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By definition, your healthcare advertising agency is a partnership arrangement. Choose this business associate carefully; it's not an ordinary vendor or supplier resource. You're not buying latex gloves or file folders here. You're hiring a trusted professional colleague that understands your business and your growth goals. If you are buying "creative services" or "website design" […]

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grey male figure with green dollar sign on head

For anyone willing to believe the “authoritative sources,” the Great Recession ended a little more than two years ago. We’re having trouble finding anyone who believes it’s all behind us; including (perhaps especially) doctors, hospitals and other medical professionals. A lot of healthcare providers feel the recession is still impacting them directly. This financial fact […]

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patch logo

Here’s something to add to your list of local news media. It’s called, it’s new and it probably belongs on your hospital or medical practice advertising and public relations media list. Patch—which creates a dedicated local news presence in upscale communities—calls itself “your source for local knowledge you can’t live without.” Patch isn’t everywhere […]

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Video camera pictured on film reel

Here’s another way to use video in your online healthcare SEO marketing and advertising. Regular readers appreciate that we often write about using video on your website and in other medical marketing applications. Video is a useful, versatile and cost effective method to carry your marketing message or make your advertising point.

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event attendees in Miami

Community outreach promotions for a charitable cause is a channel for healthcare marketing—particularly for hospital public relations—to connect with the local citizenry. From South Florida to Canada, here are three attention-getting promotional efforts. All made a publicity splash for a good cause. First, we found Miami Children’s Hospital Foundation embracing the mantra: “bald, brave, beautiful.” […]

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1950's reporter equipment

Now and then, something really unpleasant happens at a hospital, medical center or even at a medical practice, and “bad news” abounds. Unflattering headlines and stories flow, and negative hospital public impressions and perceptions have administrators reaching for the extra large bottles of Pepto-Bismol. What if something like this hit the fan in your facility? […]

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signs reading "Right Decision" and "Wrong Decision"

Hospital Marketing is Changing >In the 21st Century, hospital marketers have been exploring a new sales approach for today’s consumer/patient. There has been an explosion of product choices and digital channels, coupled with the emergence of an increasingly discerning, well-informed patient, forcing all hospitals to navigate a much more complicated marketing, advertising and sales environment. […]

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The medical marketing landscape has changed dramatically over the past decade. Although some physician, surgeon and provider markets will differ somewhat, we find this to be true across the board. One key difference would be how sharply the competitive forces in hospital marketing and medical practice advertising have shifted and intensified. More than ever before, […]

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doctor leaping over boulders

The Center for Studying Health System Change (HSC) took another look at the shift of physician employment from private practice to hospital employment. The top-line observations are not too surprising: Physicians are looking for security and hospitals are looking for increased market share, referrals and admissions. But, the study observes, this mutual attraction doesn’t assure […]

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3D Text reading "brand" with arrows

The U.S. Department of Labor Statistics notes that as many as 50 percent of all businesses do not have a marketing plan. And from the same source: Over 90 percent of all businesses without a marketing plan fail within their second year. A correlation? Of course there is! The old adage: Businesses that fail to […]

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Photo of Steve Jobs

Less than a month ago the business news of the day was dominated by Steve Jobs' announcement that he was stepping down as CEO of Apple Inc. A few days later, he was on the cover of Newsweek, headlined: American Genius, Steve Jobs, How He Changed Our World. Both iPhones and iPads are so popular […]

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"read this now" button

No Call to Action is No Ad at All.  Often the humble “call to action” is only two or three words. But if it’s forgotten, it can make a surprising difference in the effectiveness of healthcare marketing messages. Leave out the critical call to action in doctor advertising and medical practice marketing and the advertisement […]

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cans connected by a string

There’s yet another survey out recently that suggests how some surgeons could use the help of communications professionals and training when it comes to doctor-patient communications. Last month’s findings—published in the August issue of the Archives of Surgery—points to the fact that surgeons lack formal training in how to deliver bad news to patients. Effective […]

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Right up front we need to say that there aren't any absolute "guarantees" about results in hospital advertising, or healthcare marketing for that matter. At best, you can use proven strategies and tactics, draw on professional experience and take other practical safeguards to minimize risk. But guarantees? Steer clear of anyone who offers you that […]

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golden egg in egg basket

The big-picture objectives of the “Bundled Payments” initiative seem worthy: “Better Health, Better Care, Lower Costs.” But we have to wonder if hospital marketing and advertising will find itself answering patient concerns about trusting their wellbeing to a “lowest bidder” system? Under a pilot program announced recently by the Department of Health and Human Services, […]

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What does a Twitter-based contest at the University of Iowa have in common with hospital marketing? For Tweet success, be sharp. The college essay readers at this institution were so overwhelmed with seeing students’ heavily edited essays from their parents or plagiarized essay themes that they did something a bit drastic. They created a full […]

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green check with words reading "success"

Editor's Note: Healthcare Success was pleased to contribute to this feature profile of Magna Health Systems for publication in SurgiStrategies magazine. This article provides a close-up look at the marketing activities at one of Chicago's leading outpatient surgical centers, examining their work with and for surgeons, as well as their weight loss outreach direct to […]

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Doctor drawing heart

We need to devote a few lines in recognition of the volunteer efforts of healthcare providers, medical industry corporations and hospitals everywhere that do good things for their community. In the world of doctor and physician marketing and advertising, our post today is about the new mobile medical clinic of the Puget Sound Christian Clinic […]

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Google—the giant in online search—is too big to ignore. Anything Google does is going to make a giant splash in both search and social media for healthcare and medical practice marketing. The introduction of Google Plus is one of those major events that Internet savvy practitioners, social media sensitive hospitals, and medical marketing executives can’t […]

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You may be able to fund your marketing plan without spending another dime, simply by slashing waste. Your healthcare marketing budget goes further with advertising media that's hungry for your business. Medical advertising dollars can produce better results if you know where to find the media bargains and how to negotiate in an extraordinary buyer's […]

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chester hospital building

Many hospital marketing, advertising and public relations programs actively reach into the community. Here are two hospital programs that we spotted in the field recently. Although they are two totally different approaches to community relations, they both promote good health and demonstrate civic pride and involvement.

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The deceptively simple concept of “breaking bread” is actually a powerful healthcare marketing tool. It’s an idea that seemingly has little connection with hospital or medical practice marketing. But the reality is that people bond over food, and here is how physicians, administrators, physician liaison representatives and others can make more effective use of “food […]

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two 3D red hearts

From the nation’s heartland to the big city, here are two “healthy heart” illustrations of healthcare marketing at work. Avera Heart Hospital Marketing and PR Thinks Mega Some things are larger than life in South Dakota. For example, Avera Heart Hospital in Sioux Falls has a big heart and knows how to make a big impression […]

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iPads in use for medical purposes

At its unveiling in April 2010, Apple predicted that the use of the iPad by medical professionals would change the face of healthcare, ultimately providing multiple ways to promote hospital marketing and public relations. The latest count by Apple shows over 25 million tablets have been sold (first 14 months); more than 15 million iPad 2's […]

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From a hospital wedding to rockin’ oncologists to disco-beat CPR, here’s a quick roundup of noteworthy medical marketing and PR ideas that promote a healthy message of awareness. First, the “nobody wants to miss the wedding” department…

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hands reaching out laptop with first aid kit

For centuries, doctors made house calls to patients’ homes. Except in some rural communities, these visits have become about as practical as using mustard plasters to promote respiratory health. In today’s world, telemedicine increasingly enables doctor-patient communications in two different places for a high-tech house call. Telemedicine is also a great “hook” for hospital marketing […]

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stack of newspaper

When healthcare makes news, journalists—both print and broadcast—want quotes and sound bites that give their stories more excitement, interest and depth. Physicians and surgeons are often sought by the media as authoritative sources for “quote-able” quotes and interesting sound bites. And that’s a sterling opportunity for medical practice marketing and PR to stand in the […]

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child holding megaphone

How can your hospital marketing and advertising efforts communicate quality care when your patients may not fully understand your health information, advertising, letters, brochures, and social network messages? As America increasingly becomes a myriad of cultures, it’s a growing challenge to include a range of languages, cultures and customs. To compound that headache, according to […]

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animated dog image

From time to time we spot hospital marketing and public relations examples in the field that you might like. Here are two with the “can’t miss” combo of kids and/or dogs. Spotlight: St. Louis Children’s Hospital. When therapy dogs make the rounds in the hospital’s cancer wing it makes for a compelling story. Not only […]

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hands in giving position

This headline really grabbed us: Rude Surgeons Hurt Patients, Increase Costs. It’s about a study with internal hospital and medical practice PR implications that can’t be good. (Let’s hope this doesn’t sound familiar to you. “Those [surgeons] who berate their staffs are practicing 'bad medicine,' experts say,” according to the item in this month’s issue of […]

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white figure holding light bulb

Healthcare delivery isn’t exactly like Gene Roddenberry envisioned it on the Star Trek television series nearly a half-century ago. Or is it? Dr. Leonard “Bones” McCoy was armed with futuristic devices like medical tricorders, hyposprays for needle-free injections, and vital signs monitors in Sick Bay. So are any of the science fiction devices similar to what […]

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Business people standing with question mark on boards

One of the most important skills in medical practice marketing is the ability to ask the right questions. Doctors, physicians, practice administrators and healthcare marketing professionals can easily find themselves caught up in the daily frenzy of “business as usual.” They can overlook the opportunity to use the right questions to diagnose physician-marketing problems or […]

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mouse wearing pink bow tie standing next to pink flower

We’ll call this one the tale of the “dead rat ambassador.” It's currently at the top of the list of real-life “horror stories,” in the category of negative hospital public relations and really bad patient experience. (We have photos, so we know it’s true, but who could make up this kind of stuff?) On the […]

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When we compiled a list of reasons why people won’t “follow” someone on Twitter, we nearly ran out of paper. Twitter is an immensely popular social media, and for many hospital social media efforts, it can be a highly useful tool. Ask your followers about what they like and don't like and you're bound to […]

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"failed" stamp

Don’t you just love it when a good plan comes together? As we speak with the principals and executives of hospitals, professional societies, medical groups and other healthcare organizations, a regular challenge is to help shape and execute an effective business and marketing strategy. And it’s gratifying when a good strategy wins the day. Goals […]

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Business people standing with question mark on boards

By Stewart Gandolf I recently asked our team to share some of the worst medical marketing mistakes they’ve ever witnessed out “in the field.” As a word of caution, the incident I am about to share is so egregious that my team was divided as to whether we should publish it, or bury it forever. […]

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Here’s a heads-up snapshot of four recent news items. Each of these is likely to be of growing importance on your healthcare, medical or hospital marketing horizon. We’ll be watching and writing more about: Google takes a new swing at Facebook with Google+. This, we predict, will be big…or at least a big battle of […]

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A fundamental guide for hospital, provider and healthcare organization news releases and media relations. The process of "getting ink" —when your news release or story idea finally appears in the media—has always been a challenge. Often it's more of an art than a science, enlivened by a generous splash of good luck. (For simplicity in […]

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customer service rating paper with "excellent" box checked

It seems that the nation’s hospitals have lifted their patient satisfaction scores, according to a recent survey. Kudos to the hospitals, with the doctors and staff deserving a healthcare marketing salute as well. Data from nearly 3,800 hospitals says that there’s been a 1.6 percent annual increase in the number of positive responses in the […]

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Mother and daughter posing happily on blue fuzzy background

It's the woman who makes the healthcare decisions in most households. That fact hasn’t changed much over the past few years. Estimates have it that eight out of  10 times, it’s the woman, wife, mother who is the keeper of the family health choices for spouse, children and herself. The the “mom” sector has been […]

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Signpost for 'Fresh Ideas' against a blue cloudy sky

Here’s a roundup of four interesting and informative healthcare and hospital marketing vignettes from the past few weeks. There are insights and observations in each, and we’d like to hear your comments.

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healthcare website design words

We see a ton of healthcare, medical marketing and hospital websites in our work. We review them, we critique them and we provide advice how to improve them. And sometimes it’s downright frightening what we find. Perhaps the scariest moment is when we discover a provider or healthcare organization that has no website at all. […]

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