Even 9-Year Olds Hate Waiting Rooms

By Stewart Gandolf, Chief Executive Officer

stick-figure drawing of waiting roomThis is a brief post with a really big lesson…

My fourth-grade daughter Natalie was asked to draw pictures of her vocabulary words this week.

We asked her about one of the drawings, she said her word was "boring." The picture was of waiting in a doctor's office. (Apparently we've forgotten to teach her the current euphemism for "waiting room" is "reception area.”)

Be forewarned, even the kids don't like being made to wait. It’s “boring,” and the doctor's name in the picture is, Taking Forever Guy.

stick-figure drawing of waiting room

Dr. Taking Forever Guy

Out of the mouths of babes.

Stewart Gandolf, MBA, Dad

PS: For just a little bit more on this topic, see our recent PatientExperience.com posts: The Psychology of Waiting vs. Patient Experience Enemy Number One, and Improving Wait Times: Tips to Creating a Better Patient Experience.

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