An "Infomercial" Is Probably Not What You Think It Is. (And Why Video Belongs in Your Healthcare Marketing Toolbox).

By Stewart Gandolf, Chief Executive Officer

television infomercialWait! Don’t change that channel.

Advertising’s long-form—the 30-minute video format—is not always about home exercise equipment, kitchen knives or Chia Pets. In fact the sometimes-misunderstood “infomercial” can be a highly professional (reputation enhancing) communications tool, and an excellent healthcare marketing, advertising and public relations workhorse.

What’s more, advances in technology have pushed down the cost of video production, while the demand, effectiveness and R-O-I value of video content is greater than ever. The longer time allowance is often an ideal format for an in-depth presentation of many medical topics.

And since we’ve been rolling-out a series of instructional videos to help hospitals, doctors and healthcare corporations make better use of video in their marketing efforts, here’s a bonus article: Infomercial Primer: Advertising's Long-Form Produces Results for the Right Healthcare Organization. It’s from the Healthcare Success library of instructional articles about how to know if the 30-minute format should be part of your marketing mix.

Subscribers to our weekly Healthcare Success Advisor eNewsletter know about the free, six-part series of “videos-about-video” titled Healthcare Video Marketing Secrets. And if you know someone who may want to subscribe, send them this article. They can subscribe here. The weekly instructional eNewsletter, the video series, this daily blog and other useful reference materials are all free.

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