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Pregnant woman in dress with ultrasound image


Face your Women’s Health practice’s changing environment with smart, ethical OB/GYN marketing that gets results. In most cases, Women’s Health providers are experiencing increased competition due to consolidation and practice mergers. They also face the problem of drops in reimbursement, or their patient visits and procedures are down thanks to the era of higher deductibles, […]
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Doctor handshaking with a couple at the hospital

Occupational Medicine

Speak the language of business to kickstart your occupational medicine practice’s appeal. For over 20 years, we’ve helped occupational medicine (OM) physicians design successful, long-term, medical marketing and advertising plans. Communicating the business benefits of OM helps employers understand the value. It costs far less to prevent illness and injuries in the workplace, and employees […]
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female cancer patient with daughter


Big cancer centers get all the attention. Stand out in the marketplace with a targeted brand and cancer-care message. Simply put, marketing oncology care — and hematology services — works. Currently in-market with several cancer centers and oncology/hematology providers, we also know that what works best for implementing effective oncology marketing strategies is what works best in cancer […]
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woman having an eye exam


Our experienced ophthalmology and LASIK marketing experts can help you thrive — even if the competition seems overwhelming. For more than 20 years, ophthalmologists and vision surgery practices have relied on our marketing expertise to help them ethically grow their business. Ophthalmology — and LASIK in particular — is competitive and expensive to start, but also […]
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doctors examining xrays

Orthopaedic Surgery

We understand that orthopaedic surgery (or orthopedic surgery, as many spell it) is one of the most competitive specialties in all of healthcare. In fact, independent and group practices alike need a proactive, long-term orthopaedic surgery marketing strategy just to keep pace. But you don’t want to keep pace —  you want to succeed. As marketers who […]
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ENT doctor examining a young girl

Otolaryngology (ENT)

An effective otolaryngology marketing and advertising plan will capitalize on your specialty’s diverse capabilities. ENT marketing and advertising has a wide opportunity spectrum. In fact, ENT practices typically have more promotional angles — and more ways to generate revenue —  than most other medical specialties. Some popular angles include: Balloon sinuplasty Endoscopic sinus surgery Hearing […]
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doctor writing with patient suffering from back pain

Pain Management

Pain management is a special case in medicine and in healthcare marketing. Pain is a symptom that spans the spectrum of possible diseases, disorders and injuries. It’s difficult to diagnose and treat. It can involve multiple pathologies, let alone just one as subtle and challenging as fibromyalgia or complex regional pain syndrome. At the same […]
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man having a neurology consultation


Compete and thrive in this challenging neurology marketing environment. Marketing neurology care comes with considerable challenges. For starters, neurologists are seeing more diverse and complex cases. These range from pain and migraine to ADHD, sleep disorders, motor-skill problems and more. Which to promote? How to promote them? At the same time, neurology practices have diverse […]
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Staff In Busy Lobby Area Of Modern Hospital

Multi-Specialty Practice

Whether multispecialty or single-discipline, your group practice needs to market effectively to reach the next level. Group practices have business and clinical challenges just like any other medical practice. But with more doctors, often multiple specialties, large staffs, and diverse patient needs, these challenges are amplified. Group medical practices are also differently affected by and […]
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middle aged woman with correction lines before cosmetic surgery

Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery marketing is competitive - everyone’s doing it. Because aesthetic plastic surgery is dominated by elective procedures, you can’t lean on referrals for business. You must directly speak to patients through a well-planned and well-executed marketing plan. As a result, plastic surgery is saturated with campaigns.  To compete, you need to stay at the forefront […]
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woman consulting with her doctor

Internal Medicine

Healthcare is changing. The internal medicine practice that gets heard and delivers a resonant message will thrive. Surviving as an internal medicine specialist is more challenging than ever. All of healthcare has changed, and more changes are coming. And primary care practitioners in many ways are bearing the brunt of it. Reimbursements are down. Fee-for-service […]
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Surgery team in the operating room

General Surgery

Reach your audience, grow referrals and thrive even in the face of uncertainty and fierce competition. General surgery is a collegial profession. As a general surgeon, you’re operating on someone else’s patient. Your colleagues — physicians at the hospital, referring doctors — are therefore vital to your practice’s success, and your reputation is… well, everything. […]
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A bearded man is meditating outdoors


As the field of psychiatry continues to evolve, psychiatrists who have come to us over the past 20 years share many of the same concerns. These include ways to answer the public stigma that surrounds those patients who seek professional services. It’s a longstanding marketing challenge. Fear and shame often prevent patients from seeking help, […]
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older man with stomach pain


Our experienced GI marketing experts can help you compete, adapt and thrive through change and uncertainty. As they strive to build, grow or adapt their practices, GI specialists face unique gastroenterology marketing and advertising hurdles, because their needs and objectives are unique. Many gastroenterology practices want to compete more effectively with surgeons and other specialists […]
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family dancing in living room

Family Practice

Grow your family medicine practice with ethical, experienced marketing tailored specifically to your needs and goals. Our healthcare delivery system is in a state of fluidity, with changes that have had serious repercussions for many family practice doctors. Incomes have declined for most as workloads have increased, forcing many to larger groups. Others look to […]
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doctor radiology looking at chest x-ray film of patient at hospital.


Medical imaging and interventional radiology have evolved. The radiologists who adapt their marketing will win. Whereas radiology was once confined to the basement of a hospital, it has evolved over many years into a medical profession very different from its origins. Of course, radiologists are well aware of the unique nature of their chosen discipline compared […]
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Closeup of dermatologist examining mole on back of male patient in clinic


Differentiate your multilocation business from savvy competitors and attract more of the cases you want with advanced dermatology marketing ideas from Healthcare Success. Our marketing professionals have over 20 years of experience designing, implementing, and managing dermatology marketing campaigns for large, multilocation organizations. Our strategies consider the unique expectations of skincare patients and the nuanced […]
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baby smiles standing in the crib

Reproductive Medicine

You’re here because you want to attract more patients to your practice with effective reproductive medicine marketing strategies. We’ve helped thousands of practices do exactly that, and reproductive medicine is one of the most common specialties we work with. In fact, we’re currently in-market with many prestigious fertility medicine practices in New York City and […]
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Home call doctor's bag with stethoscope


Get noticed, earn trust, and grow your business with custom marketing solutions for concierge medicine. The healthcare landscape has changed. Healthcare consumerism continues to rise, large multilocation practices continue to emerge, specialized Telehealth providers are gaining momentum, Baby Boomers, Gen X, and Millennial populations are aging, and aggressive competition is the status quo. Traditional marketing […]
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young woman napping

Sleep Medicine

Sleep medicine and the operation of a diagnostic sleep lab is a multifaceted business. What’s more, the competition among facilities in many areas continues to increase. But despite their acknowledged role in healthcare, some practices find it difficult to advertise effectively or establish a steady referral stream. Sleep-related disorders have been a critical public health […]
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Close-up of male doctor bandaging foot of female patient at doctor's office.

Urgent Care

Make it easy for patients to access your care. Compared to many other healthcare specialties, urgent care is a different animal. Because most urgent care facilities don’t require appointments, patients will often search for an urgent care facility at the same time that they need to visit one. To successfully market an urgent care practice, […]
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doctor reading an EKG


Cardiology practice marketing is undergoing a transformative shift. What was once a nice-to-have tactic for building brand awareness is now an aggressive, highly competitive, and must-have strategy for winning market share, competing effectively, and growing your business. Why? More cardiology businesses are competing for the same market share. It used to be there were only a […]
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How to adapt your marketing now that private practice has come an endangered species

How to Adapt Your Marketing Now That Private Practice Has Become an “Endangered Species”

We're living through a seismic shift in how physicians deliver medical care in the United States.  Here's a brief timeline: In 2012, 60.1% percent of physicians worked in physician-owned practices. By 2018, that percentage had fallen to 54%. At the end of 2020—for the first time ever—less than half (49.1%) of patient care physicians worked […]
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Senior Patient Having Consultation With Doctor In Office


Discover your practice’s unique brand. Grow your presence in the marketplace. As with most specialties, your practice is probably reliant on referrals. Continuing to form strong connections with referring physicians must be a solid component of your marketing plan — and our physician liaison trainer can help you accomplish that. Beyond networking, it’s imperative that […]
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Medical team of surgeons in hospital doing minimal invasive surgical interventions

Vascular Surgery

Drive profitable cases through your door with an effective referral program. A large part of your vascular surgery practice is, of course, referral-driven. Maintaining a positive relationship with your referrers — and expanding your referral network — is a crucial aspect of any specialist’s marketing plan. We’ll help you develop your outreach capabilities — in […]
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Woman with beautiful legs after depilation at home

Vein Care

While we work with many different specialties, our track record with vein practice marketing is especially compelling. At this moment, we’re helping more than a dozen vein practices reach their full potential — and we can help you, too. Customized vein practice advertising and marketing that gives you the upper hand. Vein care is one […]
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Woman weighing herself on scales in health club

Bariatric Surgery

The world of bariatric and weight loss surgery is rapidly evolving. At Healthcare Success, we understand the critical changes influencing this space, like the rise of healthcare consumerism, the increase in large multilocation practices, and our aging population. Our expert bariatric surgery marketing strategies are designed to help differentiate your business by addressing each of […]
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family and dog playing outside

Asthma and Allergy

As healthcare undergoes rapid transformation marked by consumerism, telehealth innovations, and growing online competition, the asthma and allergy industry must evolve to remain competitive. To stand out—and thrive—businesses in this highly specialized industry must undergo a significant shift in their marketing strategies. Why? Today’s healthcare consumers expect more. They demand a highly personalized patient journey, […]
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8 Ways to Enhance the Patient Experience

8 Ways to Enhance the Patient Experience & Drive Leads with QR Codes

We know that today's healthcare consumers want instant and accessible services.  The QR code allows hospitals and healthcare providers to satisfy this need with immediate physician-patient interaction and engagement – all through smartphones and tablets.  Placed strategically, the QR code does wonders for marketing. And today more than ever, they are considered the green, hygienic, […]
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how to write an effective press release

How to Write an Effective Press Release (Plus Tips for Maximizing Exposure)

As more businesses favor social media channels for timely business communications, you may think press releases have become outdated or old-fashioned. You might even ask yourself, "Do we even need press releases anymore?"  The answer is an unequivocal "Yes." Consumers and journalists still view press releases as one of the most trustworthy sources of brand-related […]
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How to Choose the Right Programmatic Analytics Platform

10 Factors to Consider When Choosing the Right Programmatic Analytics Platform

Programmatic advertising has transformed the way people buy and sell online ads. In 2021, U.S. advertisers spent 41.2% more on programmatic display ads than in 2020—and it’s easy to understand why.  Leveraging automated software and artificial intelligence (AI) to collect real-time data gives key stakeholders complete visibility over where their ads appear. It also highlights […]
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eBook cover multilocation

The Ultimate Guide to Multilocation Healthcare Marketing

12 Steps to Generating Top-Line Revenue in the Face of Rugged Competition and the New Consumer Mindset. Just in case you missed our presentation at the McGuireWoods Healthcare Private Equity & Finance Conference, download our eBook on marketing multilocation healthcare enterprises to learn:
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Bookcover for Enterprise SEO Roadmap for Healthcare

Enterprise SEO Roadmap for Healthcare

A look into larger and more complex website SEO practices SEO for large healthcare websites and multilocation organizations is complex and challenging. It requires serious skill and strategy. That’s why we’ve updated one of our most popular eBooks to include the latest, actional advice you’ll need to stay ahead of your competitors in organic search. […]
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The role of Google, facebook, and yelp reviews in the era of healthcare consumerism

The Role of Google, Facebook, and Yelp Reviews in the Era of Healthcare Consumerism

Patient reviews can make or break a business in this era of healthcare consumerism and online reputations. And they're here to stay.  More than 94% of healthcare patients use online reviews as the first step in researching physicians and hospitals. They’re also the third most crucial driver in consumers’ decision to select a new healthcare […]
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Book cover for The 7 Deadly Sins of Healthcare Marketing

The 7 Deadly Sins of Healthcare Marketing

Here’s how to avoid costly marketing mistakes. Get advice from top healthcare marketing experts Learn how to avoid The 7 Deadly Sins of Healthcare Marketing—so you can develop a strategy that really works. By reading about mistakes others have learned the hard way, you’ll learn the importance of… With over 37,000 downloads, this ebook has now been updated to […]
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19 Medical Advertising Mistakes Healthcare Organizations Make Every Day eBook Cover

How to Avoid the 19 Critical Medical Advertising Mistakes Healthcare Organizations Make Every Day

Even if you’ve been spending thousands of dollars on marketing for your healthcare practice you could be making common mistakes. Mistakes crucial to whether you make money from your efforts or just throwing it down a deep, dark hole. In this whitepaper, we’ve identified 19 of the most common of these errors. Then we give you […]
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11 Digital Marketing Mistakes Every Healthcare Business Should Avoid ebook cover

11 Digital Marketing Mistakes Every Healthcare Business Should Avoid

Get advice from top healthcare marketing experts Learn the 11 Digital Marketing Mistakes Every Healthcare Business Should Avoid—so you can develop a comprehensive, integrated marketing strategy that effectively builds your brand, improves your marketing strategy, attracts more patients, and increases your revenue. These eleven mistakes are the most common ones we see in our work […]
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How to Win More Patients for Your Most Profitable Service Lines

How to Win More Patients for Your Most Profitable Service Lines

As the hospital consolidation trend continues, the resulting larger entities will engage in “hyper competition” to attract patients to their most profitable service lines. The remaining independent and small chain hospitals will be forced to increase their marketing in order to remain viable. For both, there will be a push to attract patients to the […]
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How to Choose the Right Marketing Company for Your Healthcare Organization eBook Cover

How to Choose the Right Marketing Agency for Your Healthcare Organization

Get expert advice from top healthcare marketing professionals. Learn How to Choose the Right Marketing Agency for Your Healthcare Organization—and get a handy 11-point checklist of the most important questions to ask. Choosing the right outside marketing team can be immensely challenging—especially when there are so many types and levels to choose from. Get comprehensive […]
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Indispensable or Irrelevant eBook Cover

Indispensable or Irrelevant: A rugged survival guide for medical specialists who want to stay independent

This powerful white paper was written for large and small medical practices that are determined to stay independent, despite the monumental changes occurring in healthcare today.Make no mistake about it: the road ahead for those who refuse to capitulate won’t be easy. Beyond changing government regulations, ever decreasing reimbursements and the Affordable Care Act, the […]
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How to Create a Healthcare Social Media Calendar

How to Create a Healthcare Social Media Calendar

Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic, more people are searching social media for reliable healthcare news and resources. As expectations for trustworthy, up-to-date information continue to increase, it's not surprising that some of the most followed and engaged accounts are in the healthcare industry: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): 4.2+ million Facebook (FB) followers […]
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How to Win Patients Despite Intense Competition eBook Cover

How to Win Patients Despite Intense Competition

This timely and informative special report is a “must-read” for medical providers and health leaders throughout the industry. Download this free report now about today’s tough competitive environment and learn how providers, group practices, and hospitals can build an action plan for success.
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How to Attract More Patients to Your Hospital-Owned Practices and Ambulatory Services eBook Cover

How to Attract More Patients to Your Hospital Owned Practices and Ambulatory Services

Hospitals and health systems have been on a buying spree, snapping up practices and employing doctors in preparation for the change to better coordination of care and performance based payment models. But many of these organizations have struggled to make owned physician practices (and other ambulatory services) perform as well as they need to. With […]
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The Integrated Approach to Addiction Treatment Marketing eBook Cover

The Integrated Approach to Addiction Treatment Marketing

Learn how to reach and engage your clients and maximize the value of your marketing with an integrated strategy. By downloading this ebook, you’ll learn about:
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Healthcare Industry Competitive Analysis

Your Guide to Healthcare Industry Competitive Analysis for Branding & Digital Marketing

If you want to dominate organic, paid, and local search results, you've got to study your business from several angles.   Building a deep understanding of your competitors' strengths and weaknesses and what makes your shared audience click improves branding, SEO, paid search, social media, and other general marketing strategies.  However, understanding which marketing tactics you […]
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Headquarters Satellite Locations Contact General Information Speaking Careers Press Serving Healthcare ClientsCoast-to-Coast 7545 Irvine Center Drive, Suite 200Irvine, CA 92618 New York, Phoenix, Chicago
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Healthcare Success in the Press We are happy to contribute to your publication. Healthcare editors and reporters often ask us to provide expert interviews and/or write articles for their publications. The following are recent articles that have featured a member of the Healthcare Success team. For all press inquiries, please contact us at [email protected]. “Critical […]
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Join Our Team - Image of a Squirrel


Healthcare Success (HS) is a leading, digital-first, fully integrated healthcare marketing agency. Our team members care about our clients, our agency, and each other. We work to live our values every day. With about 40 people, our agency has grown large enough to attract outstanding talent, yet is still small enough that you can make […]
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Book Us to Speak about Healthcare Marketing Because our firm’s principal and senior strategists are healthcare marketing thought leaders, we are uniquely qualified to deliver speeches on state-of-the art topics for your organization. What’s more, all of our speakers are both knowledgeable and dynamic. Over the past 20 years, our team has spoken at hundreds of […]
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Testimonials The Healthcare Success team has proven to be extremely effective in increasing Urgent Care patient volume. Their expertise in search engine optimization, social media, and online advertising continue to generate a high volume of new patient referrals to our centers. I would highly recommend them. Michael S. Buckley Director of Business Development & Physician […]
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