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15 Healthcare Marketing Strategies

Healthcare consumerism has drastically changed the way healthcare professionals need to market and deliver their services. Today’s consumers expect a healthcare experience as innovative and digitally advanced as any other industry. Hospitals, health systems, and medical practices must evolve to meet these changing needs to remain competitive or risk falling behind. As more healthcare professionals […]

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A couple sitting on the sofa with a laptop featuring a telehealth appointment.

Get expert tips on how to market your telehealth services online and beat your competition.

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Doctor performing telemedicine and telehealth with laptop, tablet and cell phone

March 17, 2020, may well be remembered as the day the telemedicine revolution finally took off. Telemedicine and Telehealth's adoption, fast-tracked by Coronavirus/COVID, will create profound changes in how healthcare services are provided — while also spawning new healthcare marketing opportunities. Earlier last month, in the interest of public safety, the federal government largely removed two […]

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Doctor sitting at desk with cell phone in hand

Today I am going to share some important ways that doctors, hospitals and healthcare marketers can use social media to inform the public during the COVID-19 crisis. Priority One: Use social media to convince people to comply with social distancing, and consequently help us all, “flatten the curve!” The US Surgeon General, Dr. Jerome Adams, […]

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Stewart Gandolf, CEO, Healthcare Success photo

Our team at Healthcare Success is currently advising clients about how they should adjust their marketing efforts in response to the COVID-19 national emergency, and I thought I would share some of our thinking with readers like you as well. These are fast-changing and confusing times. Remember, SXSW was canceled on March 6.  By March 9, […]

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man in wheelchair checking mobile phone

When it comes to online content, video is king. YouTube is now the second-most widely used search engine in the world, so there’s no question that this mode of media is preferred amongst many. Your prospective patients may be more likely to watch a video than read an explainer article or browse your website. Healthcare […]

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doctor pop up out of laptop

Guest Post contributed by JT Ripton Telemedicine is a significant technological and business trend that is influencing medical practice marketing, patient engagement and revenue. Industry estimates report over 800,000 telemedicine consultations in 2015, and the president of the American Telemedicine Association (ATA), Dr. Reed Tuckson, declaring telehealth a mainstream slice of healthcare. Advances in tele […]

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telehealth lightbulb

Change isn’t coming; it’s an ever-present consideration. Simply keeping pace is the challenge for physicians, medical practice administrators and hospital leadership. Telehealth—and its various facets—continues to emerge as an important and strong change agent. And two recent, in-depth reports provide guidance for doctors, industry executives and forward-looking marketing professionals. As a component of health transformation, […]

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The diverse faces of telehealth—from virtual doctor consultations to remotely monitored patients—are continuing on a solid growth path. One assessment, by IHS Technology, says that doctors’ virtual consults with patients will double in less than five years, reports Forbes. Marketing strategies for hospitals, doctors and health systems will continue to adjust to keep up with […]

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Here’s a totally unscientific marketing experiment: Look up from your smartphone (just for a moment) and scan the people at any Starbucks—or any airline departure lounge—or any street corner. It’s become a social caricature: People of all ages have their heads down with a deeply-connected gaze into the mobile, tablet or laptop device in front of […]

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hands reaching out laptop with first aid kit

Today, nearly anyone with online access can see a doctor or healthcare professional immediately. No appointment, no travel, no waiting, no hassle. A computer, smartphone or tablet increasingly connects patients and providers via live, two-way video consultation—24/7/365. What’s more, the typical insurance co-pay is relatively low, and for some people, employers cover the cost. This […]

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freeway sign reading "The Future"

  Some observers predict that Verizon’s new platform for virtual doctor visits will be a game-changer. Like it or not, with the global communications giant jumping into interactive telehealth, the big splash will advance the evolution of healthcare delivery...and impact your future marketing plans. Recently, the company unveiled Verizon Virtual Visits, aimed at adoption by […]

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Helpouts logo

Google Helpouts: Live Video Competition or Marketing Opportunity? If “Helpouts” was just another Silicone Valley infant—with high hopes and little funding—it might not survive long enough to write about. But multi-national biz giant Google (of search engine fame and fortune) launched this new online, live video-help platform recently. And when your first name is Google, […]

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doctor's hand holding stethoscope popping out of laptop screen

Have you noticed the recent wave of TV commercials for one-to-one video calling (Apple Facetime), or multiple participation (GoToMeeting) video collaboration, or one-to-many webcasting? In business, it’s all as close, convenient and immediate as your smart phone, tablet or laptop. For personal and small business uses the service is free or low cost and it's […]

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Perhaps the single biggest barrier to the adoption and proliferation of telemedicine has been a financial one. Physicians, hospitals and other healthcare providers have avoided or resisted the various forms and formats of "telehealth" because there's no obvious path to monetize the time and effort. Frankly, that's still an issue, but it's changing. Some practitioners […]

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File this one under “doctor/physician competition.” It’s no surprise that, for most providers, the competitive landscape has shifted. But what’s unusual here is the emerging trend of online medical advice—live, immediate and direct from doctor—for a fee. This relatively new healthcare delivery channel has not only taken root, but it’s likely to continue to grow […]

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hands reaching out laptop with first aid kit

For centuries, doctors made house calls to patients’ homes. Except in some rural communities, these visits have become about as practical as using mustard plasters to promote respiratory health. In today’s world, telemedicine increasingly enables doctor-patient communications in two different places for a high-tech house call. Telemedicine is also a great “hook” for hospital marketing […]

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