Healthcare Success

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gold button with gold letters reading "press"

I recently heard an on-hold message that was so creative, memorable and powerful that I texted my editor with the message, “Hey, you HAVE to listen to this on-hold message...” I'll share the story behind my cryptic message in a moment, but first I want to address why you should even care about on-hold messages. […]

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text reading "how millennial patients are changing the way you do business"

Here's why you need a guide to Millennials. Not long ago, it was the Baby Boomers that dominated the healthcare demographic landscape—one of the top audience targets of opportunity. The post-war crowd still represents a substantial slice of the American population. But boomer-babies are no longer the largest cohort. Millennials (age 18-34) are now the […]

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text reading "email marketing and the power of personalization"

It was only a year or two ago that the trendy marketing watchword was "personalization." It seems like everyone was using the P-word in email marketing. Everyone’s ambition was to take email (and other content) to the high-impact, “next level.” Internet and computer sophistication provides the ability to deliver relevant content to the right reader. […]

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text reading "7 BETTER BRANDING TIPS"

The only constant in today’s healthcare marketplace is rapid change. Competition is increasingly intense. Group practices are the product of mergers, rollups and acquisitions. And prospective patients are confused without a strong brand message. When dynamics scramble the consumer message, consider these branding tips to differentiate your group practice. One white coat looks the same as […]

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man reaching hand out on cliff

There’s an immensely useful and effective technique in creating healthcare content that we see all the time. You might recognize it as a “cliffhanger” or a “page turner.” But by any label, experienced as well as freshman writers can use this suspenseful social media secret to keep their audience connected, interested and reading more. Everyone […]

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person looking out window of office

More than a few doctors have become marketing warriors among our circle of friends and professional peers. It seems like they recognize that medicine is their profession, but healthcare is a business. They had resolved to become recognized thought leaders in their profession. Hence, swimming against the current of provider competition, they have a business-ninja […]

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man giving speech

To be candid, few people make a bucket of money from being a public speaker. Still, developing your presentation skills definitely belongs in your doctor marketing plan. Healthcare practitioners who take to the stage find a significant—usually indirect—payback for their invested time and effort. Countless venues, both large and small, are commonly available. It’s easy to find […]

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vote 2016 pins

Throughout his campaign, president-elect Donald Trump promised an early demise of the 2010 Affordable Care Act (ACA). Today, “repealing and replacing” Obamacare remains a priority. However, details remain elusive. Consequently what that means for healthcare marketing plans, strategy, and tactics in coming months isn't clear. In fact, surveys reveal that segments of the general public didn't understand the […]

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woman having coffee while on iPhone

[Series installment.] Hospital marketing professionals tend to think about content delivery as information sharing. That's good, but to be effective, the process goes deeper. The most useful creative secret in hospital marketing however, is the ability to tap emotional storytelling. Author and marketing professor Jonah Berger frames the idea this way: “People don't think in terms of information," he […]

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image of statistic page

Can you tell me—exactly—how much you are really spending on marketing? It seems like many medical groups and healthcare institutions are not aware that their budgets are out of control. Often, it takes an independent marketing audit and plan to expose the problem. First of all, these healthcare providers simply do not know how much they are […]

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gingerbread cookie cutter

Did you know that cheap medical websites may be upsetting Google and other search engines? A low-cost, template or D-I-Y website isn't a bargain. It costs money and lost opportunity. Google (the biggest search engine on the planet) can spot duplicate content, and it doesn’t like plagiarism. A bottom-dollar website puts your search listing in the crapper. Here’s a […]

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"on air" sign representing podcasts

Podcasts enjoy a heritage of online content that can be compelling and engaging. Podcasting is relatively inexpensive, easy to produce and often underutilized in healthcare digital marketing. And when they are done properly, creating online audio podcasts is an effective content connection between you and your audience. Related: 5 Best Healthcare Podcasts 2018 Podcasts begin […]

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yellow text on cement road reading "You are you own brand"

The first lesson about healthcare branding has to do with setting expectations. All too often, the misguided concept of branding for a medical practice, hospital or individual provider is an overnight magic trick. The practical reality is that healthcare branding is a high-level and long-term marketing strategy. (Emphasis: long-term.) The principal investment is time—years, in fact—to […]

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text reading "data driven marketing" and man holding laptop

Only a few segments of the medical marketing industry have embraced the “big data” advantages. Some health systems, hospitals and the larger provider practices are now willing and able to collect and use data-smart information for marketing. There was a time when only the biggest industry organizations could draw down on healthcare data. That, however, […]

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two doctors looking at each other competitively

The business world of marketing for doctors is fiercely competitive, and the environment is getting worse. The not-so-obvious part is that your friends and colleagues are often the primary sources of competition for new patients and market share. Medical doctors, generally, tend to be competitive-minded in many ways. That’s no surprise. There’s competition throughout medical school […]

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patient satisfaction survey paper on desk

[Series Installment] As the US healthcare delivery system becomes increasingly consumer-driven, patient satisfaction is more important than ever. Forward thinking medical practices routinely put the patient/consumer at the center of their progressive planning. Hospitals and medical systems have the standardized HCAHPS instruments. Increasingly providers and marketing professionals want to hear the voice of the customer through […]

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doctor patient email "@" block

In a totally unscientific sample, about half of the doctor marketing business cards in front of me include a physician’s email address. The other half does not; those cards are silent about an email communications channel between the practice and the real world. And, I fear, that's an unfortunate choice these days. Scientifically grounded studies […]

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customer feedback keys ranging from happy to sad

[Series Installment] There’s an important lesson here for healthcare marketing. It seems the retail world is increasingly hungry for consumer feedback. Here’s why doctors, hospitals and medical marketing professionals need, more than ever, to take a page from service industries, brand names and merchandisers. A reliable measure of customer satisfaction—how products or services meet or exceed […]

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old school ivory tower hospital

In the 500-plus years since the Middle Ages, hospital marketing has only recently changed its perspective and community relationship. Back in the day—when nobility wanted to build a castle—they took the high ground above the village. Ancient cathedrals and churches would also pick the elevated or center-city real estate. It was a statement of visibility and authority. […]

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Coleman Sweeney hospital advertising image

This is not your typical video role model. You may not like it at all. But hospital advertising can steal strategy and creative ideas from this unorthodox (and somewhat rude) marketing gem. This little film blasts through clutter and makes an overly-familiar message standout in an entirely new way. The visual story of Coleman Sweeney—the […]

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doctor marketing website review on computer screen

[Series Installment] Unfortunately, we see too many of them. Website mistakes can be so bad that it’s like a doctor not washing his hands before surgery. A medical practice or doctor marketing website needs a clean, head-to-toe bill of health to do the heavy lifting and to make a meaningful contribution to new business. We […]

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Linkedin logo and URL

[Series Installment] Competition is intense in doctor marketing. First of all, more than three-quarters of the new patients in your practice began their selection process online. An effective LinkedIn Profile is a vital ingredient in a doctor marketing plan. Here’s how to build a stronger LinkedIn profile. A solitary website isn’t sufficient "digital horsepower" these days. […]

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child patient experience healing arts

[Guest Post by Dr. Paul Rosen] Evidence continues to build that art and music promote healing. Here’s a real-world story about the power of the healing arts and enhanced patient experience. Don't miss the inspiring original song and video. It's from the Nemours Creative Arts Therapy program at Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children. A couple […]

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text reading "Best practice" below light bulb

From a five-mile-high perspective, there are two kinds of relationships between a client and a healthcare advertising agency. Let’s label the first type a “vendor” relationship. In this arrangement, the client—a medical practice or hospital, for example—intends to buy specific ad agency services much as they might order and restock surgical masks. Passive. Detached. Truly […]

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hispanic family cheering

By Charlie DeNatale, Healthcare Success Media Supervisor Reaching and attracting new patients in the Hispanic audience is a healthcare marketing opportunity that can’t be ignored. But marketing to Hispanic audiences holds challenges for healthcare providers, due to the Affordable Care Act and changing demographics. And regardless of your location, this may be a largely untapped […]

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sign reading "Who Are You?"

Change can be hard to embrace. The nation’s healthcare delivery system—which has traditionally been slow to adjust—is experiencing unprecedented reform. And with it, one significant consequence is the need for healthcare branding, rebranding or a completely new approach. The Affordable Care Act and other social dynamics have changed the fundamentals of doing business. Maybe you are […]

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pokemon GO sign logo

The global obsession with Pokémon GO is an instant healthcare marketing opportunity for many providers and facilities. This timely tool is especially adaptable for healthcare businesses with a retail component including dental, optometry, family practice, pediatricians, orthodontists…even urgent care or LASIK practices. You can also include anyone doing event marketing, such as health fairs, trade…

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"FAIL" stamp

The secret to “getting it right” in medical marketing and advertising is essentially two-fold. Regardless of size—multi-location health system, hospital, doctor group practice, or individual provider—the challenges involve many, constantly moving business considerations. And in the end, "it ain’t easy” to get it right…and produce measurable marketing results. One side of the coin is the application […]

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family looking at iPad type device

You know Vine. It’s the micro-video-sharing service that hospitals and medical marketing folks can use for visual spice in social networks including Twitter and Facebook. When Vine first emerged many people wondered if there was a useful marketing purpose when confined to creating little looping video clips of less than six seconds. It’s probably the […]

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phone screen on instagram page

Hospitals, group medical practices and other healthcare professionals have embraced digital and social media for marketing. The standard toolbox begins a robust website, plus a Facebook page, and sometimes, a blog. Deeper plans may also include a YouTube channel, Twitter and/or LinkedIn and others. Relatively new on the scene is Instagram, which is a powerhouse picture […]

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Physician Marketing Link image

What happens when your carefully crafted healthcare marketing plan causes your phone to ring? Prospective patients are calling your office. I can hear the phone ringing now. Well all-right! Good job! Whoot. Fist pump! But wait. There’s a big problem. People are calling, but nobody is answering the phone. Oops. The designated “care coordinator” is busy, […]

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Healthcare Success Blog image

A close friend of mine shared a personal story that’s worth re-telling. It illustrates a real-world patient experience that moved the measure of satisfaction from “simply satisfied” to “raving fan” status. Although this story comes from the dental profession, the core concept will easily transfer to other healthcare specialties. Consider how you can apply this […]

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woman's eye

An ophthalmologist approached us for marketing help with his well-established vision care practice. It’s a story we’ve heard from time to time in the past, and perhaps you can relate. It seems that the return on marketing ophthalmology services has, somewhat to his surprise, quietly slipped downhill. He believed that he, personally, was a recognized […]

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6 Ways to Tune-up your Ophthalmology Marketing text

Depending on what you read, statistics say that today’s ophthalmology market is either up or down. But the business of optometric surgery and related medical eye care is definitely changing. On one hand, the big-picture numbers peg ophthalmology growth at four to five percent, due in part to a large and aging population evidencing cataracts, […]

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doctors in huddle over patient view point

Healthcare leadership and teamwork are being redefined—for greater efficiency and better outcomes—with an improved, collegial and patient-centered care delivery pathway. Doctors, staff members and other providers and professionals are investing in training for the next level in organizational and individual leadership. The challenge, however, is that the traditional hierarchy is slow to change. Some organizations, […]

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people at bus stop and text reading ""

[Series Installment] When you begin to develop marketing ideas for hospitals and healthcare providers, you bump into some apparent contradictions to be sorted out. There’s the business of consumerism, for example, where traditional patients have become (or are rapidly becoming) informed consumers, newly empowered to make their own health care buying decisions. The medical purchasing […]

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balancing text reading "courage" and "fear"

Not long ago I was speaking with a respected surgeon and thought leader about competition in healthcare. He brought home the idea that competition is indeed nerve-racking. In the practice of medicine and in business, you don’t have real competition unless there is an element of fear. Two notions come to mind. The first is […]

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doctor talking with patient

Face-to-face with patients, doctors are expected to do more and communicate better within the same or less time with the patient. It’s the “catch-22” of healthcare’s patient-centered, world. In addition to excellence in clinical care, and a positive outcome, effective and empathetic communications is the essential ingredient. The typical “10-minute-and-10-second” doctor-patient encounter is an agenda […]

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small screen media icons on iPhone

I don’t remember exactly when the first flat screen television appeared in a retail store. It’s been a while, but at least some of our readers will recollect a time when the bulky cathode ray tube (CRT) defined the profile of everyone’s television set. What I do recall about the then-new “flat screen” television was […]

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Healthcare Success Blog image

[Series Installment] Once upon a time—as all fanciful tales begin—us good common folk of the kingdom never thought to question the reputation or chivalry of noblemen or knights. Nobles had their regal robes, and knights had their armor. And, in this bygone era in healthcare’s crown estate, legions esteemed their doctors, physicians and surgeons—the much […]

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Healthcare Success Blog image

We spot something new in healthcare marketing and advertising almost daily. And a few new things make enough of a splash to hold our attention. Three items worth sharing crossed our radar recently. Facebook Canvas is in the “here and now” category. We would call Care Messenger “emerging, with potential.” And Virtual Reality Marketing, is just […]

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Healthcare Success Blog image

We all face the challenge of working smarter, not harder. Healthcare marketing professionals know the struggle to deliver maximum results from limited or shrinking resources. So one of the important questions is: Where to get the biggest bang for your digital marketing? Glad you asked. It seems that the research folks at Ascend2 tested the […]

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boxing glove punching flying man

Many doctors and medical practice executives have their marketing brains on overdrive. They’re looking for new, better, improved and/or more efficient ways to attract new patients and cases. The marketing and advertising plan (a left-over from last year) isn’t delivering results. The entire competitive landscape has changed, and not for the better. New patients seem […]

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"leaving comfort zone!" sign

A breakthrough idea can be a scary thing. The nation’s healthcare delivery system has been a sea of change in general. But particularly off-putting are the notions that sharply depart from the comfort, familiarity and predictability of traditional ways of doing things. As a case in point, we might reasonably imagine the reactions of doctors […]

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animated image of man doing public speaking

Elementary advice about effective public speaking will remind you to know your audience, practice and know your material, smile, make eye contact, project your voice and other basics. With those tips alone—especially with practice and confidence—you’ll likely give a good presentation. When “good” isn’t good enough… For the president of the local Rotary club (a […]

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notepad paper with text reading "WHY?"

Quite often, we see outdoor advertising for hospitals that is giant-sized evidence of a marketing department’s silent scream. Internal politics—more than any clear business purpose—dictated that the billboards prominently display a doctor’s picture. Or we see a stunning portrait of the hospital’s shiny “light speed” CT hardware. (Maybe both.) Yes, doctors are the soul of […]

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health care reform paper

It would be difficult for the general public to miss the daily torrent of news media coverage about the run-up to the next presidential election. But hospital administrators and healthcare communications professionals are focused on  Health and Human Services' increasing emphasis on “quality-based payments,” “patient-centered systems” and “delivery system reforms.” There’s far less mainstream news […]

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social media bad guy image

You might be surprised to learn how often we get questions about social media. Medical practices—and sometimes larger healthcare providers—want our help to “fix their social media.” The problem isn't the call; that's a lot of what we do for professionals. The core issue is that social media (SM) isn't the bad guy, and not the […]

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political talk microphones image

As the nation’s political season heats up every four years or so, we’re all bombarded with news coverage that’s all about candidates and their campaigns. Right up front, I want you to know that this article isn’t for or against a particular political perspective. But as an independent observer I want to spotlight an important […]

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patient loyalty level scale

GUEST POST by Joel Cordle Acquiring new patients is a continuing challenge for doctors and healthcare providers, but perhaps the greater challenge—with longer-term rewards—is the ongoing effort to build trust and loyalty with existing patients. Here are several strategies to engage healthcare consumers and increase patient loyalty. Build your brand Branding is not just about […]

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