Healthcare Success

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How to Ask for Patient Reviews to Grow Your Online Reputation

Online reviews play a significant role in the success of any healthcare organization. In fact, patient reviews of doctors come in third as the most influential driver in consumers’ decisions1 (after insurance acceptance and location). Today, virtually everyone should use reputation management software (RMS) to solicit, manage, and respond to reviews.  Hospitals and multilocation practices […]

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How to Respond to Patient Reviews (+ Free Examples)

It’s easy to find detailed guides on how to respond to reviews. However, most aren’t written specifically for healthcare, meaning they don’t consider HIPAA or other compliance issues.  Responding to patient reviews can be tricky.  According to HIPAA, hospitals and doctors aren't allowed to share any protected health information (PHI) about reviewers—including whether they're patients. […]

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How to Deal With Angry Patients

10 Ways To Deal With Angry Patients and Why You Definitely Should By Stewart Gandolf, Chief Executive Officer When patients take their grievances out on their healthcare provider, it can be frustrating—not only for the provider but also for the administration. More than ever before, healthcare organizations have to worry about the threat of legal […]

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14 Ways to Reduce Long Patient Wait Times

The pandemic fast-tracked the growing notion of healthcare consumerism, spurring several changes in the healthcare industry. These changes include modernizing business processes and focusing on improvements that positively impact patient wait times and appointment times.  It is well-established that longer patient wait times negatively impact patient satisfaction, specifically regarding patient confidence (in the provider) and […]

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8 Ways to Enhance the Patient Experience

We know that today's healthcare consumers want instant and accessible services.  The QR code allows hospitals and healthcare providers to satisfy this need with immediate physician-patient interaction and engagement – all through smartphones and tablets.  Placed strategically, the QR code does wonders for marketing. And today more than ever, they are considered the green, hygienic, […]

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Desktop computer with the word Wellness on the screen.

Discover six key healthcare trends emerging from the pandemic, according to a podcast interview with Darwin Research Group.

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Multiple old school red phones hanging from the ceiling.

Healthcare call center best practices to improve patient experience. Discover how to develop effective contact center strategies for your healthcare organization.

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Dr. Hassan Tetteh

I recently had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Hassan Tetteh, a US navy captain, associate professor of surgery of the uniformed services at the University of Health Sciences and adjunct faculty of Howard University College of Medicine. He was also a Robert Wood Johnson Health Policy Fellow from 2012 to 2013 and a visiting […]

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Photo of James Merlino, MD

Despite having entered the U.S. more than eight months ago, COVID-19 remains a health topic enshrouded in confusion, conflicting information, hyperbole, and even conspiracy theories. Everyone, informed or not, seems to have an opinion about the Coronavirus pandemic. Fortunately, healthcare systems, hospitals, and medical services providers are uniquely qualified to fill the educational void and assert […]

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computer used for healthcare marketing 2019

The Core Concept of Branding Is Positive Differentiation A brand is the total experience that a customer has with your product, service or company. Many medical practices, hospitals and other healthcare resources have, until recently, misunderstood —- or simply dismissed—the MILLENNIAL GENERATION. Definitions will vary, but the Pew Research Center provides the most authoritative characterization […]

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The Eye For Pharma logo

If you’ve been listening or reading along with us, then you know we’ve covered a number of discussions in preparation for a panel discussion about patient-centric care at the 2019 Eye for Pharma conference. Lynn Nye, CEO of Medical Minds, moderated and co-sponsored the panel with me. Held in Philadelphia on April 17, 2019, the […]

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Fasiha Haq headshot

I recently had the pleasure of speaking with Fasiha Haq, Global Medical Education Advisor at Eli Lilly and Company. This podcast is the fourth in a series of prep for our panel discussion at Eye for Pharma. Lynn Nye, CEO of Medical Minds, co-moderated this podcast with me in advance of our panel discussion at […]

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Photo of Stewart Gandolf

While I have interviewed hundreds of guests on our healthcare marketing podcasts over the years, this time I enjoyed the unique experience of being the interviewee on my own “show.” My friend and colleague Dr. Lynn Nye, CEO of Medical Minds, interviewed me in advance of our panel discussion at this year's EyeforPharma Conference in […]

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Photo of James Merlino, MD

I am always excited to interview one of my favorite people and personal friends, Dr. Jim Merlino. I first met Dr. Merlino at the Cleveland Clinic Patient Experience Summit years ago. He’s an accomplished surgeon and industry leader in improving the patient experience. He draws from more than two decades of experience to address key […]

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Photo of Dennis Jolley

I have had the pleasure of interviewing Dennis Jolley, formerly the Senior Director of Marketing for the University of Utah Health Care System, many times. In this podcast, we hone in on the effects of the patient experience on doctor ratings. “Doctor ratings, patient satisfaction and patient experience” At the beginning of their journey, Mr. […]

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Photo of Mia Nease

I'm excited to share this podcast featuring Mia Nease who, at the time of recording, was Head of Healthcare and Life Science Partnerships at Arivale. She is now the founder and CEO of Multiomic Advisory Services. This is the second podcast in a series of prep for our panel discussion at this year's EyeforPharma Conference […]

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Sven Gierlinger photos

I recently interviewed Sven Gierlinger, Chief Experience Officer for Northwell Health—the largest hospital system and employer in New York—to prepare for our EyeforPharma panel, Patient-Centric Care: Does the Doctor Know Best? This podcast is the first in a series of prep for our panel discussion. Jim Merlino, Chief Transformation Officer at Press Ganey and mutual […]

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Image of Reframing Healthcare book

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Zeev Neuwirth, a physician, author, podcast producer and speaker who’s made a career out of identifying opportunities for innovation in our current healthcare system. I first saw Dr. Neuwirth speak at the 2019 Society for Healthcare Strategy and Market Development (SHSMD) Connections conference in Nashville where he […]

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woman texting in subway

Relationship building has always been an essential part of the doctor-patient dynamic. Today, however, patients hope the doctor-patient relationship will become increasingly digital. Of course, it's just as important to meet in person as it always was. But for patients (and potential patients) with busy lives, it's a good idea to have multiple touchpoints. And […]

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patient shaking hands with doctor out of trust

Trust is essential to any relationship. And it’s a key factor in maintaining relationships between doctors (and healthcare organizations) and patients. In person, building trust with patients depends on creating the best possible experience in the office and showing compassion. So how can hospitals, practices, and organizations maintain that level of trust in the digital […]

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doctor and patient smiling due to maintaining patient loyalty

This week, I’m leaving my doctor’s office. I see a friendly, highly experienced nurse practitioner at my primary care physician’s office, and I trust her expertise. But I simply cannot put up with the lack of communication and scheduling issues I’ve dealt with at the office for any longer. I’m sure patient loyalty is important […]

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doctor listening to an infant patient's voice and laughing with mother

As a healthcare marketer, I strongly believe in the importance of listening to and understanding the patient voice. And today’s podcast helps guide hospitals and healthcare organizations of all sizes on how to do just that. I had the opportunity to speak with Dennis Jolley, Chief Strategy and Communications Officer & Vice President for Institutional […]

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doctor and patient in doctor's office discussing better care

Running any healthcare organization comes with a number of challenges and obstacles. But CityMD, a large chain of urgent care centers in New York, has found a way to expand to 100+ locations without sacrificing care and compassion. In fact, as Richard Park, MD, CEO and Founder of CityMD tells me in today’s podcast, care […]

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medical staff training

You and your team carefully screen all job candidates to make sure they’re a good fit. After a few weeks of medical staff training, your front office staff knows all about your specialty or your primary service lines, and they’re a big advocate for your practice or hospital. But if you think this is the […]

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a medical scheduler on the phone in her office

Wanted: Customer Service SUPERSTAR. It's the first phrase that should come to mind when you're crafting a Medical Scheduler job description. The person who answers the phone for new patients can make or break your organization. This is someone with the power to convert every new patient who calls—or to drive many of them away. […]

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doctor showing compassion for patient bettering the patient experience

Patient experience is a phrase we’ve all heard countless times—especially over the last few years. But when used in a hospital or practice, the phrase can occasionally elicit eye rolls. Healthcare professionals all wish they could spend more time with patients, and they try their best. But even the little things can make a difference […]

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annoyed patient in waiting room

It costs your hospital or practice about 5 times more to obtain a new patient than to keep an existing patient within your database. That’s why patient retention matters–the overall loss of a patient’s lifetime value is not something you want to give up. So if you’re losing patients, you might be...well...losing patience. The good […]

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patient waiting room

When Dr. Tim Gray started Mountain View Medical Center in 1990, he was committed to providing first-rate medical care. Patients trusted Dr. Gray and his team to prioritize their health—but patient waiting times were rarely a topic of discussion. Then, Dr. Gray received a compliment that was a bit of a double-edged sword: “Appointments here […]

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doctor incorporating patient centric care in the office with patient

From time to time, I get the opportunity to interview leaders in healthcare from various viewpoints. Recently, I had fun speaking with my old friend Michael Boblitz about his role in shaping the strategic healthcare marketing plan of his organization in two big ways: A philosophy of focusing on a few things at a time, […]

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photo of Walt Disney statue at Disneyland

After 9 years of working at Disneyland, I can honestly say it’s a magical place. The experience you get as a Disneyland Park Guest is truly unique, and it stays with you for life. It's the reason I bought an annual pass on my last day of work—they earned my loyalty from the first day […]

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stethoscope in shopping cart

[Series Installment] It looks like the majority of hospitals throughout the US want to be gearing up for major advances in consumerism. From a marketing and business development perspective, the institutions that make aggressive consumer moves will differentiate themselves from the other 92 percent of the industry. A mere eight percent of hospitals and health […]

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clock with 40 minutes of an hour colored red and text reading "40"

A professional colleague provided this first-person experience and the reasons he fired the doctor. We’ll cloak the identities involved, but here’s what went wrong—and how the problem could have been avoided. “The physician that I had been seeing was leaving the practice, and an alternative specialist was recommended. Two weeks later I was present for […]

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worn down office

Let’s call this an informal Patient Experience survey—or a real-world test of “first impressions.” The thing is, this is something that actually happened to me recently. Please let me know what you would have done in my place. Having waited a couple weeks to get an appointment I was scheduled to see a doctor that […]

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animated photo of two cafes

Each week I look forward to Chris Brogan’s business advice email. You probably know his name; Chris is a respected author, consultant and speaker…and he knows marketing. His notes are insightful, conversational and they deliver solid, practical guidance. Without mentioning hospitals, medical practices or doctors, his recent note about a Tale of Two Local Cafes […]

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fire extinguisher

Our friend and colleague Rob Klein—a consumer authority for hospitals and doctors—told us this story from a research focus group. Many people in the group agreed that the glass window at the front desk made patients feel unwelcome. A glass window seems to be standard issue for every doctor’s office on the planet. But it […]

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key on keyboard that reads "influencer"

A friend of ours is a one-person blend of Yelp-and-Angie’s-List of references, referrals and recommendations. This is a well-connected word-of-mouth resource for recommendations for life’s everyday needs. Just ask: They’ll suggest the best value in retail goods, where to find discounts on groceries, who to trust for reliable home handyman services. This a person who […]

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laptop on calendar page with scheduled doctor appointment

Doctor’s offices don’t always recognize when their routines and procedures work against their efforts to win new patients or retain current patients. The patient experience begins with an instant demerit. People who need an appointment are already dealing with a measure of stress. And medical providers should not make it difficult for patients to access the […]

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two cans and string

Websites show their age quickly in our digital world. A healthcare website that is three or more years old is probably doing more harm than good and it needs a fresh start. Here’s how an old site works against you and what to do about it. This came up again the other day where a […]

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long waiting line out door

[Part Two of a two-part article about long waiting times in accessing care and healthcare service delivery the doctor’s office. Read how to identify the problem and what to do about it. The first post is available here: Rethink Reception and Reduce Patient Waiting in Healthcare.] The nearly universal patient frustration (over 90 percent) tracks […]

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upset patient in waiting room

[Part One of a two-part article about one of the top patient satisfaction complaints: long waiting times in accessing care and healthcare service delivery the doctor’s office. Here’s how to identify the problem and what to do about it.] There’s a well-considered reason that the healthcare industry is doing its best to banish the term […]

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GPS map on screen with a thumbtack on destination

[Emerging consumerism series article] Healthcare’s traditional delivery systems and marketing means and methods are changing rapidly. Hospitals, providers and forward-thinking professionals are tracking the online shift to consumerism. Hyperbole is a headline attention-getter. In this instance, a nanosecond doesn’t mean an actual one-billionth of a second…but it’s close. Hopefully, in the minute or so that […]

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iPad on facebook login page

Here’s a simple, easy and nearly automatic way to generate online reviews via the wildly popular Facebook. This useful tip is completely free to use, plus it’s nicely suited to many—although not all—healthcare offices and facilities. “Facebook,” declares the recent CNNtech headline, “is closing in on 2 billion users.” And just to be perfectly clear, […]

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still frame of TED Talk video

You are welcome to share our list of TED Talks for healthcare. Or compile your own and circulate your favorites. We think these presentations—each about 20 minutes in length—are TED Talks you need to hear. They provide insightful observations about healthcare, marketing and/or business. And, as the TED concept predicts, these are talks to stir […]

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group of people in huddle

Young adults are the patients and caregivers of tomorrow. And, collectively, they represent the future of patient engagement. They are researching, networking, and socializing every day through their mobile devices. Does your practice have a responsive or mobile-friendly website ready for them? Does your content marketing target them effectively? If you answered “no” (or “I […]

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file cabinet

At a routine medical appointment yesterday, a friend of mine was greeted with a chilling: “Please sign in, and take a seat.” No warm hello. No friendly smile. And no way to treat a regular member of the internal audience of this practice. Here's why: The math is simple and straightforward. It costs at least five […]

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computer with text that reads "Reputation Management"

If nobody’s aware that your patients are satisfied, does it even matter? Related: 9 Essential Steps to Improve Doctor Ratings Online Yes, of course it matters — but it isn’t helping your marketing. Word-of-mouth and online review websites are the dominant resources patients use to select their doctors. Which means that in 2017, taking charge […]

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doctor holding patients hand

Anyone who knows me personally or professionally would likely agree that I’m sort of a high-energy guy. Nevertheless, we would also agree, that heavy-handed swear words are not in my usual nature or vocabulary. But -- there’s an important lesson for others in this tale, so I’ll confess to this recent, embarrassing exception. The story goes […]

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image of clock at train station and text reading "Winning more patients: Its time to be on time"

Editor’s Note: In this guest post, Neil H. Baum, MD, presents doctor-to-doctor ideas founded in his 30-plus years of real-world experience as a practicing urologist in New Orleans. Want more patients? How about more patients without a big-budget investment? Can you attract more patients who won’t stress your staff? Want more patients who you can […]

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patient and doctor doing telemedicine

Primary care practices don’t need to look far to find new patients. Two surveys found that 20 percent of consumers are willing to jump to a video-enabled provider. Here’s why the convenience of telehealth is driving a consumer trend in primary and chronic care. To set the stage, a friend talks about technically-backwards medical offices. None of […]

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front of publix store

The inspiration for this article came from my favorite grocery store, Publix. I was raised in the southeast, and developed a strong attachment for the chain. If you haven’t visited a Publix before, it’s hard to image what makes this grocery store different from others. Every time I walk in, I feel a sense of […]

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