Healthcare Success

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How Environmental Design Elevates Healthcare Branding and the Patient Experience

The healthcare marketplace is crowded. As patient expectations continue to evolve, the need for thoughtful environmental designs that prioritize peace, tranquility, and healing cannot be overstated—they play a vital role in patient experiences and the perception of overall quality of care.  Studies have shown many positive effects of healthcare environmental design on medical outcomes. In […]

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Planning for 2023: 10 Advanced Strategies for Marketing & Advertising

Best-in-class healthcare marketers are already planning for next year. They’re researching key trends that will attract new high-intent audiences, increase engagement, drive revenue, and reinforce patient loyalty in 2023.  If you’ve been revamping the same marketing plan for a few years, now is the perfect time to reevaluate everything through the lens of market innovations […]

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What is Geofencing and How It’s Used in Healthcare

What if you could advertise to patients while they are sitting in your competitor’s waiting room? What if you could promote your OBGYN practice to those Bridal Expo attendees down the street? How about offering Indy 500 ticket holders a free consultation at your Low T clinic? Or, providing your specialty services directly to those […]

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Maximize Marketing ROI With Call Tracking for Healthcare

Philadelphia retailer John Wanamaker once said, “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half.”  And truthfully, it’s probably more for many businesses.  Years ago, it was common for healthcare providers to ask, “How did you hear about us?” when you called to schedule an appointment or […]

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Seniors Targeting Blog Square Image

Learn our best practices for healthcare marketing to seniors, including how to create on-target messaging and choose the right distribution channels

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Vanity Phone Numbers Dramatically Increase Advertising Response Rates (Plus, Expert Best Practices)

I have been fascinated with vanity phone numbers for a long time. Early in my career, I came up with 1-800-WORKOUT and 1-800-FITNESS at J. Walter Thompson for our client Health & Tennis Corporation (later Bally Total Fitness). At that time, they owned multiple brands in dozens of markets and required $500,000 a year to […]

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19 Creative Director Secrets for Your Next Photo Shoot

Today, healthcare brands have more photography and videography options than ever. For many situations, hiring professionals, such as a professional photographer, a production company, or a videographer, will be best.  In other instances, you and your team can utilize a high-quality smartphone camera, affordable software programs, and inexpensive starter equipment to quickly, cheaply, and easily […]

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How to Choose the Right Programmatic Analytics Platform

Programmatic advertising has transformed the way people buy and sell online ads. In 2021, U.S. advertisers spent 41.2% more on programmatic display ads than in 2020—and it’s easy to understand why.  Leveraging automated software and artificial intelligence (AI) to collect real-time data gives key stakeholders complete visibility over where their ads appear. It also highlights […]

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Google’s Responsive Search Ads | June 2022 Changes

Google Ads are about to change more than they have in years—are you ready? The days of creating a set of stand-alone ads, setting your daily advertising budget, and periodically checking your analytics are long gone. Even as I write this, the very idea seems archaic, and I suppose it is when you consider how […]

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Four Reasons Facebook & Instagram Advertising Are Essential for Healthcare Marketing

How much of your marketing budget is allocated to paid social media advertising? Are you wondering if it’s worth investing in healthcare Facebook ads? If it’s not something you’re taking seriously in 2022, you’re missing out on a massive opportunity to attract new audiences, increase awareness, drive conversions, and improve your bottom line. With approximately […]

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What is Programmatic Advertising? Plus, 9 Tips on How to Get Started

The digital advertising industry is constantly evolving.  One major evolution is in the way people buy ads in the first place.  The traditional method was a manual, complicated process.  But recent technological advancements – such as programmatic advertising – have improved and automated the way people buy and sell online ads.   Programmatic digital advertising is […]

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Third-Party Cookies Are Going Away. Here’s What You Can Do.

Targeted advertising is powerful and effective.   It relies on data about who your audience is and what they are looking for.  Up until recently, advertisers had easy access to valuable third-party data and targeting options from giants like Google and Apple. These companies gathered this data through cookies, hence the name, third-party cookies.  But things […]

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Why you should not abandon traditional media marketing

The pendulum has swung dramatically from traditional to digital media marketing in the healthcare marketing industry over recent years. Digital ad spending surpassed traditional media spending in 2019 and is expected to exceed two-thirds of total media spending by 2023.  Healthcare audiences live and communicate in a digital world. Understandably, healthcare organizations and the agencies […]

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7 most common ppc mistakes in healthcare

Our paid search experts share the seven most common PPC mistakes in healthcare and how to avoid them. Read now.

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Doctor working at a computer.

In this guide, learn best practices for digital marketing to physicians, including tips on capturing the attention of today’s busy HCPs.

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A couple sitting on the sofa with a laptop featuring a telehealth appointment.

Get expert tips on how to market your telehealth services online and beat your competition.

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Photos of young women at a sporting event

Learn about sports sponsorship opportunities. Healthcare Success shares four sports marketing strategies for healthcare brands to increase brand awareness and grow their practice.

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Why healthcare should care about OTT advertising

Connected TV, also called over-the-top media streaming, describes a new frontier for ad targeting and marketing campaigns. These terms are relatively new for businesses of all sizes, and healthcare organizations in particular have been slow to act on its opportunities. That’s why it’s a better time than ever for healthcare marketers to consider OTT marketing […]

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How to find and select the ideal healthcare marketing agency

What’s the best way to choose a healthcare marketing agency? While I (Stewart) have plenty of ideas about the process of picking the best healthcare marketing agency for your hospital, medical practice, or healthcare network, I thought it would be valuable to ask my friend and venerable colleague, Ed Bennett, to share his opinions during our […]

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Healthcare Success Blog image

COVID-19 has been a life-changing event for us all. It's the kind of event that has lasting effects on people that we can't even truly see just yet. We've thrust an entire population into a cycle of grief that is ubiquitous but unique to every person. How will the healthcare consumer, patient, and caregivers' needs, […]

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Square image - Covid-19

 We have never seen an addiction treatment marketing landscape as the one that continues to evolve due to COVID-19. While some substance abuse and behavioral health centers are withdrawing from marketing, others are increasing their budgets to take advantage of the void in the recovery marketplace. While some centers are struggling to keep up […]

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Logo for the American Vein and lymphatic society

Marketing Strategies to Implement Now For Your Vein Practice A Webinar Sponsored by the American Vein and Lymphatic Society COVID-19 has caused massive economic disruption to virtually every kind of business, including vein practices. Which marketing strategies should you begin now, and which should you implement in the coming months as the crisis slowly subsides? […]

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Graphic of COVID-19 webinar

COVID Healthcare Marketing Webinar COVID-19 has changed the healthcare industry quicker in the last two weeks than in the last 50 years. With medical practices temporarily shutting down and elective procedures put on hold, what should healthcare networks and healthcare specialists do with their marketing campaigns' strategies? To answer this important question for healthcare marketers, […]

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Woman video calling a doctor on her tablet and cell phone with medical testing data.

Introducing PHYGITAL: It’s More than a Marketing Buzzword OK…we admit that it’s a freshly-minted word, but PHYGITAL recognizes an increasingly useful trend in marketing. PHYGITAL refers to a crossover of the physical (PHY-) and the digital (-GITAL) aspects of the brand experience.The majority of today’s consumers shop online and in “brick-and-mortar” locations, and those two […]

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1040 tax form surrounded by a calculator, pen and glasses

Every December, we like to remind our clients and readers of a simple way to save taxes in the current tax year, while investing in their business’s growth for the subsequent year. If your business pays taxes on a cash basis, it is likely you could reduce your tax bill(s) by prepaying marketing (and other) […]

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man in wheelchair checking mobile phone

When it comes to online content, video is king. YouTube is now the second-most widely used search engine in the world, so there’s no question that this mode of media is preferred amongst many. Your prospective patients may be more likely to watch a video than read an explainer article or browse your website. Healthcare […]

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woman reads mail from mailbox

Direct mail is not dead. At a time when email inboxes are overflowing, how else can you reach prospective patients in your area without overwhelming them? In fact, a piece of healthcare-related mail can be a nice break from the screen, a physical reminder that a local specialist, practice, or hospital is here to offer […]

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experiential marketing billboard

For today’s podcast, I sat down with a marketing colleague, Aaron Gaeir, CEO and owner of Grandesign. He’s doing some impressive things in the world of experiential marketing—a subspecialty of marketing that really only a few agencies can do (and do well). We talk about Gaeir's definition of experiential marketing, look at some of Grandesign’s […]

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man holding phone using waze advertising app

“Location, location, location.” It used to be one of the most important factors when starting up a new practice location (or any other healthcare business). But the way people find healthcare is changing rapidly. Today, it’s easy for your competitors to win patients near you—whether or not they’re closer to those patients’ homes. Patients are […]

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woman at a table working on a laptop for healthcare digital advertising

In marketing, the Pareto principle—or the 80/20 principle—applies to a lot of what we do. For example, more often than not, 20% of the healthcare organizations in any given demographic are responsible for 80% of the ad space. The rest are missing out on a digital advertising opportunity—and that’s one of the most powerful tools […]

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photo of laptop keyboard with social icons

Chances are, the majority of your staff has at least one social media page they check fairly often. Members of your staff have written posts and uploaded photos plenty of times before—they know the social media essentials, and they’re happy to post on the company Facebook page. It’s great to have someone on staff willing […]

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people using post-it notes to build top digital marketing agency strategy secrets

You’ve heard the acronyms floating around: SEO, PPC, CPC, SEM. You might even have a good handle on what some of these things entail. But how do you peace it all together into one cohesive strategy? What tried-and-true facts do the top digital marketing agencies use to help their clients succeed? Related: 3 Simple Ways to […]

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100 dollar bills representing cost of digital advertising

Once upon a time, a good website could set you apart from your competitors. But today, digital marketing is about a whole lot more than simply having a website. People have to be able to find you online. That requires both an organic marketing plan (like search engine optimization and social media posts) and a […]

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hispanic mother and child experiencing a cross-generational approach in healthcare with doctor

While many other industries are catching on to the needs of the modern Hispanic consumer, healthcare has been slow to catch up. Of all ethnic groups in the United States, Hispanics are the least likely to have a doctor they see regularly or even to have health insurance. About 22% of Hispanic Americans do not […]

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website design on computer and mobile devices on desk

Mobile is taking over the world. There’s no way around it. When you have a personal assistant in your pocket every day, why would you perform searches primarily on a desktop computer? As user behavior changes, the future of mobile advertising is changing as well. Hospitals and practices must keep up if they want to […]

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woman doing neighborhood watch

What if you ran an ad for your private practice or hospital online only to find it was running alongside a hate site? Could patients be associating your brand with offensive, divisive content? Unfortunately, there’s no organized “neighborhood watch” in the digital landscape. We all know the internet can be a place where people feel […]

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scrabble pieces spelling out "who do you trust?"

A fisherman’s first question is always: “Are they biting?” And regardless of the response, the second question is always: “What bait are you using?” It’s easy to see the marketing analogy. First, do your new business fishing where the fish are. And second, know the prospective patients’ healthcare advertising preference. Do they want digital or […]

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paper drawing and words reading "Landing Page"

The concept of "If you build it, they will come,” doesn’t always work in business. There are no “set-and-forget” benefits from just posting a website. And simply being the good (the best, maybe even great) healthcare provider in town is no assurance that consumers will know it and lineup at the office door. Worse, we’ve seen a […]

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sign reading "BEWARE OF ZOMBIES"

It’s tough attracting new patients. And just when you thought you only had to worry about ransomware, phishing scams, phony charities and the desperate email from a Nigerian prince…along comes a big-time advertiser swindle. “Zombie websites” amount to a rapid-fire digital fraud that has picked the pockets of some of the nation’s biggest brands. Hershey’s, […]

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line of 7 doors on grassy field

A service line—and hospital service line marketing—are hard workers. These doorways into the facility serve several distinct purposes. Among these, in the big picture of things, is the task of communicating the organization’s branding message. In addition, there is the need to spotlight specific services and capabilities to the general public. It’s always a challenge […]

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large size popsicle on road

A fundamental element of marketing and advertising tells us that, before you can persuade or convince an audience, it's imperative that you command their attention. And, when you can effectively and instantly grab the viewer/audience by the eyeballs, their curious mind is bound to follow. It's simply the way that we're wired. The physiology of […]

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old television and a large computer flat screen representing TV advertising vs digital advertising

Has digital advertising eclipsed television ad revenues for the first time or secured the top spot forever? Is TV advertising on its way out—obsolete, retired, a locker room has-been? The shocking news recently is: The once-powerful television advertising has fallen to second place against the fast-rising digital advertising. Here’s how AdAge reported the media breakthrough: “Step […]

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key on keyboard that reads "influencer"

A friend of ours is a one-person blend of Yelp-and-Angie’s-List of references, referrals and recommendations. This is a well-connected word-of-mouth resource for recommendations for life’s everyday needs. Just ask: They’ll suggest the best value in retail goods, where to find discounts on groceries, who to trust for reliable home handyman services. This a person who […]

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animated photo of cluttered desk and paper with writing that reads "NOW!"

[Second of two parts in a continuing healthcare marketing series] Today’s consumer is constantly, and instantly, exposed to “nearly everything.” Thus marketing must connect with consumers in precious micro-moments at precisely the moment of need. Micro-Moment Marketing travels at the speed of thought. At least 150 times each day, people interrogate their smartphones—with the standard […]

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samsung phone on google page

[A continuing education series in healthcare marketing – First of a two-part article] Micro-Moment Marketing travels at the speed of thought. Today’s consumer—which is virtually all of us—is constantly, and instantly, exposed to “nearly everything.” Thus, marketing is changing to connect with consumers in micro-moments, and at precisely the moment of need. Marketing buzzwords tend […]

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healthcare advertising words on tower blocks

Perhaps the single, best practice advice about hiring a healthcare advertising agency is to start the process right now. Sooner is better than later. Super-smart management rule number one is to invoke the power of foresight—jump to the front of the growth curve. What’s more, it doesn’t take a visionary to know that the selection […]

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man holding laptop with text reading "millennial"

OK – here it is: Successfully marketing to Millennials—appealing to and attracting this major audience group—requires a totally new approach. For the most part, the customary ways-and-means of reaching this target audience completely misses the mark. As a result, they are the most difficult segment to market to effectively. Leave the challenges of an old-school perspective and […]

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photo of woman's wallet emptying

There’s probably a good reason that the Fed discontinued high-denomination currency nearly 50 years ago. It may be because some well-intended healthcare practices are actually throwing money out the window. What’s worse, their budget is modest in the first place, and they can ill-afford a marketing budget squander of $1,000 in exchange for…nothing really. Here’s […]

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chalkboard and arrow drawings

[Series Installment] Here’s how to inspire advertising action. Look back at last week’s installment in this series titled, Social Proof Primer: How to Use Marketing’s Psychological Secret Sauce. Previously, we labeled the concept as “marketing’s psychological secret sauce.” As a device to boost response, a dash of this power-packed juice belongs in every advertising message. […]

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people on devices with search bar on wall reading "proof"

[Series Installment] Think of it as marketing’s psychological secret sauce. A serious dash of social proof is often the most compelling and motivating ingredient in the applied science of marketing. Success—with clear and measurable results—follows when you put predictable human reactions and behavior to work. You can kick start your effectiveness by incorporating at least […]

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