Healthcare Success

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Healthcare Marketing Trends in 2024: How to Stay Ahead

We hope your holiday season was filled with good cheer and plenty of new business opportunities. Now that the holidays have drawn to a close, it’s time to return to your 2024 marketing plan and make adjustments that ensure your business is taking advantage of the latest trends in healthcare marketing to reach patients and […]

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Is it Time for a New Healthcare Brand – Or a Rebrand?

Have your products, services, or target audience evolved to the point where they no longer align with your brand? Has your health brand become lost in a sea of sameness? Do your marketing assets feel stale and out of touch with your audience? Did your business neglect to establish proper healthcare branding from the beginning? […]

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Multilocation Healthcare Marketing: Minimum Daily Requirements

Do you want to compete in each of your local markets? Do you want to position your healthcare products and services where your target audience actively seeks them? If so, you need a custom digital marketing strategy and budget for each location. We like to call this budget the “minimum daily requirement.” Why is this […]

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Beyond Marketing: Understanding the Role of Healthcare PR

People often confuse marketing and public relations (PR), but they are not synonymous. They do, however, work best together.  In fact, we often include healthcare PR services in our marketing plans along with other key strategies, including branding, digital marketing, traditional advertising, internal marketing, and professional referral building. So, What Exactly Is PR? Public relations […]

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How to Make Social Media Work for You

Organic Social Media  When social media exploded onto the scene nearly two decades ago, marketers and healthcare professionals were a little too excited about its potential for healthcare marketing.  Who could blame them? The fantasy was great. ‘All I have to do is figure out how to create a free Facebook business page, and then […]

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Boost Local Visibility: Top Local SEO Tips for Multilocation Healthcare Businesses

Consumers across the globe have come to rely on search engines for reliable, trustworthy, accurate, and timely healthcare information. This has significantly increased competition among providers, making SEO—particularly local SEO—a crucial part of any digital marketing strategy. Local SEO is beneficial for any size business but critical for multilocation companies. By implementing local seo for […]

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How to Write an About Us Page for Healthcare (+ Examples)

What do you consider the most important pages on your healthcare website? After the homepage, many might say it’s their products or services pages.  However, the About Us page is among the most important and highly trafficked web pages. In many cases, it's also a critical part of the consumer's buying journey. Fifty-two percent of […]

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10 UI/UX Principles to Enhance Your Healthcare Website Experience

Is your website easy to use? Is it intuitive?  Is it pleasant to interact with while also effectively delivering the information your consumers need? A successful website employs key UI/UX principles beyond beautiful pages.  UI/UX ensures your website is  In this post, I’ll cover 10 UI/UX design basics that can positively impact your healthcare business.  […]

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20 Tips to Optimize Google Ads for Healthcare

Paid search (aka pay-per-click or PPC) often yields the highest ROI of any digital advertising medium. Our agency, therefore, manages Google Ads for dozens of our clients.  Google Ads (and its much smaller competitor Microsoft) work so well because they target people actively searching for healthcare solutions. Moreover, paid search delivers tremendous advantages and provides […]

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18 Strategies That Make Great Healthcare Website Designs

Your website is—more often than not—the first experience people have with your brand. So having a solid strategy is crucial. Creating an immersive, branded space for users to experience is vital for effective marketing. When you’re strategic, branding and messaging are clear and cohesive across multiple channels, and your website can better support your short- […]

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Why You Should Demand a Team of Healthcare Marketing Specialists

We recently received an inquiry from the Marketing Director for a 40-location, single-specialty medical practice in the Midwest. Even though it was after hours, I was available so I took the call. Michelle (not her real name) and I hit it off immediately. She told me about her demanding job and how she felt her […]

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Planning for 2023: 10 Advanced Strategies for Marketing & Advertising

Best-in-class healthcare marketers are already planning for next year. They’re researching key trends that will attract new high-intent audiences, increase engagement, drive revenue, and reinforce patient loyalty in 2023.  If you’ve been revamping the same marketing plan for a few years, now is the perfect time to reevaluate everything through the lens of market innovations […]

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What is Geofencing and How It’s Used in Healthcare

What if you could advertise to patients while they are sitting in your competitor’s waiting room? What if you could promote your OBGYN practice to those Bridal Expo attendees down the street? How about offering Indy 500 ticket holders a free consultation at your Low T clinic? Or, providing your specialty services directly to those […]

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Square - How to Promote + Distribute Content Marketing to Doctors - Article 04

Welcome to step four of our “Marketing to Doctors” blog series. This comprehensive playbook is designed to help people in virtually every sector (e.g., healthcare businesses, device and supply companies, SaaS, etc.) market their products and services directly to doctors, physicians, surgeons, and other healthcare professionals. If you haven’t read steps 1-3, I highly recommend […]

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Seniors Targeting Blog Square Image

Learn our best practices for healthcare marketing to seniors, including how to create on-target messaging and choose the right distribution channels

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Content Marketing for Doctors: How to Create Content They Want & Need

Welcome to part three of our “Marketing to Doctors” blog series. This series is a comprehensive playbook for healthcare businesses, device and supply companies, SaaS, or anyone who wants to market their products and services directly to doctors (physicians, surgeons, and other healthcare professionals). As mentioned, marketing to doctors can be extremely challenging, complicated, and […]

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Vanity Phone Numbers Dramatically Increase Advertising Response Rates (Plus, Expert Best Practices)

I have been fascinated with vanity phone numbers for a long time. Early in my career, I came up with 1-800-WORKOUT and 1-800-FITNESS at J. Walter Thompson for our client Health & Tennis Corporation (later Bally Total Fitness). At that time, they owned multiple brands in dozens of markets and required $500,000 a year to […]

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Healthcare Success Launches New Website

While we are very excited to announce our agency just launched our new website featuring a brand-new design, functionality, backend tech, and fresh content, we expect you’ll be more interested in the following three takeaways:  Why we decided to rebuild our site completely, Why you may need to similarly “start anew” with your website, and […]

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Getting Started With Google Analytics 4 for Healthcare Brands

Google Analytics is an extremely powerful tool for healthcare businesses.  According to BuiltWith, more than 28 million websites use Google Analytics to better understand how users engage with their web properties—including more than 66% of the top 100,000 websites worldwide. The development and subsequent launch of Google Analytics 4 (GA4) in October 2020 was spurred […]

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Marketing to Doctors JPG | 2 of 3

Marketing to doctors, physicians, surgeons, and other health care professionals can be extremely challenging, complicated, and expensive. What’s more, most doctors work in a hospital or multilocation medical practice, making it even more challenging to identify key decision-makers. Not only are doctors and decision-makers difficult to reach—and even more difficult to persuade—you have to contend […]

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Marketing to Doctors JPG | 1 of 3

By Stewart Gandolf, MBA (Editor’s Note: I wrote the first version of this blog post back in 2006 when we launched Healthcare Success. While I intentionally wrote it with a quick, playful tone, more than sixteen years later, it remains one of our most popular posts. I recently updated it here for your reading pleasure!) Every time I run […]

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8 Ways to Enhance the Patient Experience

We know that today's healthcare consumers want instant and accessible services.  The QR code allows hospitals and healthcare providers to satisfy this need with immediate physician-patient interaction and engagement – all through smartphones and tablets.  Placed strategically, the QR code does wonders for marketing. And today more than ever, they are considered the green, hygienic, […]

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how to write an effective press release

As more businesses favor social media channels for timely business communications, you may think press releases have become outdated or old-fashioned. You might even ask yourself, "Do we even need press releases anymore?"  The answer is an unequivocal "Yes." Consumers and journalists still view press releases as one of the most trustworthy sources of brand-related […]

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How to Choose the Right Programmatic Analytics Platform

Programmatic advertising has transformed the way people buy and sell online ads. In 2021, U.S. advertisers spent 41.2% more on programmatic display ads than in 2020—and it’s easy to understand why.  Leveraging automated software and artificial intelligence (AI) to collect real-time data gives key stakeholders complete visibility over where their ads appear. It also highlights […]

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The role of Google, facebook, and yelp reviews in the era of healthcare consumerism

Patient reviews can make or break a business in this era of healthcare consumerism and online reputations. And they're here to stay.  More than 94% of healthcare patients use online reviews as the first step in researching physicians and hospitals. They’re also the third most crucial driver in consumers’ decision to select a new healthcare […]

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How to Create a Healthcare Social Media Calendar

Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic, more people are searching social media for reliable healthcare news and resources. As expectations for trustworthy, up-to-date information continue to increase, it's not surprising that some of the most followed and engaged accounts are in the healthcare industry: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): 4.2+ million Facebook (FB) followers […]

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Healthcare Industry Competitive Analysis

If you want to dominate organic, paid, and local search results, you've got to study your business from several angles.   Building a deep understanding of your competitors' strengths and weaknesses and what makes your shared audience click improves branding, SEO, paid search, social media, and other general marketing strategies.  However, understanding which marketing tactics you […]

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Local Search Marketing for Healthcare + Mistakes to Avoid

Is your hospital or medical practice website optimized for local searches? If not, you're missing out on a high-intent audience ready to convert.  Why? Because healthcare consumers can’t find your business online if it’s not optimized for local SEO.   Effective local SEO for doctors, hospitals, and health systems requires a complete understanding of the […]

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Patient Engagement Trends 2022 | Healthcare Success

While many businesses long for a return to pre-COVID normal, savvy healthcare organizations and health systems embrace virtual and digital services that champion a patient engagement future that exceeds expectations in our new reality. Has your business embraced virtual and digital patient experience trends, or are you still waiting for things to “get back to […]

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Google’s Responsive Search Ads | June 2022 Changes

Google Ads are about to change more than they have in years—are you ready? The days of creating a set of stand-alone ads, setting your daily advertising budget, and periodically checking your analytics are long gone. Even as I write this, the very idea seems archaic, and I suppose it is when you consider how […]

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What is Google Business Profile & How to Use it to Get More Healthcare Consumers

If you don’t have a local SEO strategy for your hospital or practice, you’re missing out on a large, high-intent audience. The Google business page – Google Business Profile – is one of the best—free—ways to improve your local SEO ranking and attract new consumers.  Google receives more than 2 billion visits every day, making […]

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Four Reasons Facebook & Instagram Advertising Are Essential for Healthcare Marketing

How much of your marketing budget is allocated to paid social media advertising? Are you wondering if it’s worth investing in healthcare Facebook ads? If it’s not something you’re taking seriously in 2022, you’re missing out on a massive opportunity to attract new audiences, increase awareness, drive conversions, and improve your bottom line. With approximately […]

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What is Integrated Marketing

Business leaders in every industry understand that morale starts at the top.  When the C-suite is aligned and shares a unified, consistent message throughout the entire organization, it instills loyalty, trust, and confidence in your brand, mission, and goals.  Ideally, marketing relays this message to your consumers.  But since marketing happens in many channels, or […]

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What is Programmatic Advertising? Plus, 9 Tips on How to Get Started

The digital advertising industry is constantly evolving.  One major evolution is in the way people buy ads in the first place.  The traditional method was a manual, complicated process.  But recent technological advancements – such as programmatic advertising – have improved and automated the way people buy and sell online ads.   Programmatic digital advertising is […]

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Consumer Engagement Blog

Social media is an indisputable knowledge hub for every type of consumer, including the healthcare consumer. In the United States alone, eight in 10 internet users search for health information online and 74% of these people use social media. Consumers are returning to their favorite social media platforms time and again to get the information […]

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Third-Party Cookies Are Going Away. Here’s What You Can Do.

Targeted advertising is powerful and effective.   It relies on data about who your audience is and what they are looking for.  Up until recently, advertisers had easy access to valuable third-party data and targeting options from giants like Google and Apple. These companies gathered this data through cookies, hence the name, third-party cookies.  But things […]

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How to market to 65 million generation X consumers

Are you ignoring Generation X in your healthcare marketing strategy? You shouldn't be, and here's why: Gen Xers have the highest rate of brand loyalty, period. They are partial to the brands they trust and are willing to pay a premium for their products and services.  Not only that, the 65 million Gen Xers are […]

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Why you should not abandon traditional media marketing

The pendulum has swung dramatically from traditional to digital media marketing in the healthcare marketing industry over recent years. Digital ad spending surpassed traditional media spending in 2019 and is expected to exceed two-thirds of total media spending by 2023.  Healthcare audiences live and communicate in a digital world. Understandably, healthcare organizations and the agencies […]

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5 healthcare consumerism shifts crucial for marketing

Healthcare consumerism isn’t just “coming.” It’s already here.  What’s more, healthcare consumerism means big changes for healthcare organizations and officially ushers in a new era of the patient experience.   Are you modernizing your business to meet your patients' changing needs and expectations? If not, you’re already falling behind. In today’s blog post, I share some […]

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How to build a fruitful partnership with your healthcare marketing agency

Building a cohesive marketing strategy that supports your long-term business goals takes collaboration, time, and expertise—not to mention continuous oversight and optimization.  Hiring a marketing agency is an excellent option, especially when you need specialized expertise or simply don’t have the necessary resources available.  The challenge? Not every agency-client relationship is fruitful. And some can […]

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Best of 2021

As 2021 comes to a close, we have a gift for you -- a roundup of the best advice on our blog from this past year. It’s been a pleasure working with and interviewing so many experienced marketing professionals. Whether colleagues or team members, these experts are the people who bring this blog to life […]

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How to measure and optimize healthcare content performance

As a leader of a healthcare organization, you’re focused on achieving your business goals.  So how does content fit in? Ideally, it should support your primary goals.  Today’s best content marketing is aligned with business goals and drives profitable action. What’s more, marketing teams can demonstrate how content contributes to business goals.  If the business […]

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Branding checklist for multilocation practices

While branding can be difficult for virtually any type of organization, it’s often especially challenging for multilocation healthcare providers. We know this from experience. You see, most of our clients are multilocation healthcare businesses. We have worked with health systems, hospitals, practices, retail locations, urgent cares, ASCs, addiction treatment centers, and long-term care facilities. When […]

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how to build a living brand

How does a healthcare brand stay relevant in the digital age? How do you expand your reach and increase engagement on social media? And, how do you remain relevant to new generations of customers -- all while staying true to your brand identity? Spoiler: You don’t do it by compromising who you are.  The only […]

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how to select the right content types

A strong content marketing strategy includes a plan for picking the right assets for the job. While you might have worked hard to develop a brand message, the medium you tell that story through is just as important. But how do you know if you should create a blog post or a web page? Do […]

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Build your brand with live and virtual healthcare events

Live events can be a core part of the marketing strategy for healthcare systems, hospitals and multilocation practices. But, as we all know, the last few years have challenged how we market and serve our clients -- especially when it comes to live events.  I was recently invited to co-lead a webinar about events with […]

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healthcare content marketing strategy

When done correctly, healthcare content can build trust and turn people into lifelong supporters of your brand. At the same time, creating superior health or wellness content can be challenging. It should always be engaging, informative, technically accurate, and compliant. The difficulty only increases when you want to produce amazing content regularly and within budget.  […]

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Headshot of Johnny Smith, Vice President of Marketing Services at Encompass Health

Read the summary of our latest podcast, featuring Johnny A. Smith Jr. of Encompass Health and Stewart Gandolf of Healthcare Success.

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7 most common ppc mistakes in healthcare

Our paid search experts share the seven most common PPC mistakes in healthcare and how to avoid them. Read now.

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Desktop computer with the word Wellness on the screen.

Discover six key healthcare trends emerging from the pandemic, according to a podcast interview with Darwin Research Group.

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