Healthcare Success

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mouse on computer pointing to live facebook video

Marketing-savvy doctors, medical practices and hospitals actively embrace video tools in their social media mix. It’s one of the fastest growing marketing tools, and Facebook video is one of the most useful showcases. The Social Media world first experienced video messages on Facebook (FB) ten years ago. The platform—allowing user uploads of recorded videos—has been […]

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two people discussing a digital marketing revolution

It is tempting to describe the digital revolution in healthcare marketing using either-or terms. Articles that want to compare and contrast TRADITIONAL marketing with DIGITAL marketing tend to make two columns, with one side VERSUS the other side. The purpose, place and applications of one are not in opposition to the other. Most often, they […]

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person holding phone and listening to podcast

Learning is a daily exercise for must of us. Among the successful medical groups, practices and hospitals that we know, most are committed to self-improvement and thinking bigger. Their leadership—doctors, administrators, marketing executives and others—are committed to Continuing Education—in marketing and management, as well as in the clinical skills. The convenience of the ever-present Internet […]

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photo of laptop displaying digital data marketing strategy

More than at any time in the past, the Internet is the primary pathway to hospitals and healthcare providers for today’s informed consumer. There isn’t a hospital or healthcare marketing professional who hasn’t heard the stat that “over 70 percent of Internet users looked online for health information.” Pew Research confirms that the percent of […]

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person looking up hospital marketing trends on ipad

In the months ahead, emerging market trends will reveal many important hospital marketing trends—more than we have space to unwrap in detail here. The following issues, however, are among the most important marketing-related ideas to track as they unfold. You are probably aware of these issues. Although they may be familiar, most are likely to […]

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100 dollar bills representing revenue

Not long ago, we published an article titled: Doctors Don’t Advertise” and 10 Other Lame Marketing Myths. Some of the ill-advised “reasons” on our list sounded a wake-up call for a few readers. It turns out that they recognized that medicine is a profession, but healthcare is a business. Ultimately, for every hospital and healthcare […]

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photo of audience at a healthcare marketing conference

Medical professionals, providers and industry leaders are constantly challenged by the changes in hospital and healthcare delivery and marketing. Resources are constrained while performance expectations increase. The best of annual continuing education and professional development conferences provide opportunities to evaluate and implement practical strategies and tactics. These concepts attract and retain new patients, strengthen and […]

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piece of paper with text reading "Improve your SEO ranking"

The curious thing about medical groups and hospitals that want to be the “best in class” is that, often, they are already the leaders in the marketplace. Think about that for a minute. The top of the line wants to beat itself and set a new, higher standard. They know that they are good at […]

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green thumb up, orange thumb sideways, and red thumb down representing negative online reviews

Seemingly overnight the Internet created dozens of directory, listing, review and rating sites. In a digital flash, negative online reviews—or outright bad reviews—can soil the fabric of years of good work and positive impressions. The high altitude overview reveals that the vast majority of online reviews are positive. By and large, doctors provide their services […]

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scrabble pieces spelling out "who do you trust?"

A fisherman’s first question is always: “Are they biting?” And regardless of the response, the second question is always: “What bait are you using?” It’s easy to see the marketing analogy. First, do your new business fishing where the fish are. And second, know the prospective patients’ healthcare advertising preference. Do they want digital or […]

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text reading "Trends"

Perhaps the only rock-solid prediction for 2018 is that hospital, medical group and healthcare marketing is the ever-present challenge to keep pace with change. Competition is tough, resources are precious, and performance expectations—delivering a solid return on investment—are always demanding. To achieve a new level of success in the New Year, industry leaders and marketing […]

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Photo of Rob Klein

[Healthcare Success Industry Leadership Podcast] Our distinguished guests today are Rob Klein, founder and CEO of Klein & Partners, and Toni Klein, co-founder and Digital Practice Lead at the respected healthcare marketing research firm. They are talking with Stewart Gandolf, CEO of Healthcare Success about the State of Digital Healthcare Marketing study by Klein & Partners […]

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search bar containing text reading "Social Media"

The name of the (nearly) new player is FACEBOOK LOCAL, which is blending the lines between social media and online local search. The introduction of Facebook Local Search could become a battle for digital turf —between search engine giant Google and social media giant Facebook—and it may morph into an important new trend. In time, […]

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computer on patient centered hospital website

A major hallmark of delivering patient-centered care is convenience. Today’s hospital and medical practice patient has become a sophisticated consumer. This is someone ready and willing to select a hospital or provider based on the quality and ease of service that truly puts the patient first. Millennials—the largest of the demographic groups—want and expect health […]

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hands hovering text reading "Healthcare"

[Series Installment] Nearly all health systems, hospitals, medical groups and professional practices have two fundamental considerations in common. And the professional groups that are becoming breakaway successful have leveraged the new consumerism marketing. The first is dynamic—one that virtually everyone struggles with—is the tough competitive landscape. The quiet days of old-school healthcare are gone. The fast-pace […]

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doctor and patient smiling

Most doctors are well respected, even beloved, by the vast majority of patients. In the broad spectrum of patient-provider relationships, physicians have a positive head start. As the widely held and generally correct stereotype goes, skilled and experienced professionals in the healing arts are intelligent, well educated who do good for patients and the community […]

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laptop with text reading "Influencer"

More than a few physicians have gone into practice with the expectation, wish or hope, that marketing or advertising was mostly unnecessary. They believed that they would inspire a word-of-mouth-only (WOM) practice, and patient and professional referrals would do it all. Related: 9 Essential Steps to Improve Doctor Ratings Online That concept was popular, but […]

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paper drawing and words reading "Landing Page"

The concept of "If you build it, they will come,” doesn’t always work in business. There are no “set-and-forget” benefits from just posting a website. And simply being the good (the best, maybe even great) healthcare provider in town is no assurance that consumers will know it and lineup at the office door. Worse, we’ve seen a […]

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laptop displaying text reading "Digital Marketing"

[Part One in a Series] Right up front, it’s fair to say that there are some exceptions to this overview lesson about digital marketing. In fact, a full-service, integrated healthcare agency brings marketing and advertising savvy and experience to direct a comprehensive, digital-driven plan that attracts and retains new patients. That said, digital is (almost) […]

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wood shack door with sign that reads "gone viral"

For several consecutive years, all of us have heard the same prediction: “This is the year of the video!” We don’t know the exact moment of launch, but compelling video is now a powerful marketing tool for hospitals, medical groups and professional practitioners. And the performance stats and results are stronger each year. Let’s credit […]

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man pointing to marketing trends on digital device

[Second of two parts.] Healthcare continues to reinvent itself with near-constant changes in delivery systems as well as in the ongoing competitive battles in marketing and advertising. Here are more of the forward-looking trends, strategies and tactics that hospitals and medical practices need to consider for 2018 planning and beyond. Many of the trends and […]

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notepad with words reading "New Year-Fresh Start"

Resolved: 2018 will be a time for thoughtful positive planning to achieve greater business success. The best or the worst of every marketing year is the fourth and final quarter. For some hospitals and medical groups, unfortunately, this is a red flag danger zone. It’s hard to say what caused the year-end period to become a […]

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marble wall with gold letters reading "MYTH"

Nearly 100 percent of the hospitals and medical practices that we meet in the course of a year want their business to expand. These are the marketing savvy doctors and communications professionals who recognize that medicine is a profession, but healthcare is a business. They usually represent the premier providers in a region—already holding a […]

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telescope looking out on ocean representing marketing future visions

[First of two parts. For 2018 planning and beyond.] It’s downright tough, but to consistently attract new patients, hospital executives, doctors and marketing professionals contend with a changing landscape. Tracking with the latest trends and visions in healthcare marketing is a future-think exercise in planning. When you have the time for a high-altitude view, a […]

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Google sign

First, a short disclaimer: The purpose of this post is not to toot our own horn. This is about your benefits when you work with a Google Premier Partner. (OK…it’s good to know that Healthcare Success is a Premier-level Google Partner.) You can work with any firm you chose. But the big-picture message is that […]

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chat box with a sad face representing negative reviews

[Community Manager Series Installment]  The care and feeding of all social media issues fall squarely in the lap of the community manager. All the good, the bad and the “everything else” from online physician reviews and feedback demands constant attention. The trouble is, nobody enjoys handling a hot potato, negative physician review or feedback. Related: […]

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Photo of Rob Klein

[Healthcare Success Industry Leadership Podcast] In this installment of our continuing educational series, Healthcare Success CEO Stewart Gandolf talks with Rob Klein, founder and CEO of healthcare marketing research firm Klein & Partners. From large hospitals and medical group to individual practices, the marketing research step is a vital foundation to achieving campaign success and business […]

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sign reading "BEWARE OF ZOMBIES"

It’s tough attracting new patients. And just when you thought you only had to worry about ransomware, phishing scams, phony charities and the desperate email from a Nigerian prince…along comes a big-time advertiser swindle. “Zombie websites” amount to a rapid-fire digital fraud that has picked the pockets of some of the nation’s biggest brands. Hershey’s, […]

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photo of 100 dollar bills in a bin labeled "disposer"

Every savvy marketing executive knows the John Wanamaker (1838-1922) quote: “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half.” Somewhere in his distinguished career, John must have found the answer. More than 150 years later, it turns out he was exceptionally successful in retail merchandising, and to […]

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physician and a physician liaison meeting

We don’t want to step on anyone’s toes with this post. But marketing savvy doctors and skilled physician liaison people will agree about these common and costly mistakes. Nothing personal here—but we discover this business blunder all too often. There’s about a million dollars in revenue on the line with a practice representative or physician […]

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patient giving doctor a gift box

I didn’t mean for this to sneak up—but surprise—it’s that time of year! Right now—meaning today—is the best time to take care of the holiday gift-giving and doctor-recognition-marketing routine. There’s got to be a shorter name, but traditionally, it’s when everyone wants to thank the various referral sources among doctors. The most common referral channels […]

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Photo of Cheryl Janis

[Healthcare Success Podcast Series] This is Stewart Gandolf. As you know we like to provide our audience with interesting podcast topics and new perspectives about the things we teach everyday. Our guest today is Cheryl Janis, principal designer and owner of Cheryl Janis Designs. Today, we're talking about podcast is about interior design that benefits […]

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paper with question reading "Should I quit social media?" and two check boxes with yes or no

Earlier this year, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg was justifiably proud in announcing that the popular social media platform “is now officially 2 billion people. We’re making progress connecting the world…” He’s talking monthly active users, and by far, the most popular social networking site with YouTube registering second: The large, worldwide user count is impressive. But […]

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two drawn puzzle pieces spelling out "marketing budget"

This is the time of year when a well-considered hospital marketing budget is in the final-finish stages. It’s nearly ready for rollout with the launch of a new calendar year. But getting it done isn’t the same as getting it right. Here are four thought-leader concepts to help optimize your budget—and your marketing results—as never […]

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warning error message on laptop

Even casual Internet users are understandably fearful of online risks. This is a digital age of malware threats, identity theft and ransomware attacks. So there’s a good chance that any of us might instantly back away from a website with a Google Chrome “Not Secure” Warning. Google’s alert is cause for concern for some hospitals […]

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camera on desk and man on computer

Recently I returned from a client photo shoot and drafted this list of helpful creative director secrets to help you produce professional and effective results. It's about details because the camera sees it all. Every photo shoot—from a big screen major motion picture, to images for your hospital or office—deserves careful attention. It’s fun to […]

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man touching blue glowing text reading "Reputation"

Many marketing executives and communications professionals recognize this headline is a bit of trick. The answer, of course, is that hospital reputation management (HRM) matters constantly. Reputation is the core component of nearly everything. This post provides a few of the most meaningful moments when hospital reputation management matters the most. Plus we include five […]

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line of 7 doors on grassy field

A service line—and hospital service line marketing—are hard workers. These doorways into the facility serve several distinct purposes. Among these, in the big picture of things, is the task of communicating the organization’s branding message. In addition, there is the need to spotlight specific services and capabilities to the general public. It’s always a challenge […]

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dart breaking through a brick wall to hit dart board

We meet many successful doctors in our travels. You probably recognize the leaders among professional colleagues who have significantly grown their business. These are the principals of an expanding group, a multi-doctor/multi-location or multi-specialty practice, or leaders at a hospital. The important distinction—unlike many other providers—is that they are constantly moving forward. They are growing […]

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large size popsicle on road

A fundamental element of marketing and advertising tells us that, before you can persuade or convince an audience, it's imperative that you command their attention. And, when you can effectively and instantly grab the viewer/audience by the eyeballs, their curious mind is bound to follow. It's simply the way that we're wired. The physiology of […]

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dead zone chalk drawing

As the Internet-age-old saying goes: The best place to hide a dead body is Page 2 of Google Search Results. This rule of thumb came to mind recently when someone questioned the purpose and value of Search Engine Optimization. Admittedly, SEO is challenging to understand, and even more difficult to do consistently…but as a starting […]

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still frame of animated video - humans in 1,000 years

As a kid, it's likely you spent many Saturday mornings stuffing yourself on popular children's cereal while watching the cartoons and the animated ads that touted them. As adults, consumers are still responsive to animation. And healthcare animation is a popular and beneficial tool in hospital and medical group communications plans. A consumer’s earliest decision-making is […]

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stethoscope and a stamp reading "Quality Guarantee 100%"

It is a remarkable and often painful mistake for doctors to assume that prospective patients know how to judge clinical quality in healthcare. Specifically, many doctors mistakenly believe that any prospective patient clearly recognizes that the competitive hospital or medical office down the street is lacking in quality of care. Thus, they believe, the other […]

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woman screaming at phone

If you picture the marketing and advertising process as a circle, success is when you close the loop. Getting the phone to ring is a good start and an important part of the loop. But an inquiry call—to a hospital, service line office or provider—doesn’t complete the loop. The ringing that you hear signals an […]

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computer on press release website

Communications professionals know the name Ivy Lee, considered the father of modern public relations. Few people appreciate that he also invented—and wrote—the first press release. That was a hundred years ago (1906). It traveled by regular mail and the common name “press release” probably came later. Many things about this time-honored publicity channel are still […]

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group practicing successful social shareability

[Community Manager Series Installment] The single most destructive force in reputation management and social media is neglect. Maybe it’s a misguided idea that says web stuff is a simple set-and-forget proposition. Perhaps every medical office is a super-kinetic challenge of being super-busy. Whatever reason—real or imagined…intentional or accidental—a critical community manager responsibility is to proactively […]

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man holding sign that reads "It's All About Relationships"

There are dozens of compelling reasons to include community marketing ideas, activities and outreach events in your plan. For any hospital or provider practice, working with the local public—down home at the grassroots level—is engaging, rewarding…and usually, a lot of fun. Community marketing engages and attracts prospective customers on a local level through their cities […]

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Mayo Clinic logo

[Healthcare Success Leadership Podcast] In this installment of our continuing educational series, Healthcare Success CEO Stewart Gandolf, [@StewartGandolf ] talks with Lee Aase, [@LeeAase], Director of the Mayo Clinic Social Media Network. #MCSMN The seventh Mayo Clinic Social Media Network Annual Conference will be held at the Mayo Clinic Scottsdale campus, December 11-12, 2017. In today’s podcast, […]

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chess board and red piece knocking over white pieces

Healthcare reform has been a topic of public discussion for many years. It’s a debate continues today. It seems that hospitals and providers constantly struggle to find ways to beat the competition. While various initiatives continue to search for an effective blueprint for change, competition is fierce. The health industry and the competitive landscape for […]

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coca-cola can on glass surface

If you haven’t visited the Coca-Cola website, take a quick look sometime. Your hospital or medical practice does not have to be a global business icon for you to recognize why Coke’s website produces measurable results…and your website does not. Stick with me on this. There’s an insightful backstory to the comparison challenge, so I’ll […]

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