Publicity Hitchhiking: Offer Your Local Expert Voice for National Healthcare Headlines

By Stewart Gandolf, Chief Executive Officer

publicity hitchhikingHere’s a useful technique that publicity savvy professionals, hospitals and healthcare organizations are using to grab a bit of the national news halo. Here’s how it works…

When you can link developments in your specialty or professional field to timely news headlines—especially national news—call the news media and offer a local angle or spin that’s useful to the local public.

The definition of ‘news’ depends a lot on what the media does NOT know, and you’re light years ahead. What’s more, the local media is hungry for local angles on big stories, so feed the beast.

This idea works in many professional and medical situations, but this example happens to be from dentistry. Consider this: The link between gum disease and heart disease is old news for dentists, but the general public and the news media don’t have a clue.

Reach out to the press when there’s an interesting and timely new development like this one recently by the BBC: Key Reason 'Found' for Gum and Heart Disease Link. In this case, a local dentist (or cardiologist) could refer to the article AND tell the editor or reporter what it means to the fine folks of River City.

Remember that ‘news’ has a limited shelf life, so act quickly when the opportunity is hot. Make it compelling, and bring the media a local spin. When it makes for interesting news, they appreciate the help. And they may remember you as an expert voice for future news stories.

There are additional, in-depth articles and information about health care PR, public relations and publicity on our website.

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