Search results for: word of mouth

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The Medical Practice Marketing Link Between Word of Mouth and Your Front Door

I’m not about to short-change the power of Word-of-Mouth (WOM) advertising. It is still useful and effective in physician marketing, but in the digital age, it has become quite a different critter from its original form. Once upon a time (now past), every doctor’s mental book about how to market a medical practice professes that […]
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How to Trigger Word of Mouth Advertising and Physician Practice Referrals

Lately we've been increasingly aware of the growing importance of word of mouth (WOM) advertising in physician practice marketing and medical marketing in general. WOM can be either positive (resulting in a patient referral and new business), or it can be negative (resulting in, well, nothing). Having experienced both edges of that sword, we all […]
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6 Ways to Intensify Digital Word-of-Mouth

More than a few physicians have gone into practice with the expectation, wish or hope, that marketing or advertising was mostly unnecessary. They believed that they would inspire a word-of-mouth-only (WOM) practice, and patient and professional referrals would do it all. Related: 9 Essential Steps to Improve Doctor Ratings Online That concept was popular, but […]
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Choosing a Hospital: The Power of Word-of-Mouth Marketing

A friend of ours is a one-person blend of Yelp-and-Angie’s-List of references, referrals and recommendations. This is a well-connected word-of-mouth resource for recommendations for life’s everyday needs. Just ask: They’ll suggest the best value in retail goods, where to find discounts on groceries, who to trust for reliable home handyman services. This a person who […]
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Physician Marketing and the Power of Word-of-Mouth

[Series Installment] There’s a line of thinking quietly at work among a few healthcare practices that says: “Simply being a good doctor will guarantee success.” A few satisfied patients will fuel “word-of- mouth,” and that’s all you need in business. There’s a lot of appeal to the idea of attracting new patients with near-no-cost marketing […]
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Yes...It is Possible for Doctor Marketing to Ignite Word-of-Mouth Advertising

Almost everyone with experience in physician marketing recognizes that word-of-mouth (WOM) advertising is (a) highly desirable, but (b) not an easy thing to inspire. After all, it’s far easier and more reliable to purchase time or space in the media and create a medical practice advertisement.
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Why Social Media Has Definitely Not Replaced Word-of-Mouth in Medical Practice Advertising

As we talk with doctors, physician marketing executives and others, we’ve detected a disturbing shift in thinking about Word of Mouth marketing. Many providers and healthcare communications professionals mistakenly regard “social media” as the techno-age replacement for Word of Mouth (WOM) marketing. For their medical practice marketing and doctor advertising—the misperception continues—having a website, perhaps […]
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Effective Word-of-Mouth Management and Measurement

In this audio interview from SHSMD, Jennifer Coleman of Baylor Health Care System (Dallas, TX) shares some insights about word-of-mouth marketing and the use of testimonials. Word-of-mouth, spoken or written, includes any medium, from face to face to digital. Any word of mouth, good or bad, depends on the quality of service provided and the level […]
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A Word About Word-of-Mouth Advertising: How to Dispel Old School Misconceptions.

We have a collection of “classic comments” in healthcare marketing. Here’s a sampler of what we hear from time to time from medical providers, office managers or facility administrators about the age-old and ever-popular Word-of-Mouth advertising (WOM). “The only marketing I need or want is word-of-mouth advertising.” Or maybe, “I’m really good at my profession, […]
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Marketing 101

By Joanne Bladd       June 2007 Healthcare Marketing 101 When it comes to running a practice, don't make the mistake of thinking that medicine is above money. Call it a career, call it a vocation, but call it a business, because your accountant does. The simple fact is; patients mean profits, and practices are like any […]
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Vanity Phone Numbers Dramatically Increase Advertising Response Rates (Plus, Expert Best Practices)

Vanity Phone Numbers Dramatically Increase Advertising Response Rates (Plus, Expert Best Practices)

I have been fascinated with vanity phone numbers for a long time. Early in my career, I came up with 1-800-WORKOUT and 1-800-FITNESS at J. Walter Thompson for our client Health & Tennis Corporation (later Bally Total Fitness). At that time, they owned multiple brands in dozens of markets and required $500,000 a year to […]
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Learn from the experts that Invisalign trusted for their most valued dentists Get help from America’s most experienced specialty dentist marketing consultants If you brought Invisalign into to your practice, we know the best ways to help you find and attract new cases appropriate for care. In fact, Invisalign hired us to train some of […]
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Oral Surgery

Providing results-driven marketing campaigns for oral surgery practices. Things are changing in oral surgery. Many practices are finding that referrals are diminishing with more dentists keeping surgical cases in-house, some even investing in guided surgery equipment. We understand that referrals continue to be a primary source for expanding your patient base. Fortunately, we also know […]
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Pediatric Dentistry

What could be better than working with kids? We know that sometimes it can be difficult to find parents who appreciate the benefits of having a dentist who specializes in working with children. That’s why it is important to go “consumer direct” to get the word out about your practice. Choosing a pedodontist to treat […]
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Reputation Management

Helping hospitals and multilocation healthcare brands generate, monitor, and respond to online reviews at scale. Reputation management for doctors is an integral part of your marketing mix and can significantly impact patient intake volume and retention. Having a strategy in place to thoughtfully monitor and respond to reviews is essential to avoid common pitfalls, like: […]
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Four Reasons Facebook & Instagram Advertising Are Essential for Healthcare Marketing

Four Reasons Facebook & Instagram Advertising Are Essential for Healthcare Marketing

How much of your marketing budget is allocated to paid social media advertising? Are you wondering if it’s worth investing in healthcare Facebook ads? If it’s not something you’re taking seriously in 2022, you’re missing out on a massive opportunity to attract new audiences, increase awareness, drive conversions, and improve your bottom line. With approximately […]
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We can do this campaign.

How Doctors and Hospitals Can Help Defeat COVID-19 Vaccine Resistance and Misinformation

Doctors and hospitals can educate patients on the safety and importance of COVID-19 vaccines. Learn how to craft your message.
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10+ Need-to-Know Facts About Being Lost or Found Online

It’s no secret that the Internet has become the new front door for healthcare providers and hospitals. And Google searches are primary pathways for that lead to health-related information, medical practices and professional care. They dictate being lost or found online. Without a strong online presence, providers and practices simply disappear from view. Three-quarters (75 percent) […]
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woman having coffee while on iPhone

The Most Useful Creative Secret for Hospital Marketing Content

[Series installment.] Hospital marketing professionals tend to think about content delivery as information sharing. That's good, but to be effective, the process goes deeper. The most useful creative secret in hospital marketing however, is the ability to tap emotional storytelling. Author and marketing professor Jonah Berger frames the idea this way: “People don't think in terms of information," he […]
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Preserve, Protect and Defend: Healthcare Reputation Management Tactics

Doctors aren’t the only people concerned about their online reputation. It is every brand, business and service provider with an Internet presence. But there are higher standards of quality with healthcare reputation management. Health care delivery in America is more intimate than an Amazon shopping experience. Consequently, patient experience has become a significant driver of success. Among […]
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What is a Chief Evangelist and Why You Should Be One

[First in a series.] American business author, entrepreneur and keynote speaker Guy Kawasaki has a fascinating, marketing-centered biography. In 1984 he was an Apple employee responsible for marketing Macintosh computers…becoming the Chief Evangelist of Apple. (History suggests it worked.) A Chief Evangelist (or Brand Evangelist) is, among other things, an ambassador for your product, service […]
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Mapping Vital Consumer Touchpoints Along the Patient Journey

The challenges of hospital marketing can appear unwieldy and complex because…well, sometimes they are unwieldy and complex. You have multiple audiences to address, professional and patient needs to consider, worthy objectives competing for scarce resources…and a million other goals, expectations and nuances. But to simplify, take a page from the retail world. A method that […]
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Patient Relationships: Success Formula for Marketing to Patients

The other day, while waiting in the office of a physician, I realized that his program for internal marketing to his patients was nearly invisible…yet it was highly effective in reaching and retaining patients. Invisible isn't quite the right word. Effortless is a better description. This doctor—"my doctor," an Internist in a multi-disciplinary group—is someone […]
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6 of 10 People Choose a Doctor Based on a Convenient Location

When a patient chooses a doctor or a hospital, the decision process is often driven, not by quality factors, but by simple geography. Check out these surprising and insightful numbers... Three recent surveys seem to agree; “location” is a highly significant consideration. What’s more, according to Healthgrades data, “convenient location” is more than twice as […]
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When Doctors Say They Want Marketing (But They Really Don’t)

OK…let’s be frank about this. If they had a magic wand to change their world, perhaps eight out of 10 doctors would rather not be concerned about marketing. Their inner being wants to devote all their professional time and attention to doing what they trained to do… being doctors, practicing medicine, and helping people. But, […]
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From Prospect to Patient to Referral: The Healthcare Decision Journey

Eight out of ten times (probably more), the Internet is where the first encounter between a doctor and a prospective patient occurs. But it doesn’t stop there. Long before an individual selects a healthcare provider, hospital or facility for their medical needs, they often begin their decision journey with online due diligence. And when providers […]
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Lady Gaga

Engaging Patients Like a Rock Star: Loyalty Lessons from Lady Gaga (of All People)

There’s something a bit institutional or simply conventional about how healthcare usually connects with patients. Hospitals and providers build many of their marketing and communications efforts around engaging slices of their target audience. While there’s nothing wrong with convention, creative and successful medical marketing lessons can be found in unconventional sources. Objectives include communicating a […]
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Little Blue Book Blues: Doctors Think Their Website is a Failure

Although US doctors recognize that many (perhaps most) new patients are searching online for healthcare information and providers, it seems that few doctors believe their website motivates patients to call their office. The majority of medical practices in America have a website, but data from The Little Blue Book’s National Physicians Survey 2012: The Health […]
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Empowered Patients: Mad as Hell and Not Taking It Anymore

Patients are no longer just patients. The Internet, healthcare system reforms and other social influences are shaping a new consumerism in healthcare. Healthcare marketing professionals understand that patients are better informed and increasingly empowered. Today an individual has more influential muscle than ever before. In our experience, the vast majority of private practices and medical […]
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Magna Health Systems: Marketing a Center of Excellence

Editor's Note: Healthcare Success was pleased to contribute to this feature profile of Magna Health Systems for publication in SurgiStrategies magazine. This article provides a close-up look at the marketing activities at one of Chicago's leading outpatient surgical centers, examining their work with and for surgeons, as well as their weight loss outreach direct to […]
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Two-Cents Worth of Coffee Leaves a Bad Impression. How Customer Service is Won or Lost in Seconds, Pennies and Drops.

  by Steve Smith, Healthcare Success Senior Consultant Scholarly articles about retail customer service tell you that continuing success in business is not about making an individual sale, it’s about creating a relationship that wins a customer. It’s a principle that applies in healthcare delivery, and with every patient (the customer) interaction. And these winning […]
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Little Things Make a Big Difference: The Art of Customer Service in Hospital and Medical Marketing

by Steve Smith, Healthcare Success Senior Consultant True story: The patient has a terminal illness. She arrived at the metropolitan hospital on time for an appointment with her radiation oncologist and was sitting in the waiting room when the doctor emerged with another patient, walking him to the door to say goodbye.
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Is it Time for a New Healthcare Brand – Or a Rebrand?

Is it Time for a New Healthcare Brand – Or a Rebrand?

Have your products, services, or target audience evolved to the point where they no longer align with your brand? Has your health brand become lost in a sea of sameness? Do your marketing assets feel stale and out of touch with your audience? Did your business neglect to establish proper healthcare branding from the beginning? […]
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Beyond Marketing: Understanding the Role of Healthcare PR

Beyond Marketing: Understanding the Role of Healthcare PR

People often confuse marketing and public relations (PR), but they are not synonymous. They do, however, work best together.  In fact, we often include healthcare PR services in our marketing plans along with other key strategies, including branding, digital marketing, traditional advertising, internal marketing, and professional referral building. So, What Exactly Is PR? Public relations […]
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How Environmental Design Elevates Healthcare Branding and the Patient Experience

How Environmental Design Elevates Healthcare Branding and the Patient Experience

The healthcare marketplace is crowded. As patient expectations continue to evolve, the need for thoughtful environmental designs that prioritize peace, tranquility, and healing cannot be overstated—they play a vital role in patient experiences and the perception of overall quality of care.  Studies have shown many positive effects of healthcare environmental design on medical outcomes. In […]
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Multilocation Marketing in Healthcare: The Biggest Challenges

Multilocation Marketing in Healthcare: The Biggest Challenges

Building a multilocation healthcare business expands your reach, patient base, and profit margin.  But, these benefits come with several unique marketing challenges.  The good news? They also come with remarkable marketing opportunities.  In this article, I identify several common challenges and how to overcome them with effective marketing strategies.  12 Marketing Challenges Unique to Multilocation […]
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Planning for 2023: 10 Advanced Strategies for Marketing & Advertising

Planning for 2023: 10 Advanced Strategies for Marketing & Advertising 

Best-in-class healthcare marketers are already planning for next year. They’re researching key trends that will attract new high-intent audiences, increase engagement, drive revenue, and reinforce patient loyalty in 2023.  If you’ve been revamping the same marketing plan for a few years, now is the perfect time to reevaluate everything through the lens of market innovations […]
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Healthcare Success Launches New Website

Healthcare Success Launches New Website: Here's What You Can Learn

While we are very excited to announce our agency just launched our new website featuring a brand-new design, functionality, backend tech, and fresh content, we expect you’ll be more interested in the following three takeaways:  Why we decided to rebuild our site completely, Why you may need to similarly “start anew” with your website, and […]
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How to Create a Doctor Marketing Plan

How to Create a Doctor Marketing Plan The essential elements of a marketing plan for a doctor’s office are surprisingly similar to many other service industries. But few industries and professions have experienced the sweeping (and continuing) changes in health care. Regardless of the professional specialty or sub-specialty, finding and attracting new patients is neither an […]
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7 of Our Favorite Doctor Marketing Ideas

7 of Our Favorite Doctor Marketing Ideas There’s a certain magic that seems to happen when doctor marketing ideas payoff and goals are achieved. Over the years, I’ve come to appreciate the sense of achievement that Healthcare Success shares with clients, but it’s neither magical nor accidental. Marketing for a doctor’s office is part science […]
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Reproductive Medicine SEO

Get Top Rankings in Your City for Fertility Clinics Women are waiting until later in life to start families, and many are seeking help from reproductive specialists as a result. With this ever-increasing market comes a lot of competition. It’s no longer enough just to have a website and good word-of-mouth marketing, you need to […]
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15 Healthcare Marketing Strategies

What Is a Healthcare Marketing Strategy?

Healthcare consumerism has drastically changed the way healthcare professionals need to market and deliver their services. Today’s consumers expect a healthcare experience as innovative and digitally advanced as any other industry. Hospitals, health systems, and medical practices must evolve to meet these changing needs to remain competitive or risk falling behind. As more healthcare professionals […]
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Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery marketing is competitive - everyone’s doing it. Because aesthetic plastic surgery is dominated by elective procedures, you can’t lean on referrals for business. You must directly speak to patients through a well-planned and well-executed marketing plan. As a result, plastic surgery is saturated with campaigns.  To compete, you need to stay at the forefront […]
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How to Create a Healthcare Social Media Calendar

How to Create a Healthcare Social Media Calendar

Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic, more people are searching social media for reliable healthcare news and resources. As expectations for trustworthy, up-to-date information continue to increase, it's not surprising that some of the most followed and engaged accounts are in the healthcare industry: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): 4.2+ million Facebook (FB) followers […]
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Private Equity Marketing Partnerships

When you spend time, money, and resources to partner with healthcare investments, including multilocation practices (PPMs/DSOs), you want to provide excellent healthcare and maximize your return on investment. Get the competitive edge you need when you combine your industry knowledge and operational expertise with the deep marketing experience of our healthcare private equity marketing agency. […]
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What is Integrated Marketing

What is Integrated Marketing and Why It’s Crucial for Healthcare Brands

Business leaders in every industry understand that morale starts at the top.  When the C-suite is aligned and shares a unified, consistent message throughout the entire organization, it instills loyalty, trust, and confidence in your brand, mission, and goals.  Ideally, marketing relays this message to your consumers.  But since marketing happens in many channels, or […]
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5 healthcare consumerism shifts crucial for marketing

Major Healthcare Consumerism Shifts You Need to Embrace Now for Marketing

Healthcare consumerism isn’t just “coming.” It’s already here.  What’s more, healthcare consumerism means big changes for healthcare organizations and officially ushers in a new era of the patient experience.   Are you modernizing your business to meet your patients' changing needs and expectations? If not, you’re already falling behind. In today’s blog post, I share some […]
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Dr. Hassan Tetteh

[Podcast] The Art of Human Care

I recently had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Hassan Tetteh, a US navy captain, associate professor of surgery of the uniformed services at the University of Health Sciences and adjunct faculty of Howard University College of Medicine. He was also a Robert Wood Johnson Health Policy Fellow from 2012 to 2013 and a visiting […]
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Photo of James Merlino, MD

[Podcast] How Cleveland Clinic Helps Employers Create a Safer Workplace During COVID-19

Despite having entered the U.S. more than eight months ago, COVID-19 remains a health topic enshrouded in confusion, conflicting information, hyperbole, and even conspiracy theories. Everyone, informed or not, seems to have an opinion about the Coronavirus pandemic. Fortunately, healthcare systems, hospitals, and medical services providers are uniquely qualified to fill the educational void and assert […]
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fundamental building blocks healthcare marketing

More On the 6 Fundamentals of Healthcare Marketing

What’s the most effective way to evolve, progress and grow? Take frequent trips back to the basics. Just as professional athletes, artists and actors practice tried-and-true techniques of their crafts to continue honing their skills, healthcare marketers can, and should, do the same.  Several years back, I wrote an article I continue to share to […]
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