Healthcare Success

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Doctor Marketing: How to Integrate Doctors Into Your Marketing Programs

Doctors are central to the success of virtually every multi-location healthcare practice and health system we work with. Moreover, today’s doctor partners have strong opinions about marketing and growing their locations within the larger business. Some of the hospitals and multilocation practices that engage our agency have doctors, executives, investors, and other stakeholders aligned around […]

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Today, the marketing spotlight often shines on Millennials, Gen Z, and Gen X due to their vast numbers, combined influence, and economic power.  However, marketing to Baby Boomers remains vitally important. At approximately 68.6 million strong, Baby Boomers remain a formidable and highly-valuable consumer segment. Unfortunately, when building their marketing strategies, many marketers fail to […]

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How to Deal With Angry Patients

10 Ways To Deal With Angry Patients and Why You Definitely Should By Stewart Gandolf, Chief Executive Officer When patients take their grievances out on their healthcare provider, it can be frustrating—not only for the provider but also for the administration. More than ever before, healthcare organizations have to worry about the threat of legal […]

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Square - How to Promote + Distribute Content Marketing to Doctors - Article 04

Welcome to step four of our “Marketing to Doctors” blog series. This comprehensive playbook is designed to help people in virtually every sector (e.g., healthcare businesses, device and supply companies, SaaS, etc.) market their products and services directly to doctors, physicians, surgeons, and other healthcare professionals. If you haven’t read steps 1-3, I highly recommend […]

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Content Marketing for Doctors: How to Create Content They Want & Need

Welcome to part three of our “Marketing to Doctors” blog series. This series is a comprehensive playbook for healthcare businesses, device and supply companies, SaaS, or anyone who wants to market their products and services directly to doctors (physicians, surgeons, and other healthcare professionals). As mentioned, marketing to doctors can be extremely challenging, complicated, and […]

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Marketing to Doctors JPG | 2 of 3

Marketing to doctors, physicians, surgeons, and other health care professionals can be extremely challenging, complicated, and expensive. What’s more, most doctors work in a hospital or multilocation medical practice, making it even more challenging to identify key decision-makers. Not only are doctors and decision-makers difficult to reach—and even more difficult to persuade—you have to contend […]

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Marketing to Doctors JPG | 1 of 3

By Stewart Gandolf, MBA (Editor’s Note: I wrote the first version of this blog post back in 2006 when we launched Healthcare Success. While I intentionally wrote it with a quick, playful tone, more than sixteen years later, it remains one of our most popular posts. I recently updated it here for your reading pleasure!) Every time I run […]

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Doctor working at a computer.

In this guide, learn best practices for digital marketing to physicians, including tips on capturing the attention of today’s busy HCPs.

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A woman sitting at her desk being handed a variety of tasks.

Get expert advice on today’s latest physician liaison strategies to build doctor referrals.

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How to Rebuild Your Medical Practice Now and After COVID-19 | Square Image

The following webinar was sponsored by the American Osteopathic Association and took place Thursday, May 7. Almost every osteopathic practice has experienced financial loss due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and many are reeling. Fortunately, there are many marketing and communications strategies you and your team can implement to help protect your practice now and prepare […]

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Logo for the American Vein and lymphatic society

Marketing Strategies to Implement Now For Your Vein Practice A Webinar Sponsored by the American Vein and Lymphatic Society COVID-19 has caused massive economic disruption to virtually every kind of business, including vein practices. Which marketing strategies should you begin now, and which should you implement in the coming months as the crisis slowly subsides? […]

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Doctor performing telemedicine and telehealth with laptop, tablet and cell phone

March 17, 2020, may well be remembered as the day the telemedicine revolution finally took off. Telemedicine and Telehealth's adoption, fast-tracked by Coronavirus/COVID, will create profound changes in how healthcare services are provided — while also spawning new healthcare marketing opportunities. Earlier last month, in the interest of public safety, the federal government largely removed two […]

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woman reads mail from mailbox

Direct mail is not dead. At a time when email inboxes are overflowing, how else can you reach prospective patients in your area without overwhelming them? In fact, a piece of healthcare-related mail can be a nice break from the screen, a physical reminder that a local specialist, practice, or hospital is here to offer […]

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man in wheelchair checking mobile phone

In a recent study, 90% of older adult internet users said they’ve used social media to find or share health information. Undoubtedly, social media is a major part of many people's lives. And if you're in the business of healthcare, social media may help increase brand loyalty and boost your reputation. You just may need […]

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Newspaper showing "Health News"

The first thing I do when I see healthcare news that interests me or scares me (or both) is go online and try to find more information. It's a common modern reaction to search for a meaningful explanation of a new treatment or resurgent disease. And hopefully I can find more than a few comments […]

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little doctor sits on pill pack

In the business of healthcare, the level of care you provide will always be the most important thing. However, that doesn’t mean that doctors, hospitals, and practice groups should ignore those “little” things that can make or break a patient’s experience. These 5 seemingly small details can mean stronger reviews, better word-of-mouth, and, ultimately, better […]

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free healthcare marketing: doctor gives tv interview

Securing the growth of any healthcare business requires a thorough plan and budget for your marketing. But we get it—many doctors, administrators, and executives are also searching for free, simple ways to reach a local audience. Many of these free healthcare marketing opportunities will require time and commitment, but most are simply good business practice. […]

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man holding phone while on medical website

The right mix of medical search engine optimization and digital advertising can bring more prospective patients to your site. But if your medical website is missing these key elements, your efforts may be wasted. Win more patients with our top 5 medical website design must-haves. Photos of People Feeling Their Best We find that a […]

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woman searching for organic healthcare marketing on computer

Eventually, every digital marketing specialist hears this phrase from a current or would-be client: “We can do this ourselves.” Usually, we hear this in regards to organic digital marketing. While paid digital advertising is a short-term strategy to get patients now, organic marketing is a long-term investment. Paid advertising (placing ads on Google, Facebook, etc.) […]

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couple on laptop in frustration with failed digital marketing

Digital marketing might sound easy enough to those with basic knowledge of the web. But it’s about so much more than simply good design or strong copy—and it’s certainly not all about posting on Facebook. To be competitive with digital marketing in healthcare, you need to invest in your brand. And paid search and display […]

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woman holding hands over head due to bad doctor website

Doctor websites can often be insightful and educational. But is that really all you need for your hospital or practice website to be complete? 6 things all doctor websites need Of course, all doctor websites are going to be different. Some are suited for before-and-after photos, while some are primarily focused on showing their compassionate […]

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5 gold stars representing online doctor reviews

People can say almost whatever they want about your practice online. It may seem like a difficult task, but working to earn more positive online doctor reviews (and counteract the negative) is worth it--if you hope to grow your practice and keep people coming back time and time again. Having positive reviews to showcase online […]

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5 star symbols and text reading "9 Essential Steps to Improve Doctor"

People usually leave online reviews for one of two reasons: they were either extremely pleased or felt they had a terrible experience. Some people are difficult to please, and negative doctor ratings are, unfortunately, just a part of running a hospital or practice--at least to an extent. With the right reputation management strategies in place, […]

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photo of a piggy bank, a stethoscope, and coins representing healthcare consumerism

[Series Installment] It seems to some observers that many hospitals and healthcare providers are not prepared for the next wave of consumerism. Contemporary studies among hospitals and health systems in the industry believe that patient behaviors and expectations are critical. But less than one-quarter of healthcare organizations have the means to gather and analyze meaningful patient […]

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photo of sky background with paint splatter and lightbulbs surrounding man symbolizing clever marketing ideas

Here’s a brief roundup of clever marketing ideas. They’re the kind of secret sauce techniques that are highly effective…and seasoned pros seldom reveal. Each little idea is unrelated to the others, except that they add a bit of color, flair and professional splash to your marketing, PR, branding or social voice. Just go ahead—call them […]

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paper on clipboard listing storytelling marketing magic

“The best bridge between a presenter and an audience,” someone once wrote, “is a story.” Everyone is engaged by a good story. In fact, it’s how the human brain is wired. When someone is talking to us, we automatically look for the beginning, the middle and the end of the storyline structure. And if the […]

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laptop displaying checklist for best online reputation

Successful medical practices recognize that their online reputation is a source of new business—almost like a referring doctor’s office. Here’s how the best of practices influence this resource and manage their reputation, to produce the greatest number of new patient calls and appointments. Every doctor has two professional reputations to constantly manage: The “CV version” […]

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mouse on computer pointing to live facebook video

Marketing-savvy doctors, medical practices and hospitals actively embrace video tools in their social media mix. It’s one of the fastest growing marketing tools, and Facebook video is one of the most useful showcases. The Social Media world first experienced video messages on Facebook (FB) ten years ago. The platform—allowing user uploads of recorded videos—has been […]

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two people discussing a digital marketing revolution

It is tempting to describe the digital revolution in healthcare marketing using either-or terms. Articles that want to compare and contrast TRADITIONAL marketing with DIGITAL marketing tend to make two columns, with one side VERSUS the other side. The purpose, place and applications of one are not in opposition to the other. Most often, they […]

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person holding phone and listening to podcast

Learning is a daily exercise for must of us. Among the successful medical groups, practices and hospitals that we know, most are committed to self-improvement and thinking bigger. Their leadership—doctors, administrators, marketing executives and others—are committed to Continuing Education—in marketing and management, as well as in the clinical skills. The convenience of the ever-present Internet […]

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photo of audience at a healthcare marketing conference

Medical professionals, providers and industry leaders are constantly challenged by the changes in hospital and healthcare delivery and marketing. Resources are constrained while performance expectations increase. The best of annual continuing education and professional development conferences provide opportunities to evaluate and implement practical strategies and tactics. These concepts attract and retain new patients, strengthen and […]

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green thumb up, orange thumb sideways, and red thumb down representing negative online reviews

Seemingly overnight the Internet created dozens of directory, listing, review and rating sites. In a digital flash, negative online reviews—or outright bad reviews—can soil the fabric of years of good work and positive impressions. The high altitude overview reveals that the vast majority of online reviews are positive. By and large, doctors provide their services […]

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hands hovering text reading "Healthcare"

[Series Installment] Nearly all health systems, hospitals, medical groups and professional practices have two fundamental considerations in common. And the professional groups that are becoming breakaway successful have leveraged the new consumerism marketing. The first is dynamic—one that virtually everyone struggles with—is the tough competitive landscape. The quiet days of old-school healthcare are gone. The fast-pace […]

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laptop displaying text reading "Digital Marketing"

[Part One in a Series] Right up front, it’s fair to say that there are some exceptions to this overview lesson about digital marketing. In fact, a full-service, integrated healthcare agency brings marketing and advertising savvy and experience to direct a comprehensive, digital-driven plan that attracts and retains new patients. That said, digital is (almost) […]

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man pointing to marketing trends on digital device

[Second of two parts.] Healthcare continues to reinvent itself with near-constant changes in delivery systems as well as in the ongoing competitive battles in marketing and advertising. Here are more of the forward-looking trends, strategies and tactics that hospitals and medical practices need to consider for 2018 planning and beyond. Many of the trends and […]

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notepad with words reading "New Year-Fresh Start"

Resolved: 2018 will be a time for thoughtful positive planning to achieve greater business success. The best or the worst of every marketing year is the fourth and final quarter. For some hospitals and medical groups, unfortunately, this is a red flag danger zone. It’s hard to say what caused the year-end period to become a […]

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Google sign

First, a short disclaimer: The purpose of this post is not to toot our own horn. This is about your benefits when you work with a Google Premier Partner. (OK…it’s good to know that Healthcare Success is a Premier-level Google Partner.) You can work with any firm you chose. But the big-picture message is that […]

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chat box with a sad face representing negative reviews

[Community Manager Series Installment]  The care and feeding of all social media issues fall squarely in the lap of the community manager. All the good, the bad and the “everything else” from online physician reviews and feedback demands constant attention. The trouble is, nobody enjoys handling a hot potato, negative physician review or feedback. Related: […]

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dart breaking through a brick wall to hit dart board

We meet many successful doctors in our travels. You probably recognize the leaders among professional colleagues who have significantly grown their business. These are the principals of an expanding group, a multi-doctor/multi-location or multi-specialty practice, or leaders at a hospital. The important distinction—unlike many other providers—is that they are constantly moving forward. They are growing […]

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dead zone chalk drawing

As the Internet-age-old saying goes: The best place to hide a dead body is Page 2 of Google Search Results. This rule of thumb came to mind recently when someone questioned the purpose and value of Search Engine Optimization. Admittedly, SEO is challenging to understand, and even more difficult to do consistently…but as a starting […]

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still frame of animated video - humans in 1,000 years

As a kid, it's likely you spent many Saturday mornings stuffing yourself on popular children's cereal while watching the cartoons and the animated ads that touted them. As adults, consumers are still responsive to animation. And healthcare animation is a popular and beneficial tool in hospital and medical group communications plans. A consumer’s earliest decision-making is […]

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stethoscope and a stamp reading "Quality Guarantee 100%"

It is a remarkable and often painful mistake for doctors to assume that prospective patients know how to judge clinical quality in healthcare. Specifically, many doctors mistakenly believe that any prospective patient clearly recognizes that the competitive hospital or medical office down the street is lacking in quality of care. Thus, they believe, the other […]

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woman screaming at phone

If you picture the marketing and advertising process as a circle, success is when you close the loop. Getting the phone to ring is a good start and an important part of the loop. But an inquiry call—to a hospital, service line office or provider—doesn’t complete the loop. The ringing that you hear signals an […]

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group practicing successful social shareability

[Community Manager Series Installment] The single most destructive force in reputation management and social media is neglect. Maybe it’s a misguided idea that says web stuff is a simple set-and-forget proposition. Perhaps every medical office is a super-kinetic challenge of being super-busy. Whatever reason—real or imagined…intentional or accidental—a critical community manager responsibility is to proactively […]

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man holding sign that reads "It's All About Relationships"

There are dozens of compelling reasons to include community marketing ideas, activities and outreach events in your plan. For any hospital or provider practice, working with the local public—down home at the grassroots level—is engaging, rewarding…and usually, a lot of fun. Community marketing engages and attracts prospective customers on a local level through their cities […]

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chess board and red piece knocking over white pieces

Healthcare reform has been a topic of public discussion for many years. It’s a debate continues today. It seems that hospitals and providers constantly struggle to find ways to beat the competition. While various initiatives continue to search for an effective blueprint for change, competition is fierce. The health industry and the competitive landscape for […]

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coca-cola can on glass surface

If you haven’t visited the Coca-Cola website, take a quick look sometime. Your hospital or medical practice does not have to be a global business icon for you to recognize why Coke’s website produces measurable results…and your website does not. Stick with me on this. There’s an insightful backstory to the comparison challenge, so I’ll […]

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iPad with notification for eNewsletter

There’s a good chance that you navigated your way to this article with the help of our newsletter, Healthcare Success INSIGHT. For nearly a decade, our free marketing newsletter and blog have helped subscribers learn how to boost their marketing effectiveness. We thought this was a good opportunity to share some of how this works, […]

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doctor and patient holding thumbs up

File this under “If You’re Happy and You Know It” power tactics. This is a handful of highly effective little ideas anyone can put to work on short notice—at little or no cost—for greater mileage. #1: Publish, publish and republish. Consumer comments on review sites, as well as the direct testimonials of patients, are highly […]

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Star Trek tricorder

Who needs Dr. Leonard McCoy’s classic (but fictional) Medical Tricorder when iPhone health is already in your pocket? (Some of it anyway.) There are various configurations of the Tricorder on the Star Trek TV show. By today’s standards, the devices were bulky, but they enabled: Instant diagnosis ailments/disease Track general metrics/vital signs Monitor ongoing health […]

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