Who’d have thought Hand Hygiene could be entertaining? A Dance and Learn Video (Really) for Internal Healthcare Public Relations Audiences.

By Stewart Gandolf, Chief Executive Officer

Since we don’t have a Dancing With the Stars heading, let’s give this creative music video a home in the healthcare public relations & PR category. It’s about hand washing in hospitals, clinics, and similar healthcare locations, with an entertaining and educational message for your internal audiences; physicians, nurses, technicians, etc.

The title and description is in French, which Google translates as: Hand hygiene University Hospitals of Geneva VigiGerme. At the request of Service Prevention and Infection Control University Hospital of Geneva, and the program VigiGerme, the Rythmakers set the pace for effectively rubbing hands with alcohol-based solution. (That’s close enough; you'll see the video speaks for itself.)


VigiGerme® is a non-commercial brand invented for social marketing ideas about infection control, and “to make patients get better, not worse, while they are being treated.” Our thanks to Ed Bennett (@EdBennett; who manages websites for a large academic medical center) forTweeting this.

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