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The Ultimate Guide to Healthcare SEO: 3 Techniques Your Website's Organic Marketing Needs

The Ultimate Guide to Healthcare SEO: 3 Techniques Your Website's Organic Marketing Needs

A successful health system, hospital, practice, or healthcare organization website facilitates patient communication and helps you win more of the patients you want.  But this doesn’t mean much if patients can’t find your website. To get on page #1 for an organic search, you need a strong healthcare marketing SEO company, a solid website, an […]
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Multilocation Marketing in Healthcare: The Biggest Challenges

Multilocation Marketing in Healthcare: The Biggest Challenges

Building a multilocation healthcare business expands your reach, patient base, and profit margin.  But, these benefits come with several unique marketing challenges.  The good news? They also come with remarkable marketing opportunities.  In this article, I identify several common challenges and how to overcome them with effective marketing strategies.  12 Marketing Challenges Unique to Multilocation […]
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Out Most Popular Blogs

Our Most Popular Blogs

At Healthcare Success, we have been sharing marketing knowledge, tips, and tricks since our agency’s founding in 2006.  Here, you’ll find a few of our most timely and popular blogs conveniently organized by marketing topic.  Start With Some Classics Whether you’re a new marketer or a seasoned professional, take a deep dive into essential topics […]
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What is a Healthcare Writing Style Guide (& Why You Need One)

What is a Healthcare Writing Style Guide (& Why You Need One)

You might remember writing style guides from college. Chicago Manual of Style, Associated Press, Modern Language Association? Instead of using a generic style guide for content, today’s leading healthcare brands are creating their own, also known as content style guides. A content style guide is a companion to your brand style guide and helps writers […]
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Paid Search Glossary (2023 Update)

Paid Search Glossary (2023 Update)

Do paid search terms have you scratching your head? If so, don’t sweat it. There are about a hundred million trillion of them, and they can get confusing. But don’t worry, we’re here to help you get a base-level understanding of the most commonly used terms that we share with our clients.  We hope you […]
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How Much Does SEO Cost?

How Much Does SEO Cost?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a powerhouse for long-term revenue generation. It should never be an afterthought in your marketing strategy.  Businesses across every industry must capture relevant, organic traffic opportunities to stay competitive and grow. Focusing on value over cost is crucial when researching the best SEO agency or consulting firm for your business, […]
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The Power of Easy: The Secret to Disrupting Competitors and Winning Market Share

The Power of Easy: The Secret to Disrupting Competitors and Winning Market Share

Humans have an evolutionary instinct to be lazy. We will always choose the path of least resistance. Take the remote control, for example. Years ago, people had to get up from the sofa and walk to the TV to change the channel.  Thanks to the remote control, people can stay nestled comfortably in their favorite […]
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Google’s Updated E-E-A-T: What “Experience” Means for Healthcare Content

Google’s Updated E-E-A-T: What “Experience” Means for Healthcare Content

Google has added an extra “E” to its Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines (SQEG), changing the well-known acronym from E-A-T to E-E-A-T.  The new E stands for “experience,” and here’s what this means for your business: Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trust (E-E-A-T)  Google defines experience as “first-hand or life experience for the topic.” “Many types of […]
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Guide to PPC Landing Page Optimization

Guide to PPC Landing Page Optimization

Your paid search landing page is a stand-alone web page typically separate from your website.  It’s the first page visitors see after clicking your paid search ad, making it solely responsible for high-quality lead conversions and performance. Getting it right is essential. The effectiveness of its design, message, page load speed, lead capture form, and […]
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ChatGPT AI-Generated Content Dangerous for Healthcare?

ChatGPT AI-Generated Content Dangerous for Healthcare?

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence chatbot that can have human-like conversations, translate, and provide users with information.  It can also write good content. Like, really good.  And now that Google has openly stated, “Appropriate use of AI or automation is not against our guidelines,” it begs the question: Should we use it to produce healthcare […]
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The Levels of Content & Why Healthcare Can’t Settle for Lower Tiers

The Levels of Content & Why Healthcare Can’t Settle for Lower Tiers

Content comes in levels or tiers, and your healthcare website requires the highest level.  Why? Writing high-quality content for healthcare that ranks high on Google and drives consumer action is hard.  What’s more, it requires the ability to make the right judgment call when faced with conflicting objectives and deep knowledge of several disciplines, including: […]
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Conversion Rate Optimization Best Practices (Plus, 6 Mistakes to Avoid)

Conversion Rate Optimization Best Practices (Plus, 6 Mistakes to Avoid)

The conversion is the ultimate goal for any website or landing page.  It’s when a user makes a purchase, calls your organization, or makes an appointment. And if you’re like most of our clients, you want to increase your conversion rates.  One of the niche marketing disciplines that helps you do just that is called […]
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20 Tips to Optimize Google Ads for Healthcare

20 Tips to Optimize Google Ads for Healthcare

Paid search (aka pay-per-click or PPC) often yields the highest ROI of any digital advertising medium. Our agency, therefore, manages Google Ads for dozens of our clients.  Google Ads (and its much smaller competitor Microsoft) work so well because they target people actively searching for healthcare solutions. Moreover, paid search delivers tremendous advantages and provides […]
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A person sitting on a sofa and browsing on their smart phone

Consumer Brands

More healthcare consumers care about health and wellness than ever before. They’re researching alternative care options and taking better care of their health. They’re also incredibly digital-savvy.  These factors present a massive opportunity for non-traditional health and wellness brands to attract a larger audience and increase revenue.  At Healthcare Success, we’re expanding the boundaries of […]
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18 Strategies That Make Great Healthcare Website Designs

18 Strategies That Make Great Healthcare Website Designs

Your website is—more often than not—the first experience people have with your brand. So having a solid strategy is crucial. Creating an immersive, branded space for users to experience is vital for effective marketing. When you’re strategic, branding and messaging are clear and cohesive across multiple channels, and your website can better support your short- […]
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Since graduating from the University of Notre Dame in 2016 with a bachelor’s degree in Graphic Design and Pre-Health Studies, Alex has been honing her craft both agency-side and in the freelance jungle. With a keen eye for branding, she brings a versatile skill set to the team spanning the identity, digital, and print disciplines. […]
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Why Are Patients So Angry? Plus, Frontliner Tips for Health Leaders

Why Are Patients So Angry? Plus, Frontliner Tips for Health Leaders

It’s not your imagination. People really are ruder to each other these days.  The pandemic, economy, political unrest, war, and continued uncertainty have taken—and continue to take—a toll on people’s mental health. These all contribute to stress, anxiety, frustration, and anger. And according to Harvard Business Review, frontline workers are taking the brunt of this […]
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The Perils of SEO Over Optimization

The Perils of SEO Over Optimization

SEO is a good thing.  It’s the original bridge between Google search crawlers and people; it is the only way search engines better understand and retrieve what consumers are organically searching for online.  But did you know that you can overdo SEO? It’s called over optimization, and it happens all the time.  A common example […]
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How to Respond to Patient Reviews (+ Free Examples)

How to Respond to Patient Reviews (+ Free Examples)

It’s easy to find detailed guides on how to respond to reviews. However, most aren’t written specifically for healthcare, meaning they don’t consider HIPAA or other compliance issues.  Responding to patient reviews can be tricky.  According to HIPAA, hospitals and doctors aren't allowed to share any protected health information (PHI) about reviewers—including whether they're patients. […]
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Accessibility Statement

Healthcare Success, LLC Accessibility Statement Updated: January 2023. General Healthcare Success, LLC strives to ensure that its services are accessible to people with disabilities. Healthcare Success, LLC has invested a significant amount of resources to help ensure that its website is made easier to use and more accessible for people with disabilities, with the strong […]
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Four Vital Optimizations Required For Digital Marketing Success

Four Vital Optimizations Required For Digital Marketing Success

I’ve noticed that most people tend to focus on only one of four variables when optimizing their digital marketing results. That’s a shame because true optimization requires a more strategic approach that considers each of the following four factors: Let’s take, for example, paid search (e.g., search engine marketing, SEM, pay-per-click, or PPC). Because it […]
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Why You Should Demand a Team of Healthcare Marketing Specialists

Why You Should Demand a Team of Healthcare Marketing Specialists

We recently received an inquiry from the Marketing Director for a 40-location, single-specialty medical practice in the Midwest. Even though it was after hours, I was available so I took the call. Michelle (not her real name) and I hit it off immediately. She told me about her demanding job and how she felt her […]
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Healthcare Marketing & Advertising Expert Roundup: Best of 2022

Before we launch into a new year filled with new goals, ambitions, and marketing trends, I’d like to pause and reflect on the most helpful expert advice of 2022. I’ve compiled some of our most significant posts here, so you can easily reference them as you move into 2023. All Consuming Consumerism: Major Shifts & […]
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9 Healthcare Marketing Trends to Embrace in 2023

9 Healthcare Marketing Trends to Embrace in 2023

Healthcare consumers continue to move swiftly down the paths of least resistance toward quality care. This spells trouble for healthcare organizations that cannot change with the times. It’s time to pay attention to what competitors offer and find ways to remove unnecessary obstacles to care.  In this blog, I share nine healthcare marketing trends you […]
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What is Black Hat SEO? & How to Prevent Harming Your SEO Campaign

What is Black Hat SEO? & How to Prevent Harming Your SEO Campaign

Google despises black hat SEO techniques. Whether performed intentionally or unintentionally, black hat techniques involve tricking users and search engines to gain rankings. If any site incorporates these practices, Google eventually finds out and penalizes the site accordingly.  These penalties can be as minor as gaining a lower SERP position or as severe as being […]
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Why You Need an ADA Compliant Healthcare Website

Why You Need an ADA Compliant Healthcare Website—and How to Get One

Just like your brick-and-mortar business has to be ADA compliant, your healthcare website must also be accessible to people with disabilities.  The problem? The ADA doesn’t offer clear regulations for a compliant website.  The bigger problem? ADA accessibility lawsuits are on the rise. If your website isn’t accessible to people with disabilities, you could risk […]
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6 Crucial & Updated Medical Device Marketing Strategies

6 Crucial & Updated Medical Device Marketing Strategies

Over the next seven years, the medical device market will nearly double in size (from USD 495.46 billion in 2022 to 964.90 billion in 2030). There are three main reasons for this: The United States has a large aging population and a long history of chronic disease. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of […]
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ADA Compliance

Web Accessibility Made Easy Healthcare Success has partnered with UserWay to provide a powerful, easy way to make your website accessible to everyone. This popular website accessibility solution is designed to satisfy both ADA and WCAG compliance standards. Plus, it helps prevent serious legal risks while enhancing your SEO. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) […]
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Planning for 2023: 10 Advanced Strategies for Marketing & Advertising

Planning for 2023: 10 Advanced Strategies for Marketing & Advertising 

Best-in-class healthcare marketers are already planning for next year. They’re researching key trends that will attract new high-intent audiences, increase engagement, drive revenue, and reinforce patient loyalty in 2023.  If you’ve been revamping the same marketing plan for a few years, now is the perfect time to reevaluate everything through the lens of market innovations […]
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Uncover Hidden Consumer Insights & SEO Opportunities with Google Trends

Uncover Hidden Consumer Insights & SEO Opportunities with Google Trends

Google Trends is a powerful but underutilized tool that helps healthcare marketers It also allows marketers to analyze search term popularity over time, explore related keywords, and compare how search terms vary across different geographical areas. In this article, you’ll learn: What is Google Trends? Google Trends is an online search tool that analyzes the […]
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man speaking with physician

Patient Recruitment in Clinical Trials

Whether you’re competing with other clinical trials for the exact same patients, struggling with minimal doctor-to-doctor referrals, or lacking clear recruitment tactics, enrolling highly-qualified clinical trial participants is challenging. At Healthcare Success, our team of marketing experts has specialized in finding, attracting, and delivering highly-qualified patient leads to doctors, physicians, and other healthcare providers for […]
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What is Geofencing and How It’s Used in Healthcare

What Is Geofencing and How It’s Used in Healthcare

What if you could advertise to patients while they are sitting in your competitor’s waiting room? What if you could promote your OBGYN practice to those Bridal Expo attendees down the street? How about offering Indy 500 ticket holders a free consultation at your Low T clinic? Or, providing your specialty services directly to those […]
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12 Tips for Marketing to Affluent Consumers in Healthcare

12 Tips for Marketing to Affluent Consumers in Healthcare

While many affluent consumers don’t think twice about paying cash (or credit) for luxury retail goods, there is a built-in bias that healthcare products and services should be covered by insurance. Of course, that’s often not the case.  Despite this bias, patients are more than willing to pay out of pocket for the pricey healthcare […]
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How to Optimize Your Website for Google’s Helpful Content Update

How to Optimize Your Website for Google’s Helpful Content Update

Google Search is always updating its algorithm, especially when it comes to content. As an agency, we keep track of these updates and make sure our clients’ websites comply with the latest search engine standards. On August 25 of this year, the search giant rolled out yet another update, this time dubbed the “helpful content […]
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Maximize Marketing ROI With Call Tracking for Healthcare

Maximize Marketing ROI With Call Tracking for Healthcare

Philadelphia retailer John Wanamaker once said, “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half.”  And truthfully, it’s probably more for many businesses.  Years ago, it was common for healthcare providers to ask, “How did you hear about us?” when you called to schedule an appointment or […]
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10 Ways to Attract New Patients from Key Local Employers

10 Ways to Attract New Patients from Key Local Employers

Help Providers Win New Patients from Large Local Businesses with These Tactics Large or dominant employers in your local communities are excellent targets of opportunity for new patients and cases. Most healthcare providers have local businesses that are (or could be) a source of new business. Whether it’s a company that's conveniently located across the […]
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How to Deal With Angry Patients

How to Deal With Angry Patients

10 Ways To Deal With Angry Patients and Why You Definitely Should By Stewart Gandolf, Chief Executive Officer When patients take their grievances out on their healthcare provider, it can be frustrating—not only for the provider but also for the administration. More than ever before, healthcare organizations have to worry about the threat of legal […]
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Square - How to Promote + Distribute Content Marketing to Doctors - Article 04

How to Distribute Content to Doctors (Plus, 7 Tips on Email Marketing to Doctors)

Welcome to step four of our “Marketing to Doctors” blog series. This comprehensive playbook is designed to help people in virtually every sector (e.g., healthcare businesses, device and supply companies, SaaS, etc.) market their products and services directly to doctors, physicians, surgeons, and other healthcare professionals. If you haven’t read steps 1-3, I highly recommend […]
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Guide to Health & Wellness Marketing

Wellness Marketing Guide: How to Reach & Nurture Your Wellness Consumer

More consumers care about wellness than ever before—but it encompasses more than just fitness and nutrition. Today's wellness consumers actively engage with brands offering holistic products and services that promise to improve their physical and mental health and overall appearance. As consumer interest grows, health and wellness brands have ample opportunity to attract a larger […]
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Healthcare Marketing to Seniors: How to Create and Distribute on-Target Messaging

Learn our best practices for healthcare marketing to seniors, including how to create on-target messaging and choose the right distribution channels
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Marketing 101

By Joanne Bladd       June 2007 Healthcare Marketing 101 When it comes to running a practice, don't make the mistake of thinking that medicine is above money. Call it a career, call it a vocation, but call it a business, because your accountant does. The simple fact is; patients mean profits, and practices are like any […]
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Women’s Health Marketing: How to Reach Women Healthcare Consumers

Women’s Health Marketing: How to Reach Women Healthcare Consumers

Women make over 85 percent of consumer purchases in the U.S. When it comes to the household, they make up to 90 percent of the healthcare decisions.  Ninety four percent of women make their own healthcare decisions, and 59 percent of women make healthcare decisions for others. And yet women’s health marketing isn’t doing a […]
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Content Marketing for Doctors: How to Create Content They Want & Need

Content Marketing for Doctors: How to Create Content They Want & Need

Welcome to part three of our “Marketing to Doctors” blog series. This series is a comprehensive playbook for healthcare businesses, device and supply companies, SaaS, or anyone who wants to market their products and services directly to doctors (physicians, surgeons, and other healthcare professionals). As mentioned, marketing to doctors can be extremely challenging, complicated, and […]
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Vanity Phone Numbers Dramatically Increase Advertising Response Rates (Plus, Expert Best Practices)

Vanity Phone Numbers Dramatically Increase Advertising Response Rates (Plus, Expert Best Practices)

I have been fascinated with vanity phone numbers for a long time. Early in my career, I came up with 1-800-WORKOUT and 1-800-FITNESS at J. Walter Thompson for our client Health & Tennis Corporation (later Bally Total Fitness). At that time, they owned multiple brands in dozens of markets and required $500,000 a year to […]
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[Podcast] COVID Disruption & Its Indelible Mark on Healthcare Marketing

[Podcast] COVID Disruption & Its Indelible Mark on Healthcare Marketing

The COVID pandemic accelerated a longstanding issue within the healthcare industry: balancing labor shortages with increasing patient volume.  While market disruptors such as Telehealth and other retail clinics provide communities with more care options, they also drive higher staffing demands on an already small pool of candidates. Not only that, but many doctors and nurses […]
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Healthcare Success Launches New Website

Healthcare Success Launches New Website: Here's What You Can Learn

While we are very excited to announce our agency just launched our new website featuring a brand-new design, functionality, backend tech, and fresh content, we expect you’ll be more interested in the following three takeaways:  Why we decided to rebuild our site completely, Why you may need to similarly “start anew” with your website, and […]
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Healthcare Video Marketing Secrets

Healthcare Video Marketing Secrets What better way to learn about how to use video as a healthcare marketing tool, than by way of video? Healthcare Success is pleased to present you six of our favorite, “Healthcare Video Marketing Secrets.” Chapter 1: Use Video to Boost Your Website’s EffectivenessDiscover the many ways video can be used […]
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Healthcare Video Marketing Secrets Video 6

Advanced Healthcare Video Strategies In this, the sixth and final video of our series, “Healthcare Video Marketing Secrets,” we reveal ideas to take your healthcare video marketing to the next level. To view the other 5 instructional healthcare videos in the series, click here. For more information about how Healthcare Success can help you with […]
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Healthcare Video Marketing Secrets Video 5

Successful Healthcare Video Production In the fifth video of our series, “Healthcare Video Marketing Secrets,” we reveal many video production secrets. To view the other 5 instructional healthcare videos in the series, click here. For more information about how Healthcare Success can help you with your video or commercial needs, call (800) 656-0907.
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