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iPad device with text reading "2017 trends"

[Second of Two Parts - Series Installment: Current Marketing Trends] The first of these two installments, 4 Top Hospital Marketing Trends to Watch Right Now, examined Customer Relationship Management, and Precision Marketing Audience Segments. Our list of top hospital marketing trends continues… The nation’s healthcare delivery system continues to change rapidly. And to keep pace, […]

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hospital marketing trends on computer

[Series Installment: First of Two Parts - Current Marketing Trends] Here are some important but easily overlooked facts about trends in general, and hospital marketing trends specifically. Trends don’t suddenly explode onto the scene (usually). Allowing for some rare exceptions, healthcare and hospital trends tend to emerge over time. The best observers—professionals who keep ahead […]

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laptop screen with text reading "reputation management"

A significant majority of prospective patients look online to research hospitals, doctors and medical practices before they select a provider…and long before they meet you in person. The digital pallet of online reputation management paints an image and shapes expectations in the consumer’s mind. Nearly everyone—customers, buyers, and patients—envisions who you are based on the strength […]

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image displaying text that reads "content marketing"

Eight out of ten well-intended content marketing efforts are at risk of going astray. It happens when potentially good results are pulled off target with the mistaken belief that “content (alone) is king.” Creating healthcare marketing content for your blog, website and online presence require more than quantity. You also need measures of quality, credibility […]

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testimonial videos 2 image

[Part of a continuing series] Consider how these important marketing touchpoints intersect: Video content now accounts for well over half of the traffic online Well over half of health and healthcare searches begin with an Internet search Positive reviews and testimonials strongly influence purchase decisions So this formula—video-plus-Internet-plus-testimonials—is a powerful combination for effective healthcare marketing. […]

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medical billboard

For some time, I’ve wanted to prepare an article about bad billboard advertising. Unfortunately, the world is overflowing with examples of ineffective and non-communicative text. So the first lesson is that creating great billboard advertising is a difficult creative challenge. It’s easy to spot bad ads, there are plenty of them. Perhaps this is because […]

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key on keyboard reading "influencer"

Right out of the box you should know that working with your digital influencers is a useful way to bolster your social media presence. But you should also know that it’s an advanced, sophisticated and challenging method that’s not for everyone. (Please check out this article to start. But if you still have questions, please […]

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man crossing fingers behind back

Here’s a cautionary tale from the real world. If you can relate to this story, it can either help or hinder a hospital or group practice. You may have experienced times when a sour culture or negative internal attitudes stand in the way producing superior results. Briefly, here’s the backstory from a multi-location healthcare organization. […]

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notepad with upcoming events list

Compared to other forms of marketing, community marketing doesn’t get a lot of attention or even respect. In fact, truth be told, I’m a digital marketer at heart, and until a few weeks ago I really didn’t appreciate its power either. My “awakening” came when I recently had the opportunity to sit in on a […]

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group of people attending "Building for Iowa kids" children's hospital event

Not long ago, The Des Moines Register published an interesting opinion piece about hospitals that advertise. We’d like to know what you think about their coverage titled: Hospitals spend millions luring patients away from each other. Please take a minute to review their editorial handiwork and register your own opinion in the space below. Curiously, […]

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doctor holding patients hand

Anyone who knows me personally or professionally would likely agree that I’m sort of a high-energy guy. Nevertheless, we would also agree, that heavy-handed swear words are not in my usual nature or vocabulary. But -- there’s an important lesson for others in this tale, so I’ll confess to this recent, embarrassing exception. The story goes […]

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video conferencing session in doctors office

Just the other day, an out-of-town guest sat in on a company-wide meeting in our office. To my surprise, he was super-impressed with what, to us, was a regular Monday morning “standup.” This is the starter session for our business week. It brings together everyone in the office, plus two or three people who attend […]

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phone on desk and text reading "Hello Twitter"

While Facebook and Instagram are among our favorite social media channels to generate patients, Twitter can play a supporting role in your healthcare marketing. There are a lot of ways to leverage Twitter, but let’s focus on five easy things you can do today that have the potential to impact your business tomorrow. Twitter: Communicate, […]

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text reading "Are you losing business because of a bad about us page?"

Does the "About Us" page on your website clearly identify what your company, practice or hospital does? Does it explain why your readers need you, your products or services? No? Then you are losing business. Getting your About Us page right is important because, if you check your stats, you’ll see it is one of […]

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laptop displaying marketing plan

Successful practices and businesses are built from great service, good leadership and rock-solid strategies. A good marketing plan is important so you know whom to target.   But before you get to the planning stage, you need to determine what you want to accomplish in the next 12 months. You may already have a strategy […]

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text reading "45 Reasons Why People Buy"

One of the unique dynamics and challenges in devising a healthcare marketing plan is to properly anticipate why people buy.    A health and medical services plan considers the future needs of an ever-present audience. As the familiar expression reminds us, the challenge is to engage consumers today for solutions they may need tomorrow.   […]

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laptop drawing with share icon pointing to number of people figures

The super-grand-prize for online healthcare content is when it “goes viral.” Something you created—a video, news clip, photo or whatever—is seen or shared by everyone in the known digital universe and beyond. As a result, your hospital, medical group or provider practice—for one, bright-and-shiny moment—has the compelling content that everyone is talking about. Unfortunately, it […]

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woman having coffee while on iPhone

[Series installment.] Hospital marketing professionals tend to think about content delivery as information sharing. That's good, but to be effective, the process goes deeper. The most useful creative secret in hospital marketing however, is the ability to tap emotional storytelling. Author and marketing professor Jonah Berger frames the idea this way: “People don't think in terms of information," he […]

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animated image of smartphone and notifications

Doctors aren’t the only people concerned about their online reputation. It is every brand, business and service provider with an Internet presence. But there are higher standards of quality with healthcare reputation management. Health care delivery in America is more intimate than an Amazon shopping experience. Consequently, patient experience has become a significant driver of success. Among […]

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sign reading "next exit: hassle free"

A Guest Post by Dr. Paul Rosen about hasslenomics and patient satisfaction, and improving patient care. One day when I was out of town, our refrigerator started making a loud humming noise. It sounded like the motor was about to break. My wife called our regular appliance company for help. We wanted them to send someone right away--to […]

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physician rotation and burnout

[GUEST POST BY PAUL ROSEN, MD] When I graduated medical school almost 20 years ago, the majority of my classmates were planning to work in a private practice environment after residency training. Now, the opposite is true. Ninety percent of medical students plan to work for a health system. Most will skip private practice work. […]

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patient at check-in counter

Geisinger Health System (GHS) made the news a year ago with a ground breaking commitment to patient experience. GHS was the first hospital group to offer money-back refunds on their care...and with no questions asked. The retail world provides patient experience lessons. The program is for “patients whose experiences and expectations were not met with kindness and compassion.” […]

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text on notebook reading "net promoter score"

Does anyone remember the old catchphrase: “Who loves Ya?” From TV to pop music to healthcare delivery, the challenge of effective reputation management is to quantify the patient experience. We’re all familiar with fundamental survey questions. It is the most common technique to assign a number value to a human experience. Surveys vary, but there are five […]

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yellow text on cement road reading "You are you own brand"

The first lesson about healthcare branding has to do with setting expectations. All too often, the misguided concept of branding for a medical practice, hospital or individual provider is an overnight magic trick. The practical reality is that healthcare branding is a high-level and long-term marketing strategy. (Emphasis: long-term.) The principal investment is time—years, in fact—to […]

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sick patient on video chat with doctor

The adoption curve for virtual healthcare and telehealth has been mighty steep. In the real world, a large slice of the American public expects everyday living to be “digitally-enabled”...faster, quicker and easier. But healthcare delivery has been a sluggish exception. This picture is changing, and with it, your healthcare marketing and advertising plans may be […]

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[Healthcare Success Leadership Podcast Series] What does it take to upset longstanding “tradition” in healthcare delivery and to provide patients with quick, convenient access to care via same day appointments and other innovative approaches. Cleveland Clinic’s Chief Marketing and Communications Officer Paul Matsen, and Stewart Gandolf, CEO of Healthcare Success discuss the process of change, top-tier […]

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Christian Louboutin Show Shoes

Breaking through the noise and promotional clutter at an important business conference of hospital marketing professionals was a stiff creative challenge. But here’s a brief success story—how a creative approach by Healthcare Success was a big winner at the SHSMD16 conference…without spending a fortune. Attendees at national SHSMD16 conference (the Society for Healthcare Strategy & Market Development) […]

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healthcare success logo and iPad device on podcast

[SHSMD16 Speaker Podcast Series] Stewart Gandolf, CEO of Healthcare Success, talks with Jennifer Schultz, Vice President of Marketing and Lindsey Meyers, Vice President of Public Relations for Avera Health, about their 2016 SHSMD Connections Conference presentation: Building the Physician’s Practice in a Digital World. Today’s podcast with Lindsey Meyers and Jennifer Schultz sums up everything […]

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family advisory council meeting

The “voice of the customer” is a vital hospital marketing tool. And for many facilities, a Family Advisory Council (FAC) provides the patient experience “voice.” Feedback via the FAC can be an amazing resource that drives patient-centered care. Unfortunately, it takes more than a mandate to create culture change and leadership buy-in. [Guest Post by […]

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Doctor using megaphone

Hospitals, as well as some medical practices, can use public service announcements (PSAs) to communicate “messages in the public interest.” The good new and the bad news about creating a public service announcement is that it’s free. Well…that is to say, it’s nearly free. There’s no charge for any broadcast time or print ad space, which can […]

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old school ivory tower hospital

In the 500-plus years since the Middle Ages, hospital marketing has only recently changed its perspective and community relationship. Back in the day—when nobility wanted to build a castle—they took the high ground above the village. Ancient cathedrals and churches would also pick the elevated or center-city real estate. It was a statement of visibility and authority. […]

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healthcare success logo and iPad device on podcast

 [SHSMD16 Speaker Podcast Series] Stewart Gandolf, CEO of Healthcare Success, talks with Scott Linabarger, Vice President of Strategic Accounts and Josh Fieldman, Vice President of Sales for Medicom Health Interactive, about how their software program can turn unknown consumers into known patients.   As healthcare marketers, it’s common to hear doctors and hospital executives to […]

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healthcare success logo and iPad device on podcast

[SHSMD16 Speaker Podcast Series] Stewart Gandolf, CEO of Healthcare Success, talks with Tanya Andreadis, Associate Chief Marketing Officer and Robin Ward, Director of Customer Engagement & Marketing Analytics for Penn Medicine, University of Pennsylvania Health System, about their upcoming presentation at the 2016 SHSMD Connections Conference on the topic: Marketing Automation, Oh My! Lessons from […]

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healthcare success logo and iPad device on podcast

[SHSMD16 Speaker Podcast Series] Stewart Gandolf, CEO of Healthcare Success, talks with Alan Shoebridge, Senior Director of Brand Marketing and Tammy Graves, Senior Director of Marketing from Providence Health and Services, about their upcoming presentation at the 2106 SHSMD Connections Conference on the topic: Evolution or Revolution: Your MarCom Department Must Change. Healthcare is changing […]

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healthcare success logo and iPad device on podcast

[SHSMD16 Speaker Podcast Series] Stewart Gandolf, CEO of Healthcare Success talks with Dr. Jeff Cole, Vice President of Ancillary Services at Athens Regional Health System about Dr. Cole’s upcoming presentation at the 2106 SHSMD Connections Conference on the topic: Successfully Engaging Physicians in Value-Based Initiatives: Strategy and Best Practices from the Frontlines of Physician-Hospital Collaboration. […]

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healthcare marketing social video on iPad device

In healthcare marketing, video for social media has got to be one of the fastest moving and important trends. Don't miss these recent upgrade moves by three of the biggest social platforms. If the rapid growth and popularity of social media has been amazing, the social video trend is downright explosive. Hospital and healthcare marketing […]

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Coleman Sweeney hospital advertising image

This is not your typical video role model. You may not like it at all. But hospital advertising can steal strategy and creative ideas from this unorthodox (and somewhat rude) marketing gem. This little film blasts through clutter and makes an overly-familiar message standout in an entirely new way. The visual story of Coleman Sweeney—the […]

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child patient experience healing arts

[Guest Post by Dr. Paul Rosen] Evidence continues to build that art and music promote healing. Here’s a real-world story about the power of the healing arts and enhanced patient experience. Don't miss the inspiring original song and video. It's from the Nemours Creative Arts Therapy program at Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children. A couple […]

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text reading "Best practice" below light bulb

From a five-mile-high perspective, there are two kinds of relationships between a client and a healthcare advertising agency. Let’s label the first type a “vendor” relationship. In this arrangement, the client—a medical practice or hospital, for example—intends to buy specific ad agency services much as they might order and restock surgical masks. Passive. Detached. Truly […]

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family looking at iPad type device

You know Vine. It’s the micro-video-sharing service that hospitals and medical marketing folks can use for visual spice in social networks including Twitter and Facebook. When Vine first emerged many people wondered if there was a useful marketing purpose when confined to creating little looping video clips of less than six seconds. It’s probably the […]

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"responsive web design" written on notepad

Google, the Search Engine Goliath, has been relentlessly pushing everyone— including medical marketing websites —toward a more perfect mobile-friendly experience. Google's latest mobile search algorithm update is killing, or rewarding, websites according to “mobile friendliness” factors. Without getting too technical or lost in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) jargon, here’s what you need to know, and why, […]

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stethoscope in shopping cart

The concept of consumerism in healthcare delivery is a page from the retail world. Although it predates the Affordable Care Act—a major driver in consumerism—it’s a trend that has gained significant traction with health systems, hospitals and medical practices. And, by most indicators, healthcare consumerism is rapidly becoming a top imperative for marketing professionals. The […]

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über on samsung device

[Guest Post by Dr. Paul Rosen] For the past two months, I have been taking Uber cars around Delaware when I go to the train or to the airport. I have taken about 10 rides and every one has been a pleasurable experience. The drivers are friendly, the cars are clean, the car arrives in […]

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pill bottle with skull and crossbones label

At first, I really couldn’t believe what I was reading: “The decline of medicine as a profession began,” according to the blog post, “when it became legal for doctors and hospitals to advertise.” Really? Now that’s an effective, attention-getting lead sentence, especially for a seasoned healthcare marketing professional like myself. Evidently, the demise of modern […]

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man giving speech

Early in his journalism career, a professional colleague worked as a field reporter for a top-rated radio station. On any given day, his assignments could range from (boring) City Council sessions to catastrophic five-alarm fires. Some of the most interesting and challenging journalism sprang from the opportunity to report on issues and candidates in the […]

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pregnant woman video chatting with doctor

Healthcare marketing professionals have embraced video as a compelling communications power tool. Hospitals, medical practices and individual providers have invented dozens of purposes and places to present their marketing story via a video format. As a quick reference point, take a minute to review our previous article titled: 36 Uses for Video: Magnify Your Healthcare […]

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man crossing arms

The doctor's comment was a bit startling, but it was entirely believable. A physician-friend tells us that 75 percent of doctors forget to introduce themselves properly when meeting patients. OK…it’s a hectic day in the office. Behind schedule…again. The usual stuff. But without a proper introduction—quick, simple, sincere—everything that follows in the encounter is slightly off-center […]

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doctor pop up out of laptop

Guest Post contributed by JT Ripton Telemedicine is a significant technological and business trend that is influencing medical practice marketing, patient engagement and revenue. Industry estimates report over 800,000 telemedicine consultations in 2015, and the president of the American Telemedicine Association (ATA), Dr. Reed Tuckson, declaring telehealth a mainstream slice of healthcare. Advances in tele […]

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Healthcare Success Blog image

The widely popular website—AKA the Urban Legends Reference Pages—has a problem with a famous quote by prolific American bank robber Willie Sutton. Supposedly, his reason for robbing banks is: “That’s where the money is.” It turns out that even Sutton denied having said it, but nevertheless, the logic is sound. The best fishing is […]

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people at bus stop and text reading ""

[Series Installment] When you begin to develop marketing ideas for hospitals and healthcare providers, you bump into some apparent contradictions to be sorted out. There’s the business of consumerism, for example, where traditional patients have become (or are rapidly becoming) informed consumers, newly empowered to make their own health care buying decisions. The medical purchasing […]

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