Doctors and Staff: Training for the Next Level of Healthcare Leadership

By Stewart Gandolf, Chief Executive Officer

doctor teamwork leadershipHealthcare leadership and teamwork are being redefined—for greater efficiency and better outcomes—with an improved, collegial and patient-centered care delivery pathway. Doctors, staff members and other providers and professionals are investing in training for the next level in organizational and individual leadership.

The challenge, however, is that the traditional hierarchy is slow to change. Some organizations, medical practices and care teams defer to the old-school structure that puts the doctor singularly in command. Team and teamwork are defined as a do-as-I-say arrangement to support and extend the doctor’s ability to get things done.

Old habits are difficult to un-learn, so training is a worthwhile investment. One important lesson, for example, is the ability to distinguish between a BOSS and a LEADER. Keep in mind that a top-down medical practice may be organized around one BOSS, but an effective team cultivates many LEADERS.

A BOSS drives employees; a LEADER coaches them

A boss inspires fear; a leader generates enthusiasm

A boss says, “I”; a leader says “We”

A boss places blame for the breakdown; a leader fixes the breakdown

A boss knows how it’s done’ a leader shows how it’s done

A boss uses people; a leader develops people

A boss takes credit; a leader gives credit

A boss commands; a leader asks

Leadership and teamwork at the next level…

As the nation’s healthcare delivery system continues to reinvent itself, the physician-centered structure is giving way to integrated provider teams. Top performing multidisciplinary teams—physicians, nurses, pharmacists, physical therapists—work together closely to do everything necessary to meet the needs of the patient.

This innovative approach delivers better care and better outcomes for the patient, and greater time- and cost-saving efficiencies for the providers or hospital.

The leadership, teamwork and training needs of every organization differ. Perhaps we can help. Let’s begin with a conversation to identify your needs and chart a course for you to reach the next level.

For additional reading on this topic, see: 10 Leadership Habits of Marketing-Savvy Physicians and Staff Training Lesson: Don’t Let Efficiency Erode Patient Experience.

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