Healthcare Success

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hands locking pinky fingers

This is a brief article about a small-makes-big concept. It goes like this: When someone agrees to something small, they are likely to be consistent and go along with a bigger idea later. For the sake of a label, let’s call this the Cialdini Commitment Concept, and credit the marketing genius of Dr. Robert Cialdini. […]

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group practicing successful social shareability

Creating and maintaining an online wellspring of useful and interesting information is a positive step in healthcare marketing. Presenting authoritative information—on your blog, your website and elsewhere—is a foundation for connections and relationships. But the first secret of content marketing—with the rich rewards of attracting and engaging prospective patients—is inspiring shareability through your audience. Shareability, […]

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voice search icon

A Continuing Series by Raheim Bundle Just the other day, a headline caught my eye proudly declaring 2017: The Year of Voice Search. Maybe my calendar runs a little faster than others, but the staggering statistics say voice search use has already moved beyond “emerging.” The commonplace practice now has a comfortable “mainstream” foothold. There […]

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metal word blocks spelling out "top 7"

These are the seven fundamental healthcare marketing strategies that you should already be doing to ensure marketing success for your healthcare practice or business. Let’s face it, if you’re not already experiencing success with your healthcare business’ or practice’s marketing efforts — and especially if you’re not yet marketing at all — there are many […]

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reputation management sign

Someone who knows that I work in marketing passed along this little idea. As it happens, it comes from a retail small business, but with minor modification, it would play well in healthcare. Let’s call it: A Poor Man’s Reputation Management Idea. And, large office or small, it’s an effective idea that you’re welcome to […]

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police line tape and large text reading "Grand Theft"

With increasing frequency we are finding practices and hospitals that are paying for “phantom” Search Engine Optimization services. Call it “Grand Theft SEO.” They’re being charged for the services, but they don’t even have the most basic of SEO techniques in place. Search Engine Optimization is a broad term relating to technical services that the […]

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computer with text that reads "Reputation Management"

If nobody’s aware that your patients are satisfied, does it even matter? Related: 9 Essential Steps to Improve Doctor Ratings Online Yes, of course it matters — but it isn’t helping your marketing. Word-of-mouth and online review websites are the dominant resources patients use to select their doctors. Which means that in 2017, taking charge […]

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Palm Springs vacation rental pool image

A lot, actually. As you might expect, many doctors and hospitals want to target upscale patients. Sometimes it is a matter of insurance coverage, other times doctors want to attract more fulfilling cases, and still other times clients simply want to improve reimbursements. Two weeks ago at our Orlando seminar, someone asked the familiar question […]

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circle of doctors holding puzzle pieces

If your schedule permits a quiet moment, look at the competitive landscape. Group practice marketing is constantly challenged to keep up with mergers, rollups and acquisitions. Know it or not, business conditions in your service area have changed in the past few months. It could be that the territory has shifted. And, like it or […]

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phone on desk and text reading "Hello Twitter"

While Facebook and Instagram are among our favorite social media channels to generate patients, Twitter can play a supporting role in your healthcare marketing. There are a lot of ways to leverage Twitter, but let’s focus on five easy things you can do today that have the potential to impact your business tomorrow. Twitter: Communicate, […]

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text reading "When Patients Don't Care About You"

There’s a trap waiting for you in the world of marketing. And the more capable you are as a doctor, the more likely you’ll spring it. Why patients don't care… You’re a talented, personable and board-certified surgeon with a beautiful office in a great location. You have an exceptional team of nurses and staff. You […]

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text reading " three ways video can help your business"

Before we get to the benefits of video for your business, let’s clarify one thing. While professional--studio quality--video production is often required, there may be some informal exceptions. You can sometimes get away with simple, DIY videos from your smartphone. Impromptu videos of your health fair booth, for example, posted on your practice Facebook page. Video […]

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text reading "marketing outsource strategy for success-path practices"

A confounding notion in our industry is that medicine is a profession, but healthcare is a business. Think of these as opposite sides of the same business coin. The medicine/profession side leaves little time for the healthcare/business side. But, it turns out that a marketing outsource strategy can achieve critical objectives for both. Most of the time, a […]

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nob labeled "sales" rotating towards "high" setting

There’s a connection between busy practices and doctors who embrace selling. Marketing savvy doctors understand how healthcare marketing builds their business. The breakthrough business doctors understand how salesmanship is a key to success. The dreaded “S-word” isn’t in the vocabulary of many doctors. Sales gets relabeled as business development or case acceptance. In many practices, cost factors […]

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facebook activity icons

From a marketing view, Facebook statistics are staggering. Half of the American population uses Facebook at least once a month. Better than 40 percent of small businesses in the US use Facebook. That makes it the undisputed champion. It's an absolute “must have,” for your social media marketing strategy. A FB page is vital to hospitals, […]

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doctor giving patient sheet of paper

It turns out that “missed appointments” aren't the core problem for specialty practices. At first glance, it seems like it would top the list. Almost every office has some “no shows.” But what cripples business the most is when a doctor referral never happens at all. Therefore consider the net effect of these three shocking […]

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question mark transition to light bulb

The annual Google Partner Summit is a pretty big deal in the agency business. Visiting the “Googleplex” headquarters in Mountain View is an experience. Plus, this is one of several continuing education sessions that Healthcare Success attends throughout the year. Moreover, attending a Summit session is an educational pathway for a healthcare advertising agency to improve […]

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two people holding puzzle pieces

The most enduring and successful client-agency relationships work as a partnership. The trouble is, a solid working relationship isn’t easy to achieve. Selecting a healthcare marketing agency for a hospital or group practice shouldn't be "easier-said-than-done." Here are some important issues to consider. Performance is a specific measure of results, not the portfolio. Every agency has a gallery […]

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drawing of cloud with text reading "trend 2017"

The nation’s healthcare delivery system continues to evolve. A curious thing about trend-watching is not that trends suddenly appear. Sometimes that’s true, but not always. In fact, marketing professionals are aware of the healthcare marketing trends on our list. What is important--the significant dynamic at work here--is change. It is the degree of change that marks a […]

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text on notebook reading "net promoter score"

Does anyone remember the old catchphrase: “Who loves Ya?” From TV to pop music to healthcare delivery, the challenge of effective reputation management is to quantify the patient experience. We’re all familiar with fundamental survey questions. It is the most common technique to assign a number value to a human experience. Surveys vary, but there are five […]

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yellow text on cement road reading "You are you own brand"

The first lesson about healthcare branding has to do with setting expectations. All too often, the misguided concept of branding for a medical practice, hospital or individual provider is an overnight magic trick. The practical reality is that healthcare branding is a high-level and long-term marketing strategy. (Emphasis: long-term.) The principal investment is time—years, in fact—to […]

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phone and app icons being reflected off screen

In somewhat random order, here are nearly two dozen timely social media tips and techniques to grow your online audience, community and influence. The marketing benefits of social media for doctors, medical practices and hospitals are significant. It seems as if nearly everyone with a smartphone is addicted to one or more social media connections. […]

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email marketing strategies

Marketing professionals recognize the potential benefits of email as an online physician marketing tool. Patients prefer digital health communications. It’s fast. Email is convenient. And it's affordable and cost effective. But there are simple-but-essential secrets to doing it right. How to get online physician marketing right... Here are some of the email marketing tips and techniques […]

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seismic-change drawing on notebook paper

For the sake of this doctor marketing discussion, I think we can agree on two things. First, that “the US health industry is undergoing seismic change.” PwC’s respected Health Research Institute (HRI) observes that newly empowered patient/consumers “are playing a critical role in this transformation.” The second point of agreement is that the speed of […]

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text reading "data driven marketing" and man holding laptop

Only a few segments of the medical marketing industry have embraced the “big data” advantages. Some health systems, hospitals and the larger provider practices are now willing and able to collect and use data-smart information for marketing. There was a time when only the biggest industry organizations could draw down on healthcare data. That, however, […]

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sick patient on video chat with doctor

The adoption curve for virtual healthcare and telehealth has been mighty steep. In the real world, a large slice of the American public expects everyday living to be “digitally-enabled”...faster, quicker and easier. But healthcare delivery has been a sluggish exception. This picture is changing, and with it, your healthcare marketing and advertising plans may be […]

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doctor shrugging

Every industry has its share of truly moronic comments, witless ideas and brainless advice. And healthcare advertising is certainly no exception. Over time, it becomes a bit easier to identify silly comments for what they are. Providers have an excuse, after all healthcare marketing isn't their profession. However, healthcare advertising agency people should know better. Extremely […]

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phone on linkedin app and computer on linkedin website

We’ve long been a fan of LinkedIn for physicians, healthcare professionals and hospital executives. Facebook features friends and family. Twitter is fast and furious. But LinkedIn is the business-serious social media. Until now, that is. LinkedIn is unveiling a major facelift. The redesign aims to make LinkedIn users more social, informed, connected and engaged. (While […]

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woman thinking and thoughts drawn out

The formula for creating highly effective healthcare advertising is never simple. But the chemistry works best when you can answer several critical questions before you begin. It is a simple acid test to evaluate your intended advertising message and/or website. With the target audience clearly defined, the first two questions are marketing’s Problem—Solution fundamentals. Problem: […]

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patient satisfaction survey paper on desk

[Series Installment] As the US healthcare delivery system becomes increasingly consumer-driven, patient satisfaction is more important than ever. Forward thinking medical practices routinely put the patient/consumer at the center of their progressive planning. Hospitals and medical systems have the standardized HCAHPS instruments. Increasingly providers and marketing professionals want to hear the voice of the customer through […]

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doctor patient email "@" block

In a totally unscientific sample, about half of the doctor marketing business cards in front of me include a physician’s email address. The other half does not; those cards are silent about an email communications channel between the practice and the real world. And, I fear, that's an unfortunate choice these days. Scientifically grounded studies […]

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healthcare marketing social video on iPad device

In healthcare marketing, video for social media has got to be one of the fastest moving and important trends. Don't miss these recent upgrade moves by three of the biggest social platforms. If the rapid growth and popularity of social media has been amazing, the social video trend is downright explosive. Hospital and healthcare marketing […]

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doctor marketing website review on computer screen

[Series Installment] Unfortunately, we see too many of them. Website mistakes can be so bad that it’s like a doctor not washing his hands before surgery. A medical practice or doctor marketing website needs a clean, head-to-toe bill of health to do the heavy lifting and to make a meaningful contribution to new business. We […]

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doctor yelling

The business of physician referrals—that stream of new cases and revenue—depends on maintaining a solid relationship with colleagues. Doctor-to-doctor patient referrals rely on a trust and confidence that goes beyond your CV, clinical skills and professional experience. Your reputation is on the line. I have the good fortune to travel throughout the country working with […]

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text reading "Best practice" below light bulb

From a five-mile-high perspective, there are two kinds of relationships between a client and a healthcare advertising agency. Let’s label the first type a “vendor” relationship. In this arrangement, the client—a medical practice or hospital, for example—intends to buy specific ad agency services much as they might order and restock surgical masks. Passive. Detached. Truly […]

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robotic hand holding metal heart

If you’re a doctor—or plan a medical or healthcare marketing career—you can take a seat. There is (or will be) an app for that. If the futurologists are right, technology will eliminate doctors (and the need for physician marketing) in just a couple of decades. Agree or disagree? Let us know what you think about […]

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text reading "outsourcing" in thought bubble drawing

There are times when medical practices should get help with their doctor marketing and advertising from a specialist. There are appropriate occasions, and valid business reasons to outsource professional support. To illustrate, consider this parallel illustration from the healthcare profession. A friend of mine has the greatest respect for his doctor…and for good reason. It seems the GP—an […]

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"FAIL" stamp

The secret to “getting it right” in medical marketing and advertising is essentially two-fold. Regardless of size—multi-location health system, hospital, doctor group practice, or individual provider—the challenges involve many, constantly moving business considerations. And in the end, "it ain’t easy” to get it right…and produce measurable marketing results. One side of the coin is the application […]

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yellow pages book

The Intern is a delightful, Robert De Niro and Anne Hathaway comedy/drama. Those of us in healthcare marketing and advertising see some amusing contrasts between old-school business and present day online enterprises and Internet ads. If you’re old enough to remember phonebook advertising, you’ll likely recognize that Internet ads are the new Yellow Pages (print) […]

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phone screen on instagram page

Hospitals, group medical practices and other healthcare professionals have embraced digital and social media for marketing. The standard toolbox begins a robust website, plus a Facebook page, and sometimes, a blog. Deeper plans may also include a YouTube channel, Twitter and/or LinkedIn and others. Relatively new on the scene is Instagram, which is a powerhouse picture […]

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digital word of mouth image on phone screen

[Series Installment] There’s a line of thinking quietly at work among a few healthcare practices that says: “Simply being a good doctor will guarantee success.” A few satisfied patients will fuel “word-of- mouth,” and that’s all you need in business. There’s a lot of appeal to the idea of attracting new patients with near-no-cost marketing […]

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Physician Marketing Link image

What happens when your carefully crafted healthcare marketing plan causes your phone to ring? Prospective patients are calling your office. I can hear the phone ringing now. Well all-right! Good job! Whoot. Fist pump! But wait. There’s a big problem. People are calling, but nobody is answering the phone. Oops. The designated “care coordinator” is busy, […]

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pregnant woman video chatting with doctor

Healthcare marketing professionals have embraced video as a compelling communications power tool. Hospitals, medical practices and individual providers have invented dozens of purposes and places to present their marketing story via a video format. As a quick reference point, take a minute to review our previous article titled: 36 Uses for Video: Magnify Your Healthcare […]

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6 Ways to Tune-up your Ophthalmology Marketing text

Depending on what you read, statistics say that today’s ophthalmology market is either up or down. But the business of optometric surgery and related medical eye care is definitely changing. On one hand, the big-picture numbers peg ophthalmology growth at four to five percent, due in part to a large and aging population evidencing cataracts, […]

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woman smiling

Competition among plastic surgery practices has always been tough. But the scale has reset to an even higher marker—from “tough” to “really intense”—as individual providers and medical groups are serious about winning new patients. Consider how prospective, self-referred patients are now informed consumers, vigorously researching and comparing physician/provider options for plastic, cosmetic and aesthetic procedures, services and […]

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Healthcare Success Blog image

The widely popular website—AKA the Urban Legends Reference Pages—has a problem with a famous quote by prolific American bank robber Willie Sutton. Supposedly, his reason for robbing banks is: “That’s where the money is.” It turns out that even Sutton denied having said it, but nevertheless, the logic is sound. The best fishing is […]

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balancing text reading "courage" and "fear"

Not long ago I was speaking with a respected surgeon and thought leader about competition in healthcare. He brought home the idea that competition is indeed nerve-racking. In the practice of medicine and in business, you don’t have real competition unless there is an element of fear. Two notions come to mind. The first is […]

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happy face symbol and sad face symbol

This question is a tantalizing, but kinda-easy, riddle. How can the largest retail operation in the US have no stores? The answer, of course, is that the Internet (and online shopping) has given us And, by market value, it’s bigger than Walmart. But Amazon and other online shopping centers have a high-priority need to […]

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woman taking selfie

Thank you Facebook! The American Academy of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (AAFPRS) should send a warm note of appreciation to FB founder Mark Zuckerberg. The reason? The organization’s board-certified plastic surgeons are seeing a big jump in patient requests for facial procedures--because people want to look their best on social media. We don’t know if […]

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people holding paper chat box reading "value"

[Series installment.] Today, one of the paramount themes for successfully marketing healthcare organizations is delivering value for the patient. Patients—now informed consumer-shoppers—are receptive to a persuasive message that connects health care quality to price. Recently, Dr. Thomas Lee, Chief Medical Officer of Press Ganey, and I discussed how healthcare delivery has become a consumer-savvy, patient-centric […]

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